Holy's Garden (Part 1)

so many possibilities and im sure you cant lose either way you go. that tri force is just in its infancy no limits to what you do with her but by the looks of it your onto something


Yeah suppose I could just reverse them both. Make a more traditional but feminized backcross, TK x TF1. and S1 them both. I think combining the two either way should at least lock in the fat bracht trait :thinking:


Man those triforce 1 and 4 both look and sound incredible. The frost on the #1 is insane though. I love funky citrusy flower. I just got some gelonade that I managed to find 10 super healthy seeds in that I would say the flavor description was for close to your triforce. Heavy lemon citrus with a hashy skunky funk to it. Really nice daytime smoke. I was super happy to find so many nice seeds lol


I’m on your side here @Gonzo.
“To the Ladies” and Best Wishes


Man I’m slacking off in here. 5 days later…
TK, SSDD F2 #1, SSDD F2 #2 are at 36 days. TriForce #1 clone1 is at 14 days, Clone2 is at 7 days, Triforce #4 and both MapleLeaf/Mazar’s are at 5 days of flower.

ExHale CO2 bag is going, light is at 640w, temp is staying 78 or below :pray:
Other than the continual early fade on the SSDD girls, everything’s going really good so far. Been keeping EC around 2.3 to stave off more fade but not burn the F out of the TK or TF girls. I’m sure the MLM girls can handle a heavy feed :sweat_smile:

TriForce #1

Stacking bud sites all up and down the stems :heart_eyes:

Maple Leaf x Mazar-I-Sharif #2 and #3

Triangle Kush :heart_eyes:

SSDD F2 #1

SSDD F2 #2

Alright, so the #2 girl is for sure frostier than my keeper, the #1, but she’s also just a tad more leafy. Brachts may be a bit bigger tho :thinking: At this point in time, she smells 100% the exact same as my #1 girl. Blindfolded I wouldn’t be able to tell the two apart. Yay for picking out plants in veg based on stem rub. She smelled(stem rub) the most like my keeper in veg and here we are over a month later in flower and yeah, damn near same plant structurally and scent wise. Only minor differences. Be a great candidate for fem F3’s but I still plan on finding a male this year that is just like these two girls. We’ll see!


That Triangle Kush pic looks EXACTLY like my WC , EXACT:LY!!! Down to the color, the leaf curl and the trich train on leaf edge. I could not tell that from my plant!


Yeah that WC cut looks pretty damn close! Think she’s got just a few more blades on the leaves :thinking:


@HolyAngel Ordered some TK S1 after reading this thread! That TriForce cross you did looks awesome.

Pz :v:t2:


ooh those are gonna be exciting to look at! I’ve read all the OG’s come out of those S1’s, and possibly some plants better than the TK herself. I wanna make some this summer here if I can. Tag me when you get to them please! And thanks for looking and the kind words :slight_smile:


Yes, I’m looking through some Chem D Bx3 atm. But I’m going to look for some awesome Kush’s when I find a good Chem male.
The lineup is:
Wedding Cake S1
Triangle kush S1
Kusher kush S1
Ghost OG S1
Tahoe OG
Goji OG

Hopefully I’ll get multiple nice kush phenos! I’ll def tag you when it’s about time.

Pz my friend :v:t2:


@Fitzera looks like I got 7 out of 10 on the Neville’s Haze x C5Mango F2’s :partying_face: :tada:

For sure 5 at least :sweat_smile: These are in order of sprouting from the root riots. I’ve had some low temp issues and had old root riots and went same or worse ratio on another set of beans I popped at the same time. So it was definitely me, but I was also thinking these maybe needed a few weeks in the seed fridge before I started them as I had soaked all 15 beans but 5 of the beans never popped or did anything at all after ~7 days of soaking despite looking perfect. So I took those 5 beans out that never popped and dried them for days, and then stuck them back in the seed fridge. I’m expecting they’ll pop immediately after a couple weeks in there. Actually gives me some to run later so that’s nice. That or they’re already dead due to my actions :sweat_smile: Anyways, I am * happy * with these 7 and excited to see what they grow up to be! Can already see a couple differences right off :eyes:

Wide shot of the flower tent from last night

Got EC up to 2.5 and it was 2.3 this morning. SSDD’s want up towards 3 but I can’t do that. Rather underfeed than overfeed so it is what it is. The #2 is smelling just slightly sweeter(maybe blueberry-ish?) but the overall scent coming off her flowers are not quite as strong as my #1 girl. Still really damn similar though. I think I am definitely going to reverse one and hit the other to make fem f3’s before I shutdown for late summer. TF1 x TK needs to be a thing too. Fem TK BX1 :muscle: Just need these damn cuts to root!! :tired_face:


Loving the bud structure of the TK and those colors. What you night temp and at which week does she usually switch?

Pz :v:t2:


Night temp is usually 68ish, day temps are 78ish. She starts making flowers by two weeks, least at 11on/13off. Hairs start changing at ~30 days. She usually looks done done by day 56 but no way she is ready then unless you enjoy panic attacks and anxiety :sweat_smile: gotta take her to 77-84.

The TF#1 is similar dates but actually IS ready by day 56 with no anxiety/paranoia.


Dang I wish it was a better rate. I think I had them in the fridge for about 2 weeks before I sent them. Hopefully those others will pop for ya when you get to them! I’ve never tried drying them after trying to germinate :thinking: interesting idea!


Ah gotcha, they should’ve popped then. I’m positive it’s my fault. 7 out of 10 ain’t bad but those other 5.
I’ll see what I can do :slight_smile:


Technically was 10 out of 15 on those but 3 of the seeds that popped damped off from my apparent lack of care over here :confused: too cold or those old root riots :pensive: And then yeah those 5 that didn’t do anything. Maybe they just have thick shells and need manually cracked :thinking:


Getting bigger already! Save for that #2 that seems to have kinda stalled out.
Neville’s Haze x C5Mango F2’s

Day 42 for these next shots
Triangle Kush

SSDD F2 #1

SSDD F2 #2

#1 is louder for sure. #2 is same scent but just a bit sweeter. And she’s definitely frostier. Maybe a bit leafier too. I’ve taken clones of both these and going to reverse one and hit the other for Fem F3’s. Should be 100% Sour Butter/Blueberry muffin girls ALL with the nerve pain relief :muscle:
Also still waiting/hoping to be able to root and reverse a TK cut and hit another TK cut and the TF1 girl while i’m at it. Hopefully get it all done before mid-july or so as I have a trip in august that I’ll be gone for a week. Will come back in late august and hunt for a ssdd f2 male then.


I’m super excited to grow some of these out! They look great!


Yessssssss :100:


I need the temps to hurry and warm up so I can stick a TK cut outside. Try and rejuvenate the plant a bit to take new clones for indoors :muscle:

In the meantime, I think my TriForce #1 girl is gonna give the TK cut a run for her money this round :heart_eyes:
Day 21

TK on the right is at day 43 and will likely come down a week before the TF1 comes down. 11weeks vs 9weeks. TF1 looks like she’s gonna more than double the TK’s yield just based on branching alone. That’s the difference of flowering a clone(TK) vs flowering a mom(TF1).