Holy's Garden (Part 1)

Good luck on that reversal, I believe in you lol. I think the TK will be easier to reverse than what people make it out to be, I’m sure some of those male flowers you’ll need to open up by hand. How else did we end up with all these OG’s? I wanted to play more with gorilla glue 4 this season but next year I’m thinking of taking the TK on for some outdoor action.


Yeah Ive heard that but still think that’s really strange. Some variable isn’t being accounted for. Too much ethylene build up in the cut or something else entirely :thinking:

Also wonder if spraying the undersides of the leaves as opposed to mainly just the tops makes any difference :thinking:

What about different concentrations of sts to water? Anyone tried that? I asked in riots discord but everyone said stick with 1:9 but I’d think that’d make the most difference out of anything :thinking:


Like the ethylene thing could mean cuts from the top of the plant reverse better than cuts from the bottom of the plant, or vice versa. Assuming that is the issue and not some other variable.


I think that it all about biological processes and that you need to hit the sweet spot on when and how much and for how long it stays on the leafs as diluted water. So that’s why I use the shotgun method. Lots of different stuff on lots of clones to hopefully get a few to be in the sweet spot.

When a cut is rooted, I’ve seen no apperent reason this would infect the ethylene production. Also, I think that the water to solution ratio also can be adjusted. I’ve also heard, but never tried, that for the really hard cuts like ECSD you need to also spray with CS between STS spray to really push the ethylene levels down to a minimum. But I’m not a fan of CS so that would be a last resort for me personally.

Pz :v:t2:


I’m not sure, lol! I sprayed then immediately flipped, then sprayed 1 week later. I’d read too many sprays might not work… since mine didn’t work, maybe more is better?


@HorseBadorites I would suggest to begin with trying to spray STS 5 to 7 days before flip. This will help to keep the initial ethylene production which kicked in when the plant went into sexual maturity, on the low before the plant goes into flowering.

Pz :v:t2:


Noted, thanks :slight_smile: Have you done that with success?


I bred female to female only for about 3 years for my medical patients I was caretaker for. I did it to be able to make more accurate selections in a smaller time frame. Often patients was in a hurry to get the right medicine for them. So female only breeding was the only way to achieve that. It’s not a huge time frame, not even half the time of me being a caretaker. But I still learned a few tricks I’m happy to share.

Pz :v:t2:


Yeah this was my understanding of the process as giving the best chance for reversal. I haven’t really seen anyone say they failed yet while doing so :thinking: but that’s just from what I’ve ran across not what I’ve researched.

It’s what I’ve done so far. Sprayed a week before flip, sprayed at the flip, sprayed a week after flip, and will continue to spray every week until I get pollen from male flowers or she’s dead or nothing happens.


I’ll second that. Probably don’t have to spray after the flowers look close.

Just did the one branch


Still only seeing female preflowers on the TK. Should be kicking flower mode into gear here soon though. She’s at day 12 in there. STS spray again on Sunday…

In the meantime, it’s definitely a TK and SSDD kinda morning :drooling_face:


Oh my bad, I forgot these! Been a busy day :sweat_smile:

This was chop day(57) for the SSDD F2 #1 girl a few a weeks ago.

Chop day(71) for the TK a couple days ago

And day 53 and still going for the TriForce #1 girl

I chopped the SSDD F2 #2 girl last night but didn’t get any extra pics :pensive:


Dam those look good .


This has been the best run yet. New light and that ExHale CO2 bag definitely made a difference!


Firm believer in c02. I’ve ran a generator for a few years now can definitely notice a difference.


Those are dank as f. :100: :fire:


These look so nice.


Knew you would like both of those :+1:


that pic of the tk and ssdd both look so frosty that you can barely notice a diff !


These are the two Neville’s Haze x C5 Mango girls I have left at 8 and 9 days of flower.

Still another ~11-20 days to be sure they’re stable.

The stem rub on the #3 there has a sharp sour/acrid note up front, followed by a distinctly watermelon smell ! Was not expecting that. I had to grab a piece of paper to check it. Still was like, “no, it can’t be”. Went and washed my hands and came back and rubbed her again and still. Watermelon stem rub.

This other one here, the #5, also has an even sharper sour/acrid note up front, followed by a gassy Irish Soap smell.

The stems on both those girls are pretty pithy, they harden up fast so the struggle is real to crush the stems to keep at least this #5 girl in line. I’m also flowering them out in the 1/4 gallon AC Infinity fabric pots :sweat_smile: That should help keep them shorter and I’m also tired of up-potting new plants to 1+ gallons just to throw the herms in the trash a couple weeks later. I’ll uppot them when they start drying out too much before the next timer goes off, assuming they make it that long.

That TriForce #1 girl at day 54

She will likely be coming down in a few days tops, she went from clear and mostly clear to quite a few ambers overnight.

TriForce #4 is at day 45 and still has another 20 or so to go for sure.