Holy's Garden (Part 1)

That is interesting to me. I over kept 3 SSDD clones, which turned into moms when I was having rooting woes. I tossed one a couple of months ago for space reasons, the others were both moms for around 6 months.

When I finally flowered them out, they both were roughly the same size and shape, and went under identical lighting, but different spaces. At 40 and 41 days, day 41 is definitely out chunking the other. I wouldn’t think 1 day would make any difference.

The chunky one is what I’ve always gotten from this cut. I have a couple of rooted cuts going, but I’m not sure which mom they came from, so it will be interesting to see what comes from them. The less chunky does not seem less vigorous, and until you just mentioned this, I hadn’t even thought about the clone vs mom thing.

So I don’t know what’s happening, if anything, just along for the ride, lol!

Sorry for the blather, you’re plants look great :yum:


Yeah I always try and flower my mom’s out rather than toss them. I spend 6,12,18 months growing out a mom and having all those branches and a pot full of roots… I up-pot one size and stick them in flower and they tend to just take right off immediately. Most of my clones, in comparison, generally only have 6-8 branches and maybe topped at best before flowering. So my mom’s usually out yield and out vigor the regular clones.

Are they both the same cut? Wonder if it’s a potting difference or something between the 40 and 41 day plants :thinking: Like one loved it and took right off and the other needed some time to get used to it first? That’s what happened on this go around with these two different SSDD girls I have going. My #1 girl hated the up-pot and didn’t really stretch at all this round but the other one loved it.

Thanks! :relaxed:


Triforce Kush will be a thing you say… :wink: perfect name too lol everything looks tremendous man. some really frosty trees in there


Oh yeah! If these clones root soon then Fem TriForce Kush, aka slightly weird TK BX1 (((TK x (NL2 x 89NL)) x TK), will definitely be a thing. My theory is it’ll be a 100% homogenous line with lanky plants with near ~4x stretch with big fat super potent bracht’s covered in frost with a ~70 day finish time. Might be my new favorite thing but I gotta get there first.

Lots of plans this summer, not a lot of action yet :sweat_smile: But TriForce Kush, TK S1’s, fem Triple Sunshine Redux(SSDD F2 #1 or #2 x TK), and the fem SSDD F3’s are what I’m trying to do and get done before Fall comes around, before August. All while growing out these NH/C5Mango F2’s :grin:


BX ing doesn’t align the genes to become more homozygous in the common sense. The trick is to learn to know the growth patterns of the mother and select male based upon these growth patterns. Though even with a perfect male, you will not end up with a homozygous cultivar. This is because the mother is not homozygous and can only give offspring increased alignment but not full alignment in one shot. If you want to reach homozygous cultivar you’ll need to start crossing generations.

Pz :v:t2:


Yeah definitely the case. I’ve done one backcross already and some line work on other things. I also realize the lineage in the TK is deep af and she doesn’t breed true in any way. But at the same time, ‘like’ breeds ‘like’ in a lot of cases and the TF1 girl could almost pass as TK herself, so I’m hopeful and expectant on the main traits passing through, and I believe they’re within reach. If not, there’s always more work to do. Need to have a goal when you breed imo, so it’ll just be a step in the right direction :wink:


Yes, I like bxing for finding males. You just need to know what to look for. Getting a good male for start line breeding the TK is one way to go. It would be cool to at least try getting the good traits true breeding. Just following along with a smile on my face :grin:

Pz :v:t2:


Right? I’d love and want a good TK leaning male that can pass the main traits. I had only found one male that mostly resembled TK in the initial TriForce beans I ran, but his stem rub and leaves smelled way to much like the Kryptonite line for me to want to use. So I tossed him. I haven’t decided if I’m gonna look at more TriForce for the chosen male or remake the line first or maybe look at Love Triangle or Nikah instead. I actually already have a pack of TK BX1’s from Cutthroat but idk what he selected for exactly and wonder on herms. This fem backcross with the TF1 girl is just a fun side project in the meantime :slight_smile:


The only mom I keep around is Mrs H :slight_smile: I’d like to keep moms, but just don’t have the space. Up until I found this SSDD, I just took a snip before flowering the donor.

If the SSDD hadn’t been so bitchy to root, I never would have had those moms… and I only tossed one!

Yup, same cuts, from same plant, at the same time. Same pots, same coco/perlite, same feeds, same lights, same tent through veg. Same doofus caring for them.

The only difference is chunky is in a four sided chamber/tent w/ vaguely reflective walls, and the other is in an open area. I’ve grown them like that before, and never noticed a difference, but that doesn’t mean there wasn’t one!

Still got 30 days left, though… and there’s still plenty of buds on both :yum:


@HolyAngel I know the SSDD is good for nerve pain. Do you, or anyone else here, know if it has the same effects as an edible? My mom has neuropathy and doesn’t smoke.


