Holy's Garden (Part 1)

For sure… Yeah rubbing definitely helps. I use this vibrate ball thing called a hypersphere… highly recommend it for foot pain as well as back/neck.


Have had it in my garden for over a year still not tired of it yet some good smoke I’m sure your going to enjoy it :grin:


Thanks a lot for that comment, really appreciated.

Alright, launch-time was just moved Up


Awesome! :partying_face:
Hope you enjoy it and she helps you out! Looking forward to your thoughts on her ^^


Have you tried cbd for pf?
I have had bad pf in the past and didn’t have cbd on hand at the time. But i know cbd relaxes muscles and tendons a bit.
Maybe buy a topical salve and also try edible gummies and smoking cbd flower. Worth a try imho.


Well @HolyAngel, it starts at my eyebrows lol. And what a smooth smoke, for such an early stage. Talk about a Nice Up buzz right off the bat. And you cannot miss it, I can see how this is a trouble-shooting kind of buzz, becuz the rest of the day just laid-out for me.
I’ve never been keen or susceptible to Couch-lock, and this goes nowhere near it, but I’m pretty comfy sitting here typing at you.

Being a new strain, I was not really able to describe the flavour (7 days since chop andnin grove bag now) but it was not heavy ir dank, closer to floral i think.
Real easy smoke Sir and I’m high as F*#k :blush:

I believe, that 30 minutes-in, I can turn my head; as in range of motion, further and easier before any pain kicks-in.

First impressions are positive on a bunch of levels. So glad there are a couple in Gallon Pots downstairs

Thx H.A.

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Yeah, I’ve tried cbd smoke, as well as topicals. The most direct pain relief I get is by applying topicals, but it is the same effect whether I use cbd, thc, 1:1, or the coconut oil that I infuse my trim into. I really think it may be the rubbing that helps, as much as the herb.

I don’t have good luck with dosing edibles, so I tend to avoid them.

Don’t get me wrong, weed is an important part of my pain management, but it is more a head thing than a physical thing. It helps me switch into “yeah, your in pain, but there lots of fun stuff in life, better not wallow” when my automatic train of thought is closer to “what the fuck why do I have to deal with this, I don’t want surgery, nor do I want to continue feeling like this wtffffff.”


Have you ever tried making tincture? ReikoX has a great thread on how to make tincture with ethanol alcohol that is quite effective and the dosing is really accurate, really takes out the guesswork. I find the effects to be felt a lot more in the body than head as compared to smoking. Sometimes I even forgot I took a dose until I think to myself how relaxed I’m feeling.


I really like your shoe ashtray. Do you have it in a 12?


Now that you mention it, not really. It’s been a long time since I have had tincture, and I definitely was not using it medicinally at that point haha. Not pain relief anyway.

My wife has used tincture(topically) for nerve issues and seen incredible results though, so I feel like a doofus for not considering it for my foot. Also I ran across a tincture thread here the other day and said “I’m definitely going to go back and read this.” But then forgot immediately haha.


Liverpudlians only. Sorry partner
I grabbed them years ago in a second hand shop. impossible to loose, no moving parts and I guess they still fit my lifestyle @Foreigner


I have a sombrero but I find it a bit small


Good old Mexican ash tray must be a good seller I’ve got one similar. Lol


SSDD F2 #2 - Day 70

Definitely starting to amber up now. Think she’s coming down at day 77 for some glorious nighttime herb. I’ve been sampling some flower from her I took down at 63 and she’s still very much just like my #1 girl but just :pinching_hand: more couchlock inducing, relaxing. Should be good to combine with my #1 girl for some fem f3’s. Gonna go ahead with that project soon.

TriForce #1 - Day 48

Okay okay, she might actually be giving the TK a run for her money this round :wink:

TriForce #4 - Day 39
Is going to be fatter though!

Tray is pretty full now

Soon as I can pull down that SSDD girl in the back right corner, I’m putting in a NL5Haze/SensiStar clone, and some more tf1, tf4, and tk’s. More SSDD’s again soon too.

Oh, did I mention Clonex is garbage and you might as well use nothing at all? This is Hormex no.8 powder and like two weeks time

Don’t mind the coco stuck to the bottom :sweat_smile: I went to plant this and then realized I should probably take a pic lol

Thanks for looking! :partying_face:


All of those flowering plants are looking Beauitiful and I’ve been wanting to try something new for rooting hormones , and here it is :heart_eyes:


Still been sampling the day 63 tester from the SSDD F2 #2 girl. Gonna take her to 77 days but the more I look at her and smoke her, the more I’m reminded of bodhi talking about his keeper cut.


The gas soaked raspberry part always caught my attention as that is not a smell normally found in any of the SSDD’s. Not seen it at all in 100+ beans of F1’s/F2’s. Nothing even close.
This was the release description for the line:

sunshine daydream (bubbashine x appalachia)
sunshine daydream is a hybrid of one of my alltime favorites, bubbashine which is a cross of bubba kush and bluemoonshine (rare stretch indica pheno), bubbashine smells of hot buttered blueberry muffins and kush, grows like a big og covered in crystals, and has an amazing potent warm snuggly euphoric pain relieving effect, especially good for nerve pain. the father of this hybrid is the heavy weight funk champion appalachia (green crack x tres dawg)… these two together have created an amazing hybrid, that is truly unique, increasing the nerve pain reducing effect and bringing in the chem family funk, this hybrid is beautiful to look at, and even more beautiful in its effects. its one of those rare varieties that sticks to the bag even after its dry, with a rich chemmy fruity berry kush terpene signature and stand out notes of sour butter. i have a pheno i call the butter cut because it smells of dank berries and butter. im really happy to get this one out there, it is beautiful natural healing medicine for the community…
super sticky kushy chemmy berry butter funk

So, at day 70, this #2 girl’s scents are more just straight sour butter for the first ~60% of the smell, and then a ~10% skunky/funky scent, followed by blueberries ‘rolled in powdered sugar’ for the last ~30% of the smell. I can’t say I’m a fan of the skunky scent. It’s very prominent in the SSDD line and it’s something I’ve spent a long time avoiding, just looking for the butter and blueberry muffins. The bubbashine leaners, as that’s where most of the goodies are coming from in this line. Luckily this girl barely has any funk and her overall smell reminds me of a pheno in the SSDD F2 BX1’s. Sadly, I’m not really getting the muffin smell on her that I was expecting at this age but it’s not a huge deal. My #1 girl switches almost entirely from pure sour butter/rubbery to full on blueberry kush muffins when taken past 63 days. What I did not expect from this #2 girl though, after packing a fresh bowl of her last night, is she does* have that exact ‘gas soaked raspberries…’ flavor! First hit, as soon as that smoke hit my mouth, I immediately thought of this post from Bodhi. That is the exact taste I get off this #2 girl at 63 days! My #1 girl does not have that at all at any time. She tastes more like the butter or muffins depending on when you take her. This #2 girl also, most definitely, has more of the warm blanket effect than my #1 girl does. I can’t say the pain relief is any better :thinking: maybe a little worse actually but still present, still effective :thinking: but she is a bit more relaxing than the #1 when taken at the same age.

So at this point, I really think combining these two girls, assuming they combine like they look(not always the case) should create a pure SSDD fem line that is damn near exactly as Bodhi describes it.

Sour butter :ballot_box_with_check:
hot buttered blueberry muffins :ballot_box_with_check:
kush :ballot_box_with_check:
Gas soaked raspberries :ballot_box_with_check:
grows like a big og :ballot_box_with_check:
covered in crystals :ballot_box_with_check:
warm snuggly effect :ballot_box_with_check:
silver blue buds that stick to your baggie and your brain :ballot_box_with_check:
nerve pain relief :ballot_box_with_check:

STS treatment will start in a couple more weeks :grin:


Very cool! Thats awesome you noted that gassy raspberry flavor and finally found it ha. Good luck on the reversing!


I am a bit in awe, brother. To have come so far is impressive on its own, but arriving at the intended outcome (I know, there’s more to do, but you smoked it, so you know it’s there!)… the genetic odds are against someone who doesn’t have an understanding of the plant; my hat’s off to you.
I had to smile at the gas soaked raspberry phenomenon, because it certainly feels like a cherry (raspberry) on the cake; a nod and a pat on the back from whatever universal pattern you honor.
Kudos man :bear::+1:


This is super EXCITING :+1: :100:
Keep following that white :rabbit:


I’m strapped in for the ride! :grin:

Pz :v:t2: