Holy's Garden (Part 1)

The mom’s stem rub is a spicy vegetal type scent. sometimes borders on literal :poop:

Thanks on the great day! Hope you do too! TGIF :partying_face:


Yeah, Happy St. Patrick’s Day :shamrock:

We know how to Celebrate this one.

Its the Looming and Huge 4/20 that we are still figuring out how to Celebrate !!!

… tonight will tell


Well, I spoke too soon on that “91 Hollywood PK/Topanga Canyon PK” cut @minitiger her and the JJ’s Nigerian Haze both looking like this at random places, not the usual bottom most nodes

Think another flower or two on the TK got hit :pensive: So both those cuts are gone along with their mom’s. If anyone wondered why the TK x HPK packs from stray, or any other hpk pack, had herms, it apparently comes from the HPK.

Leaves me with the tried and tested Triangle Kush and my SSDD F2 #1 girls, and then this new SSDD F2 #2 girl, looking stable as can be at 21 days of flower. Freed up some room in my mom, veg, and flower area’s.

Another Triforce #1 cut rooted so I got that planted. Should have two of those and these two Maple Leaf x Mazar-I-Shariff cuts

to stick into that flood table here in a couple more weeks :muscle:


Thank you for letting me know this exists, I’ve used Victor Tiedjens’ “Vegetable Encyclopedia” for many years and never thought to look up his other works, I found a PDF of the lime book to share here:

More Food from Soil Science.pdf (1.4 MB)


I had to post a little more about the encyclopedia, it is an absolutely lovely and historic book that costs like $10 online for a nice copy, I try to collect food books with exceptional illustrations and design/font/layout, and this edition pictured here and above is one of my top 10 easily:

A neat manual feed flood and drain setup for a window box, you just tilt up the reservoir to flood:

I’m unclear on how true it is, but it seems like he maybe sorta introduced soilless growing to Americans in the 1940s, maybe invented it?


Aw, man, that sucks. I didn’t have any issues with the Pura Vida f2’s, no sacs during the grow and no seeds found while I was trimming the first one. Hopefully I won’t find any on the second one when I trim her haha.

Is that the HPK that you were growing? The one that stray used?

Just looking at that lineage, TK x HPK, it looks like he reversed an HPK clone to make that cross? Could that have something to do with the herms? I’ve read that reversed females can sometimes end up producing herm offspring. Or whatever haha.


Yeah I mean… the Hollywood slash Topanga canyon go by like 4 different names but if it is what its supposed to be, it is the same cut stray used and bodhi used.

I would agree he reversed the HPK onto the TK for that cross. I think this HPK is an S1 of the TK anyways. So doubled up on the herm gene and then added more with the cross back to the TK. The TK will throw a single anther(banana) at 35 days and that is it. No balls or anything else. No late nanners.


Yeah, that’s kind of what I was getting at, was that if stray used it, it’s probably the same one that Bodhi used to make the Pura Vida and whatever other HPK crosses he may have made (can’t think of any others offhand).

Anyway… Whatever haha. Sucks about the nanners, but what can you do? Besides trash them, I mean haha.


Right, I’m not worried about it. Sucks losing the time but that’s the risk with new plants and cuts. Gotta try them out first to find out so it is what it is.

I’m also ruthless when it comes to balls at ~3 weeks so both the HPK and JJ’s Nigerian Haze plants, mom’s, cuts have all been trashed. Keeping the TK and still need to decide between these two Triforce girls.


That fucking sucks about the intersex issues, but you seem to be taking it in strides. Good on you!

Intersex issues are always a pain, but doesn’t it just add insult to injury whenever it is supposedly a tried and true “elite” (whatever the fuck that means haha) that everyone raves about? Also those $300 packs that were so hyped up haha.

Thank you for using the correct terminology! I used to care so much about this whenever I was much younger and tried to turn other people onto botanical terms etc, if only to help our community (it was a much smaller and more tightknit community back then haha) be a little more respected by similar communities. These days, I could basically give a fuck less what other people refer to things as haha, but I do always appreciate whenever I see the correct terminology utilized.

Beautiful thread, as always! Positive vibes…



I do try and take it stride but it does grind my gears a bit :sweat_smile:

How I really feel is: It’s rude as fuck imo. And then these clowns go
I don’t have time nor need to be sitting here watching a plant to check for balls everytime I grow it.
Nor should I have to shave the lowers every couple weeks and sacrifice yield to get there.
Nor should I have to “make things perfect” to grow it.
Fucking dumb to perpetuate a plant like that imo, doesn’t matter “how good it is”. There’s better herb from better plants that don’t do that so stop perpetuating clones and seeds from herms.
/End rant

Thanks for the kind words! I like to say

Lol but still just a hobbyist :blush:


I agree, the bullshit that gets released is amazingly poor at times. On another site they did a test buy and grow of some $$$$$$ well known seeds. Herm rate was like 70 % and i do not think even one plant was flowered out completely. Packs were 500 each i think .

Wouldnt you just want to crawl under a rock if those were your product???


That sounds like junky seeds wedding cake f4 grow out we did right here last year

Every single girl hermed. Think it was 3x $500 packs.


Agree with your rant as well as your approach of culling on sight. I’ve encountered a few intersex issues in crosses using multiple diff males from B’s work but I appreciate how he at least makes an attempt to caution his customers with some of his less stable stuff, IE “OUTDOOR ONLY” on the packs.



So my Wedding Cake, is Jbeezy’s original cut of WC. I have run like maybe 10 already, 5 to finish, 2 more at week 5 right now…not one nanner not one intersex trait seen on my girl. My tents are very stable however


Yeah I definitely appreciate that. Least some type of heads-up.

Yeah I get that and would believe it’s stable. The TK is. But he sold f4s for $500 with no warning and they all hermed. Talk about customer service from that guy…


I still want to run that TK, see if it is better than the WC cut


It sounds like you’re saying the grower (grower’s environment) is the reason for the hermies from that pack of Seed Junky Wedding Cake. I assure you, it wasn’t the grower - it was the genetics.


No I wasn’t saying nor inferring that at all


Like i said above, id be embarrassed selling seeds like those. I know it was in the Levi’s, not the grower’s.
Sorry you took it wrong