Holy's Garden (Part 1)

@VAkish over there breeding :fire:
Looks incredible man. If that things passes on the nerve pain relief of SSDD + the get up & go of the CJ that’ll be a tight mix.


Haha definitely not breeding. Just chucking a little pollen around for fun!


Looks absolutely stunning bro! :heart_eyes: I really need to get into those beans!!
What are the smells on her/them?


Triangle Kush Reversal - Day 28

Should be able to get pollen any day now

Appears the trick to these harder to reverse plants and the standard forum STS recipe is, spray them every 2 days at the start!

He was talking about auto’s so for photos I’d say a week before flip and continue for the week after. Can go down to 4-7 days after that. See how this goes :pray:


Was listening to an nspecta interview while walking the dogs and they touched on that, thought it was interesting and thought of this post where you mentioned it as well…

[Lost Footage] Breeding Goals with CSI Humboldt S01E06
@ 55:20 - irene
@ 20:25 - TK

Talking about Irene only producing 20 seeds from self pollen but the TK next to it was fully seeded by that same pollen.


heh, half a light and got a whole 20 s1 beans from the irene while the TK made 750+ beans right next to it from pollen drift. Gotta love stable plants! :muscle: :muscle: :muscle: Would suck to only get 20 beans from the TK, not gonna have any to give out if that’s the case, but we’ll see what happens :yum:


OP: After seeing how poorly your seedling was doing I was expecting an unhappy ending. The way you got that plant to bounce back and flourish is a testament to your dedication. Your results are downright impressive. Compliments to you sir.


I’m liking the Counter-balance on the Solo-Cup @HolyAngel… let me guess, you have roots from the cup, reaching down, out and into the Rectangular Container?


Thank you very much! :heart:

Oh yeah you know it! :muscle: Figured leaving her in there would help limit the stretch too and it has :relaxed:


Thanks for the reply, thats a great idea to keep the Host busy !!!

Cheers and have a Great day @HolyAngel


Thanks bud! I’ll take a couple of pics of the frosty one this evening. They both have a similar smell to the SSDD moms with a little more funk. It’s kinda hard to pinpoint as the whole room smells like a tropical fruit candy factory. @HolyAngel


Here is the other SSDD x OGC/CJ girl. She’s got a nice funky blueberry with a hint of fuel smell. She’s not going to be a great yielder and has wet noodles for branches. She sure is a pretty girl though @HolyAngel


Flower structure definitely, and those limp noodles kinda, sounds like mom :sweat_smile:
She looks like she’s gonna be dank af! :heart_eyes:

The first one definitely has more of a chem look to her flowers than this one does. Both look fantastic!


Stoked to see if those Tk S1’s are as hard to make as everyone says. Good luck!


Wide angle up front

Back shot

The bigger TK in the middle here is at 22 days of flower and the NHC5Mango is at 25 days of flower.

The TK tucked in between those two and the TF4 in back right corner that you can’t really see in the above photo, along with the TriForce #1 in the front left pictured below, are at 15 days of flower.

The other TF4 there in the middle is at 35 days.
The NL5HSS F3 #5 girl in the back corner is at 18 days. Better shot of her below

Circling back to the TriForce #4 in the back corner, she’s at 61 days and i believe i have her back on track.

Fun times balancing all these different flower times and strains on the same exact feed.
Thanks for looking :slight_smile:


You and me both! Thanks! I think pollen should be dropping any time now. Worst case I’ll start taking flowers off and running them through the pollen sifter here in a few more days.


@Mr.Sparkle @ReikoX You guys think these will open on their own or should I start plucking off the really fat ones and run them through a keif box/pollen sifter? Its Triangle Kush and she’s at day 30 of flower here and I’ve been hitting her with STS since a week before flip.

I had started the STS at once a week and then progressed to every 3-4 days as she was still putting out hairs before. So far so good but :man_shrugging:


Them pods look to be coming along nicely cuz. I wouldn’t worry about early taking them though, they’ll open on their own in due time.


Gotcha. Even for 30 days into flower? Males are usually dumping pollen by this time but this is my first time reversing a girl :sweat_smile:

I only asked because I’ve seen reports of people saying certain plants don’t open up and you have to pluck the balls and sift.


True, but looking at them expanded view, they don’t look mature enough yet to try that. If you give em 4-7 days, they look almost ready. If not by then, well I’d go ahead with your plan.
I believe the risk of early plucking would be immature pollen, which won’t give you max results.
@ReikoX & @Mr.Sparkle have done plenty, i see you asked for their opinion… good move!