Holy's Garden (Part 1)

reading someones post that passed always gives me anxiety idk why i just think im really scared of losing loved ones or dying but seen you find what he wrote about was pretty cool and i look forward to you working them more.

also triforce1 is still sexy


:thinking: wait, Bodhi’s not dead… right?


No he’s not. But he’s doing cookie stuff so he might as well be :sweat_smile::sweat_smile::sweat_smile::sweat_smile::sweat_smile:(Bad joke)

Pz :v:t2:


Bodhi quit Cookies last week


dumbest thing he ever did…get involved with them i mean


Great find good luck with selfing her.


Yep gonna self the TK, make TK bx1’s with the TriForce, and make fem ssdd f3s with the two ssdd girls. No plans to self my ssdd keeper yet, much less the other one. Least if this STS solution works anyways. I’m not seeing anything yet at day 9 of flower. Sprayed 3 times so far. Once a week before flip, once at flip, and then again at day 7.


Too early to know, in my experience. Give it at least another week, maybe more.


my bad lmao mixed him with bog, was early and tired


LOL you win


Awesome! That’s super good news!

Couldn’t agree more! Those guys are probably the worst thing for cannabis in a long time.

Great choice!

Pz :v:t2:


Man those plants are impressive , you are really treating them right and they show.


Im hitting my TK cut with pollen from 2004, been in fridge since then, hope it’s good. Came from a lovely Sugar Punch male from F1 first run Sannie seeds.


I’m very interested in this. Have you reversed any SSDD’s before? And, gotten viable pollen? I have gotten beautiful clusters, but very little dust, and zero reproductive qualities. I’ve got my hooves crossed for ya!

Just took down a keeper at 69 days. Very heavyily incensey, acrid smells w/ a hint of sweetness. Smelled yeasty earlier, but is way in the background now. I wonder if I’m confusing the incense/sweetness with gassy raspberries… my schnozz could use a tune up, lol!


Ah yeah not surprised. I’ve definitely heard that before. This is my first time trying to reverse anything. Starting with the notoriously hard to reverse TK cut. I say “I’m not seeing anything at day 9” and by that I mean, I still only see female bracht’s showing up on the plant.

My SSDD F2 #1 girl is even more stable than the TK is so good chance she does exactly what you’re saying :see_no_evil: That would suck. I was thinking of trying to reverse the other one and use my keeper as the mom again. Maybe it’ll work better, idk. Should find out on the TK here in another week or two. Still trying to make sure the few SSDD cuts I have are labeled properly before I go spraying them, these two girls smell and look so damn close that I can’t really tell them apart :sweat_smile:


Besides DJSF, and myself, I haven’t seen anyone else try to reverse any SSDD. Scot tried a few times, and was going with a new approach, but I never heard if it worked.

I followed Useful’s method, with some coaching, nada, and Mad Max’s with the same results. Both are /were pretty good at reversing.

I’m going to try to give it another shot in July, so yeah, I really wanna see how your efforts go. :slight_smile:

It usually took about 2+ weeks for balls to start showing.


I was thinking about trying a reversal with my SSDD mother at some point in time. Never done it before though so will prob just dig through more F1s in the fall/winter.

Going to watch that with interest if you document it. Do you have to keep spraying the STS after balls form?


I have a good feeling about it, it will be successful :100:


fingers crossed a fem version of the SSDD cut would be amazing.


This is my best tip for cuts which are very hard to reverse. Use a lot of small clones in party cup. Try to spray the STS mixed with different ratios of silver nitrate and Sodium Thiosulfate Pentahydrate. It makes a difference. Sometimes, if you have 20 small ones going, you’ll successfully reverse 5 while the other refuse. Other times you might succeed with one. It’s a numbers game on those kind of plants.

This have worked for me in the past and its also what riot seeds do with his hard to reverse cuts. At least what he stated when he and notso talked about reversals on their podcast.

Pz :v:t2: