Holy's Garden (Part 1)

That Triforce is so lumpy! Looks amazing!


A few 6 ft versions of that would fill some bags . Nice job on those triforce.


Dammmnnnn @HolyAngel I’m popping those Triforce next round, for sure!


Yeah no joke! As-is I’m expecting these two to put down somewhere in the 6-8 jar range each, at ~32 inches tall. I love these two I found in that first pack I ran. The #3 was really good too just not what I was looking for. Each girl was different.


Well I ended up pulling the NHC5Mango #3 Saturday. So I only have the #5 girl left, the really hazy looking one, but she’s still looking great so far! Definitely a stretcher! Been steadily crushing all the new stems as they shoot up. Speaking of stems… found this on one of the side branches just a couple nodes from the top of the plant.

Think the correct term here is Trifucated growth? as opposed to dichotomous branching(most veg time) and alternate branching(usual flower growth) :thinking: Only one branch has done this so far. You can also see where I’ve crushed the stem just under it. Sorry there aren’t more pics, maybe tomorrow!

Her clone rooted and has been planted in the chance I want to keep her long term. Nice thin blades on this girl but I find it interesting that there are absolutely zero double serrations on her at all. A5 and C5 both have it. My NL5Haze/SensiStar has it. The Starlite(A5 s1 x 89NL5) has it. It’s from the Columbian in the Haze, but nothing to be seen here. She does have kind of a unique wavy pattern on the edges of one side of each blade tho :thinking: Hoping she’s a thai leaner or something. Electric girl. Hopefully find out eventually here. She’s only on day 12.

In other, non-picture news, I took out the TriForce #1 girl last night at 56 days. Only other girl I’ve found so far that’s ready at 8 weeks besides my SSDD cut. Chopped a couple lower branches to hang and ran about a gallon of gypsum water through the pot. Now letting her dry out in the dark for a few days and then :axe:

Also moved the other TriForce #1 mom and TK mom into the flower tray and replaced them with fresher, shorter, clones. Note to self: I gotta take TF#4 clones soon and then do the same thing. Not gonna run out of any of those this year if I can help it. Still waiting on my northstar clones to root or I’ll be forced to pop the last of those beans sooner rather than later.


I’d like to ask you @HolyAngel about the Stem Crushing your speaking of.

And it does not sound “directional”.

I am familiar with applying pressure until you slowly soften the outer structure, without damaging it, then you can shape the plant with it.

What is the benefit of a “new branch” crush?

Thanks in advance, these are the little tricks I feel, that pay off.

Have a great Harvest


I try and only squeeze until I feel the stem walls weaken but some of the stretchier plants I will squeeze until the walls split. I do this for a couple reasons.

  1. it will slow down the plants that like to stretch 4+x their flip height, like the TK and Haze lines. For example, untouched the TK will go from 1ft tall to 4ft tall in the first 3 weeks of flower, often with 6-8 inch internode spacing between flowers. With stem crushing I am able to keep her under 3ft with 3inch or less internode spacing. So same or better weight on a smaller more manageable plant.

  2. it will cause any untouched branches to grow more. initially every couple-few days I might crush every stem, every couple inches, from the main stem to the growing tip. After that though I’m mainly just touching the tallest sites, newest stems that start getting over an inch long. So while those branches recover, the rest get to grow out and catch up. Get a more bushy plant in the end.


Fantastic News! Thanks you for spending the time to spell that out to me n OG.

Its part of the routine as of now.
Cheers Bro :sunglasses:

And SSDD#3 is just cruising along… cannot wait to get a pair of these outside

I needed that tutorial on Crushing… look where I had steered… lol


One thing you can do to also not have to do as much super cropping later in growth is lst when the plants are very little bend them over and tie them down will break apical dominance making side branches reach and stretch gives higher yield too tons or tutorials on YouTube @MissinBissin


Thats a great option as well, I agree 100% @DesertHeartGardens.
I’ve a history of that in the Tent with little disturbance to the grow cycle…
This is the summer of Topping for me… seeing if it makes a big diff using nodes 2, 3 & 4, or are nodes 3, 4 and 5 the magic numbers?

I appreciate that suggestion still, its an awesome option.

Cheers Bro


I have a midnight snack lady that’s doing some weird stuff. Started off with 3 leafs and now it’s almost like topped it’s self and still trying to do the three node thing. It’s something else, I think it’s awesome lol. She smells amazing too im super curious to see what happens in flower

Gardens looking great though :call_me_hand::call_me_hand:



Outdoors will be awesome!
Next Summer’s program lol


Neville’s Haze x C5Mango F2 #5

NL5Haze x SensiStar F3 #5 - Mom of the NorthStar’s and one set of F4’s

Can you C5 the resemblance?!? :joy: :yum:
Makes me wonder if that top one is gonna be more narcotic and less hazy :thinking:
Like I said, not a single double serration on that plant, plus the kinda rounded edges…
The lower pic is my long time and first keeper plant I’ve found since I started back up in 2019 and she’s hazy af. HD(High-Def) high is what I like to call it. Everything looks more vivid and saturated after you smoke her and she’s clear as day. No fog. No confusion. Just high af and ready for the day. Been a few years since I had her pure. Gonna try and do her justice on this run, she’s tucked into the back left corner here.

Front tent shot

I’m pretty sure that labeling is correct :sweat_smile:
Again, can’t see the nl5hss girl as she’s behind that TriForce #4 on the left there.

Got a hell of a fade going on with the other TriForce #1 girl in the back there

The other clone of her I just finished that was twice as big didn’t do this but its whatever really. Got a week or so to go here.

The TriForce #4 in the back right corner is doing good. Lil bit of a fade too, sorry for the blurry pics :see_no_evil:

In other news, maybe I can make TK S1’s on the same plant I’m reversing? :sweat_smile:

Balls definitely coming in now though after the 4th spray… I sprayed again 3 days later, day before this pic. I think the TK is sooo stable she needs sprayed with STS every 3-4 days and not 7 days like most say to do. See what happens :crossed_fingers:

and in other other news, I’m on the fence with this other SSDD F2 #2 girl :confused: The flower is frosty but… its really airy, really leafy, not super loud, bit of skunky/funky smells… It’s just not as good of a cut as my #1 girl is. She does have a lot of the traits B talks about though and she IS effective for pain meds its just, ugh… I dont wanna make the cross and end up with a bunch of airy leafy plants with scents all over the place :confused: I’ve taken a few of her flowers apart, even on the tops, they break down to this with just as much if not more leaf matter

She also took 70+ days, isn’t narcotic, and has really greasy resin that’s not sticky.
My #1 girl is noticeably denser with noticeably less leaf matter and is noticeably louder, in or out of the jar, and she’s sticky af!

So do I still reverse the #2 and make the fem f3’s? Maybe just reverse the #1 and make S1’s instead? My own Triple Triangle Sunshine getting made with the #1 girl regardless.


I mean… It sounds like you’re not really that crazy about her haha!, so I’d say probably not.


I love strains that have special properties like that. Sounds perfect for smoking outside and becoming one with nature


Heh, yeah I was talking to my coworker about it and he said the same thing. I should just toss her and continue the search for a male this fall. Blah.

Oh yeah! That is actually one of my favorite things to do with her. Should have her done just in time for fall :yum:


Alright… Chopped the SSDD F2 #2 girl. She gone. Technically still have two clones in the clone dome rooted but eh. I’m over it. Gonna have to just pop more beans for SSDD project :pensive:

In other news, I thought this was neat:

Neville’s Haze x C5Mango F2 #5

Triangle Kush

Looks really damn similar :thinking:
The internode spacing between the two plants is really damn similar too…

NHC5M F2 #5 - Day 17

Triangle Kush - Day 14

TriForce #4 - Day 53

And day 27

TriForce #1 - Day 55

Thanks for looking!


Haha, yeah they look pretty damn close.

Sometimes we are just going to have to move on to new plants and ideas.

Pz :v:t2:


Stem rub is close too…
This sounds dumb but what if triangle is Neville’s haze meets the cough, or something… Nevilles’ Haze x Kush… Idk man. But I find the similarities really interesting :thinking:


What if it’s NH x Hindu kush :grin: and OG Kush is (NH x Hindu kush) x Lemon Thai :grin:

Pz :v:t2: