Holy's Garden (Part 1)

Yeah i’m working on cuts for people. Like the WC, she’s a bitch to root. I’m hoping to stick one out back for the summer this year to try and revitalize her. Take new cuts for indoors again that should root better. I do think she crushes the WC in power. Doesn’t have that same flavor, but what she does have is deep af and tasty regardless.


I trimmed up the TriForce #1 mom and stuck her into the flower tray. I have two other cuts of her in veg so will use one to make a new mom.

Day 1 for her, day 22 for everything else. She should finish right when the TK does :wink:
Just gonna have to stay up on crushing her stems every couple days so she doesn’t outgrow the tent. I was able to limit the TK’s normal 4x stretch to a respectable 2.5x by doing the same thing. Pinching just enough to feel the stem buckle. Only on the growing tips. Probably top ~6 inches of stem growth only; tho at the beginning I did the whole length of each branch.

In other news, I finally got my NL5Haze/SensiStar F3 #5 girl back!

She looks a bit f’d up but she is 973 days old today. Mom to the NorthStar line and half the “F2’s” I gave out. Gonna get her cleaned up and new cuts taken. Should be just in time to run her out with the Neville’s Haze x C5Mango F2’s. If thing’s go how I suspect, will be taking a male of those to her on that run :muscle:


Morning @HolyAngel
Sorry it took a couple of days to get back to you, but the Stem Rub of the SSDD f2 bx1… was nothing but warm butter. No mistaking it.
There were no additional smells, other than this obvious one, middle of week 9


LOl i was just about to post that thread when i read his post. that thread pissed me off so bad especially how they dont replace packs. that was such frustration i felt for @Purple-N-Hairy much like your feeling with your herm luck i suppose


I got the ExHale 365 CO2 bag setup and hanging in the 4x4 tent last night

~9 months of co2 production for a 4x4 for under $50 seemed like a no-brainer, especially if it makes a noticeable difference of which I am positive it will. Amazon has them for ~$47 shipped but I’ve seen other sites sell the same bag for around $30 so might pay to shop around a bit. I’m already seeing the bag puff out a bit as of this morning so hopefully it’ll get going in a few days or a week or two.

Other than that, I think this ProGrow640 might be stomping the HLG RSpec boards. I don’t have any exact measurements or anything but all the flowers look a lot fatter, a lot earlier, than I ever remember them being during the last few years of growing under those RSpec’s :thinking:


Good morning HA

I’ve always wanted to try co2
I feel it’s reasonably priced

Do you use it only in flower and I read it should only be on at night is this correct ?

I run leds would this be an issue mostly seen hps grows with co2 ?


Well… this is a bag of mycelium that produces co2 so no way to turn it on or off. It’s in the flower tent sitting above the plants next to a fan that blows down across the plants. I imagine some will get out of the tent and benefit my veg plants too.

Extra CO2 is useful during all stages of growth.

I run LED’s only, lighting shouldn’t matter. The idea was more prevalent back when HID’s were a thing and you just don’t see it talked about much with LED’s but I’d think it’d be even more necessary since good LED’s drive the plants harder than HID’s do.


I was thinking about one of those but I wasn’t sure about the effects of exhaust venting from the tent.
Do you try to minimize that or are you doing something like venting back into the ‘lung room’ (external to the tent) to recycle?



It’s venting into the lung room with the veg plants to be recycled so hopefully shouldn’t be any buildup or anything :thinking:


I’ll run c02 from early veg right till harvest still old school hps and running a burner . I cut it back the last couple weeks from 1000/1200 to around 600 .

Best to be run while the lights are on and room temp is up there advantages are you can really push the feed and hotter temps to the plants.



it DOES stomp it

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Flower day 26

Joy of not monocropping again. SSDD’s want the EC at least 2.5. TK already pissed off from brief 2.3 EC. Currently maintaining around 2.1-2.2 EC. Rather underfeed some than over feed anything.

Love/Hate this TK :heart_eyes:

The mom I have in veg isn’t looking too good right now. Have like 8 cuts going, some been going for a month and still no fckn roots yet :angry: hopefully soon. Been using Clonex. Some Yucca based clone spray. Cups of coco. Root riots in a heated dome… Something’s gotta work. Need to stick one in the ground outside to bring some life back into veg. Need it to warm up out there soon.

SSDD F2 #1 - My long time keeper

Already cannibalizing her leaves from lack of feed but she’s frosting up now and looking good after the few weeks of pissed off and no growth from the uppot :sweat_smile:

SSDD F2 #2 - The new girl that may or may not be kept

I swear she’s the same exact pheno as the #1 girl. Same scents, structure, frost… See if the flower is any better. Surprised she hasn’t started eating her leaves yet. Maybe make some Fem F3’s with this girl?

And then the TriForce #1 girl

Gonna need to start crushing stems in the next couple days here to keep stretch down :pray:


What’s the “hate” part about? Because the clones are a PITA to root? I love the way she looks haha, with those crazy-gigantic trifoliates and all.


Yeah hate that she’s such a pain in the ass to keep around. She basically hates life in veg. Slow to put out roots period, clones or otherwise. Put her in flower tho and she takes right off. Absolutely love everything else. I don’t want to lose her ever again.


That’s what I keep telling myself! It seems I’ve got a rotation of ways now. One works for a while, then squat! You’ve probably seen this one, it’s working for me again, for now, lol!

I love that F2 SSDD keeper. So surprising to me she can handle 2.5ec… mine get cranky at 1.3… I’m really saving on the ferts though!


Have you tried an aeroponic cloner?


Oh interesting! I’ve not seen that one but I did the see pic of that in your thread. Now I know what it is! Thanks! I may go pick that up just to try it. Can’t have too many ways to clone right? Lol
As for EC, I think it’s something with the flood and drain/bottom feeding in general. I feed seedlings ~1.8EC up until flower. If I was top watering at that strength they’d be dead and fried.

@VAhomegrown yeah I do have an aerocloner. I took it down a few months ago as I think I was actually getting better luck in the root riots under the dome. May fire it back up again and see. Need to keep this plant. Want to reverse her for s1’s and other stuff.


I do a lot better with the rooting plugs, clonex gel, and a heat mat inside of a clear tubberware box than my bubble cloner. I feel like the warmth and abundance of O2 makes a huge difference.



Neville’s Haze x C5Mango F2
aka (5HzA2 x HzC) x (5HzC1 x 5HzC122 IBL)


Here. We. Go!!
Thems some purdy seeds!