As an anyone else, I’ve found it works in tinctures, cookies, and gummies, and vaping, at least for my sciatica :slight_smile:

It doesn’t wipe out muscle pain, but it makes me feel good enough to mostly forget it.

I’m not sure about other nerve pain, though, but I would sure give it a try.

I’ll be trying to pay attention enough to see if different phenos effect different pains.

If I can help, let me know.


jeez thats alot on your plate. your gonna be busy hopefully you get to enjoy summer as it dont last long enough lol.


Yeah as @HorseBadorites was saying, it definitely works in edibles and tinctures, and whatnot. No muscle aches/pain but definitely sciatica, pinched nerves, tendonitis, carpel tunnel. It makes me forget about all that, I can’t feel that pain while I’m on her. I can send her over to you anytime. She roots really easily so cuttings shouldn’t be an issue, unlike the TK that you need a rooted cut of to have any chance of keeping.


Between the two, I’d probably start with Love Triangle. Even though I only ended up with one female from the Nikah seeds I planted last round, I’m starting to get the impression that that OMG male can kinda dominate crosses. And that’s not a bad thing, I love every OMG cross I’ve grown. But if you’re looking for a TK-dominant plant, I think you’d have better odds starting with the Snow Lotus hybrid.

Of course, that Snow Lotus male is such a fucking polyhybrid, who knows what the resultant plants would grow like? Haha. So maybe the Nikah would be better to use, since any cross that involves the OMG would probably be true-er breeding. Or whatever haha. I’d think, though, that you’d have to look through more of the Nikahs to find a truly TK-dominant plant than you would the Love Triangle.

But maybe not haha.


Yeah I was leaning towards popping the Love Triangle first just from looking at grow reports. OMG does seem a bit dominant from everything I’ve read on those crosses, including your Nikah grow. It’s likely just gonna be up to a lucky draw though if I find him in either of those packs or not. Sometimes it’s that first bean you pop, and other times you need to hunt through quite a bit more to find it. Feels kinda bad popping whole packs just for a potential male and tossing everything else, but it is what it is. Worst case I have a couple hundred TriForce beans to look through if I really need…

In other news, this is why I don’t wanna have to “trim the lowers” on any of my plants

Bottom of the Triangle Kush at day 44
#AllBudsMatter #EveryFlowerMatters #StopBreedingWithHerms


White Rhino is another famously ‘bottom grower’ lol if you trim the bottom o it, you got nothing left hardly!


Hahaha… Nice hashtag.

Yeah, the Nikah. And the Soar. And the Smart Move… haha. The only one that seemed kinda “balanced” or like true “hybrid”-type plants were the Mango Biche cross. I’m assuming that finding female-dominant plants (or even 50/50-type plants) just depends on the female that Bodhi crossed to that OMG male. And since you’ve noticed that the TK can kind of be recessive, odds are probably not in your favor with the Nikah.

But who knows? Maybe I’ll plant some more of those seeds here pretty soon and try to find out haha.

I mean… Would you really trash the females? Maybe you’ll find something awesome haha. Even if they don’t align with your breeding goals, they still might be worth growing, if only for one round.


Nikah could be simpler to determine which phenos are TK dom since omg has such a different structure. Snow lotus is pretty stretchy and viney… different than TK in structure but more similar. Also the lemon afghan thing may be closer to TK than snow lotus berry funk.


Your plants all look so amazing @HolyAngel !!! Oh, I meant to quote this because I was intruiged by the method. Seems like I could do this with my hempy and have happy aerated roots, with less plastic involved. Thoughts?

I’m amazed at the TriForce! Bravo, plants look KILLER!!!


I would!

Yeah I will most likely be trashing all the females from whatever TK crosses and SSDD F2 beans I run without trial. Like we’ve said, the TK doesn’t breed true, and I’ve seen so many SSDD plants that I don’t really feel the need to look at any other girls of them. Plus I already have two TriForce I can’t choose between and then the two SSDD F2 girls too. I just need a couple males. One that is at least as close to TK as my TF1 girl is, and another one just like those two SSDD girls. Not too much to ask right? :sweat_smile:

Oh that’s a really good point! I know the stem rub and other traits to look for too but big question still remains on if she can pull through the apparent dominance of that OMG male. I might have to do some more research first. Thanks!

Thanks! I’m honestly not sure on the hempy as I’ve not ever done it. Big question is if the pure perlite will wick up the bucket or not. I run 50/50 coco/perlite to ensure I don’t have an issue with wicking nor overwatering but I’m also in fabric pots not plastic buckets. I’ve tried pure perlite in a solo cup but not anything larger than that :sweat_smile: Anyways, just from looking at a hempy setup, it seems like the plants would bottom feed once their roots hit the bottom of the bucket where the “reservoir” is. As long as there is nutrient water down there, it doesn’t really matter if you top feed or not, again assuming everything wicks well :thinking: