Holy's Garden (Part 1)

Forum Stomper x Creme De La Chem

Coming along. Not getting worse anyways and seeing some more buds forming. Thinking another couple weeks at the least. The crispy fan leaves still have a decent petiole that doesn’t wanna just snap off so just leaving them for now. Tried feeding her a few times and she just looks worse regardless. So she gets a lot of LITFA and just gets PH’d water every couple days.

She’s sitting around 12" under 2x Samsung LT-F564B 2′ Strips, specificially SI-B8V521560WW 3000k strips, running on a HLG-120H-54A driver at around 60% power. Getting ~40k lux at the top and around 25-30k at the lowers.

NL5Haze x Sensi Star’s and Franco’s Lemon Cheese

3 are coming along well, the runt is too really but it’s a runt. The center cup is the Franco’s Lemon Cheese. I put the smallest FLC seed in a shot glass with water and it immediately sunk straight to the bottom, so I put another in there. They both popped, figures right :rofl: So I transferred them to the paper towel method to wait for tails. I left the bag open for 12hrs as I thought someone had mentioned doing that, it basically air pruned the roots and killed the small seed. I re-added water and resealed the baggy and in another 12hrs, the bigger second seed had a tail so I got her planted the night before last.

And here she is peeking up above the soil today :heart_eyes:
Hopefully not long for seedling time and then work will start on sexing and hopefully :pray: making some seeds!

These cups are under 2x HLG QB288 V2 4000k boards on a HLG-120H-54A running somewhere around 50% power and sitting around 16" above the cups. Getting about 15k lux at the top of the cups. Current Soil in these is the base mix ReikoX posted.

7.5 gallons of peat moss
4.5 gallons of perlite
3 gallons of fresh EWC or compost
2.5 cups of dolomite lime

I have the ammended mix with bone/blood/kelp meal still cooking until these are ready to transplant.


Sometimes I accidentally break the root off a tiny seedling, but the thing always grows back. The wonders of apical meristem. lol that’s funny apical it says is spelled right but meristem it says isn’t a word. Apical meristem: a group of slowly dividing cells at the growth tip. Your growth medium is the one prof Bugbee uses. Good stuff it sets the ph right.


End of Week 9. 69 Days
I picked up a USB Microscope and checked all over today.
These are from the lowers…

With Support

No Support Alternative Angle

Decided it was finally time. Just took down the Purple MAC and the Russian Snow.


Fan in the middle blowing towards the back, still have the acinfinity on with the controller to keep the RH around 60%. Right now it’s 70F/70RH. Will likely come back in tomorrow and separate these out a bit, getting late and it’s time to relax.

Speaking of, here’s what some of my Russian Snow tester from last week looks like :heart_eyes:

Stuff is definitely pretty dank. One vapcap and it feels like I’ve taken a hammer to the head but everything’s clear… two vapcaps and I’m pretty motivated to get things done. No racey anything, no anxiety. Taste and smell are good, sweet, but she’s not even dry enough to start jarring yet so can only wait and see what comes out over the next month or so. Actually kind of impressed with this one and would consider trying some other stuff from Vision Seeds if this is the kind of stuff they’re putting out.

In other news…

After losing two of the fem Franco’s Lemon Cheese seeds due to not following my normal process :man_facepalming:
The Next Run is finally getting underway…

The NL5HSS are pretty much exactly a week old today. The FLC is a week behind with just popping out of her shell today. See how this goes…

The Forum Stomper x Creme De La Chem is almost done. Maybe another week or so.


FSxCDLC Day 44 Since Pistils

She still looks rough but trust me, she’s looking better than she was :rofl: :cry:
Getting new pistils/buds still, just fattening up these last few days. Thinking another week or so to go. May get an ounce off her.

I did get just over an ounce out of that 8inch tall Northern Cheese Haze and about the same from the Godberry after donating all her larf to rosin.

Speaking of rosin…

This USB Microscope is too much fun :slightly_smiling_face: These next two are from the RS early-test bud

Feel like I need to enter the Pic of the Month contest with one of these or something :heart_eyes:

And finally, the NL5HSS and FLC are coming along!

#2(Bottom-Left) may be a male, it’s a full node ahead of all the others. #5(Bottom-Right) is a full node behind the others and 2 nodes behind #2. FLC is just getting started, too early to really tell anything but that first set of leaves comin in are lookin very sativa to me. Maybe a Super Lemon Haze leaner of the Franco’s Lemon Cheese… just hope she turns out to be a hazy lemon cheese girl as that would be about perfect for my plans. :crossed_fingers: :crossed_fingers:


Oh I almost forgot!

:heart_eyes: The Eagle Has Landed :heart_eyes:

These are getting started as soon as the NL5HSS/FLC are done. Or close to done anyways :wink:


Ooh, right on. Got a few I’m planning on running as soon as I can. You’ll probably get around to it before I can, so I’ll be looking forward to following your progress :smile:


Oh nice! Yeah I’ll definitely be posting all about them when I get them started. Definitely excited for it with all the hype I’ve read about Goji OG for the last year or so ^^

Thinking I’ll start maybe sometime in November/December :thinking:
The plan is to start flowering out the NL5HSS/FLC by first week of September or so. Only need them around a foot tall before flip as I’m not going for yield, just potential seeds. That’ll be like 30-40 days of veg. And then that should put me chopping em down at sometime in November. Hope this works!

Will start the goji’s a week or two before chop so they’ll be close to ready for the veg tent.


Well everything is still hanging up drying. Got another 10-12ish days to go there.

Early Smoke Reports
Purple MAC
The majority of the buds on the Purple MAC smell like straight Rubber. No other smell just pure unfettered rubber like a car tire or something. The tops of her have that rubber smell as an undertone with some type of putrid overtone I haven’t placed yet. It’s not pleasant lol.

I sampled a bit of a test bud I accidentally clipped off a few days before the chop. Was a middle-of-the-plant bud and yeah, just reeks of pure rubber. Had two vapcaps before bed to top off the night and could taste that rubber while vaping. I’ll need to check again, plus it’s still too early to know for sure, but the initial high is indica af. Not really narcotic like the Godberry is but definite dry-eye inducing, pain relieving, sleepy indica type high. Just felt my whole body relax and tension just melt away along with my back pain. Potency seems on par with everything else I’ve grown so far or picked up from the dispensary, my guess is somewhere around 18-24% or so.

So turns out, I really really like this stuff despite not liking the growth or the smell of this plant at all. Perfect after work melt into the couch herb. Someone else here is gonna get to see what comes out of the last 5 beans I had in the 6-pack. Should be good regardless ^^

Russian Snow
That Russian Snow is dank af though. Looks like pure headstash to me. It is super duper sticky, it’s got a sweet wet-wood type smell going on that’s pleasing. The high has a good balance between indica/sativa effects, I wouldn’t call it a standard hybrid type high as I tend to reserve that to the current hype stuff that just isn’t great. It is technically a hybrid type high but it’s old-school good and this stuff is potent for sure. I can smoke and get stuff done, or just sit back and relax. Seems great for just an all day type smoke. I still want something more sativa leaning for wake n bake/motivated mornings, but this stuff works for that no problem. I don’t get sleepy on it and there is zero anxiety or fidgety feelings with it. Love it.

Northern Cheese Haze
The Northern Cheese is curing to, a currently, freeze-dried raspberry smell. That’s the closest I can get to it. There is a slight cheese undertone to it though at least. The cheese really comes out in the rosin. This stuff is fairly motivating, couple vapcaps and I want to get up and get stuff done. Could be some slight anxiety if overindulging or not used to it. There is a slight haze effect to the high that is nice, I like it even more for that, but it can be distracting when it comes to getting things done.

And that’s all I got for now. More later ^^


Everything is coming along nicely so far.

Starting to get a wavy pattern in some of the leaves, believe that’s indicative of Northern Lights if I remember correctly :thinking:

Close-up of the Franco’s Lemon Cheese

And here’s the nodes on the NL5HSS #2, the fastest grower.

Normally I’m a strong advocater for topping and lst to get the best yield possible, but since I’m going for seeds on this run I think I’m just gonna leave em alone and see what happens.

Thinking I’ll be transplanting the NL’s pretty soon here, another week or so. Not too sure but can tell the roots are starting to fill up the cup… Will be two weeks since sprout this weekend for the NL’s, 1 week for the FLC…

The soil recipe recommends going from solo cups to 1 gallon bags/pots with the ammended mix. And then a week before flip transplant again from the 1 gallons up to 3 gallon bags/pots with more of the mix… I think I’m just going to transplant from these cups, straight into the 3 gallon bags. I want to flip to flower when they’re right around a foot tall and I feel like two transplants inside of a month might be a bit much for very little possible gain?


Hmmm now what do you think this is from? Literally showed up overnight.

There’s a chance they got watered at PH ~6.7 instead of 6.3 :cry: think that did it? Or think it’s deficiency and they need transplanted stat?

#2(fastest grower) is showing it the worst, the runt has the least damage. I raised the light a a few more inches incase of light burn but they should only be getting around 15k lux.


I’d guess Mg def since there is yellowing in the veins and it’s more pronounced on the lower growth which makes sense with Mg being a mobile nutrient. Kinda a strange yellow though so I’m not 100%. :thinking:


could it be a mixture of ph fluctuation and mg deficiency? i believe (could be wrong) yellowing in the middle of the leaves indicates a ph issue


Yeah looking up close I was leaning towards mag too, but I know the ph was 6.7. Thought it was 6.3 but yeah, measured the jug today and ~6.7. I can definitely water tonight at the correct ph with some extra epsom salt. These QB’s always drive mag pretty hard.

Thanks for the responses guys :heart:


could be root issues, possibly a transplant should do it. A pH of 6.7 is still acceptable, not that far off, one watering shouldn’t do that.


hmm ok. that’s definitely what I was thinking too. The NL cups are starting to feel like there’s a good amount of roots in there. Not seeing any sticking out of the bottom yet…

I can definitely transplant these into the 1 gallon bags with the ammended soil tonight if you think it wouldn’t hurt. Probably still water with a little bit of epsom salt when I do that, just in case :thinking:

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The picture from august 6th shows the beginnings of what happened. I was pondering if the leaf waviness is related like some kind of nutrient lock or overdose. Did you change anything in the last 4 days?


No I haven’t changed anything other than the one time watering at ph ~6.7. I did see very minor leaf taco’ing a day or two ago but nothing serious. Didn’t think it would progress so fast.

I did have roots coming out of the bottom of the cups when I got home so I’ve now transplanted all 4 of the NL’s into 1 gal fabric bags with the ammended soil mix and watered at PH 6.3 with 1/4 tsp epsom salt/gal and a little Great White to help with the transplant. Hopefully they pick back up and continue on without issue. Will give the FLC a few more days and transplant her over, then another 2-3 weeks before another transplant into 3 gal bags, then flip to flower. :crossed_fingers: :crossed_fingers: :crossed_fingers:


Alright, start of week ~3 of veg. Got everything transplanted into 1gallon fabric pots with the amended soil. Left some room up top for more topdress or just not worried about it since I have to transplant again to 3 gallon pots before flower.

Group Shot




NL5HSS #i5


New growth looks decent anyways. Hopefully it continues. Not used to these pots at all.

Here’s the FSxCDLC from Mephisto still finishing up, another couple weeks to go.


Great job with these and thanks for the smoke reports!

Some huge plants…

I saw you initially had a battle with root slime and then switched nutes and to clorox and turned things around.

I’m curious what your rez temps were?
Also if you don’t mind what % is your clorox, and how much did you dose how often?

It looks like you said every 3 days, so does that mean 72 hours between adding, or 48?

Thanks, and again great job !:+1:



With this run being into the summer my temps were 10 degrees or so hotter than the previous Godberry run.
Ambient temps with lights on was usually ~82-84 F.
The reservoir temps for the RS/PM, even being completely shaded, were still around ~73 F. The Northern Cheese Haze was actually hitting ~78 F.

I used Regular Clorox Bleach 7.5% - 8% and I dosed 0.2ml clorox per gallon of reservoir water every ~3 days(72 hours :wink: ) or so without issue. You can smell when the chlorine has dissipated.

Will post some root ball pics of the big two here in a bit.