Holy's Garden (Part 1)

Sounds perfectly reasonable to me :slight_smile:
Will let her be for another week or so and see. Should line up perfectly with the cuts in flower I plan to hit with it…


I don’t have a very good success rate with reversals, lol I do plenty of straight pollination though, using male plants.

Not complete fails, but low success with the reversals, for me. But, I’d think a pollen pod is a pollen pod, reversed or straight.


Yeah I’ve only ever done work with male’s myself. I’ve seen some tricks that might or might not help with the success rate. Like closer days between spraying to keep up with ethylene suppression, should get more of, and more-viable, pollen but i’m sure it’s cultivar dependent regardless.

I know making TK S1’s will likely be really low success rate but hoping the TK BX1 (TriForce #1 x TK) and that Triple Sunshine Remix (SSDD F2 #1 x TK) will yield a couple thousand beans each :pray:


That would be a sweet haul for sure! lol Good luck there, cuz.


Right!? Definitely would be… Will let ya know how it goes for sure :wink:


Yeah your good to leave them imo, and even 30 days into flower that’s normalish and wait for them to open naturally as like Jhonny said your just gonna get immature pollen, you are reversing a female so can take some time, I’ve had pollen finally drop in the mid to late 40’s days wise but quicker end is maybe 3.5weeks.


Oh nice! Very good info to know! I thought it might’ve been my fault for why it’s been taking so long. Good to know that’s probably not the case! Your post’s are always really helpful, Thank you very much! :slight_smile:


Most reversals take a lot longer to finish then normal males, up to 4 weeks longer. All kush type plants I’ve had reversed, have been able to open themselfs up. Indica I’ve had problem with are having way tighter buds then TK. That said, I know TK is special so who knows :sweat_smile: Keep up the awesome work my friend.

Pz :v:t2:


You figure the seeds need 40-45 days or so to mature. I think you’ll be fine giving the sacks another week or so. Just my .02. And I’ve never reversed the TK


yeah another week+ won’t hurt. I have the TF1 and TK clones in the flower tent already at 16 days in so that should line up just fine for pollinating. I normally like to pollinate on day 21 and 28 but can do up to day 32-35 or so when the hairs start changing on their own. Worst case I have one of each of those in veg, along with the SSDD F2 #1 girl, I haven’t started flowering yet. May flip the SSDD girl tonight and save the other two for another week or so :thinking:

Everything has to come down within 82 days from today. Going to the Dell’s for a week right after that and don’t wanna have anything in veg or flower. Put all the moms on the flood table with limited light for that time.


So this may be a dumb question but will you also get seeds from the selfed TK clone (even though I don’t see many pistils) or are you just hoping to pollinate your extra TK clones coming up? Or if people want to self a specific plant, you leave certain areas unsprayed so the lady parts will still come through? Anyway, your reversal project is looking great!


That can, and does happen. The seeds will just be feminized same as any others. Not hermies, since they’re not the result of a hermied plant.
I didn’t pay attention to your second part of the question, sorry cuz. Often when you only have the one plant, folks can reverse just a couple branches to get fem seeds from that 1 plant.


Tossed the TriForce #1 momma this morning. After pulling down two more plants of her, She’s kind of a TK-lite, like ~90% of the effects and looks from the TK. If I didn’t have the TK, she’d make a beautiful stand-in but as-is, I have no need for that since I have the TK. Will still make TK BX1’s with her if the reversal continues fine. The reversal on the TK seems to be going okay. I see some sacks opening now but no pollen yet, granted I haven’t tried moving/shaking her at all. Hopefully try that tonight and get some pollen to use!

Chopped the TriForce #4 last night at 70 days but forgot to grab some pics :cry:

On with the show!

Trying to raise EC a bit to feed these girls, kush’s be damned. Currently at 2.7 EC. May bump up to 3.0 soon…

Neville’s Haze x C5 x Mango Haze IBL F2 #5 - Day 35

She’s 40.5 inches in a 1/4 gallon ac infinity nursery fabric bag :eyes:
She should be about done stretching, maybe another week. My NL5Haze/SensiStar aka ‘C5SS’ girl in the back left corner stretches for the first 5 weeks or so, so not unheard of :wink:

Speaking of… Haze x NL5 x Sensi Star F3 #5 aka NL5HSS #5 aka C5SS #5 - Day 27

Nothing stacks like she does :heart_eyes: Now to hope I can keep her happy the whole way. Been a couple years now since I ran her last and that was before the gypsum. Should be good :sunglasses:

Triangle Kush - Day 31

Triangle Kush - Day 24

Crazy how much difference a week or so can make :eyes:

TriForce #4 - Day 44

TriForce #1 - Day 24

TK and TF1 at 24 days are my potential pollen receivers for this run. May hit the Haze girls too, unsure yet. Unpictured is a SSDD F2 #1 girl in the back right corner behind the NHC5M and 24 day TK.

In other other news, Bandaid Haze #7 and Bandaid Haze IX3.0 ‘Church’ cuts have rooted and been planted.

Dropped a cup on the #7 immediately after planting :see_no_evil: Cuts came with mites so they’ve been hit a couple times with the medium strength azamax mix in the cloner but didn’t get the real good spray down until planting, hence the really fucked up, fried type, look of them. That’s thanks to the Azamax. They’re both pretty damn vigorous cuts though so they should make it and be clean in a couple more days :wink: Sadly i’m on a clock currently so these girls will be turned into moms and i’ll take new cuts in august to flower out. Hopefully have some bandaid haze for christmas this year :relaxed:


Looking good in here @HolyAngel it really is crazy the difference a week makes huh? Like they more than doubled in a week! Nice. Hope that TK mission works out , would be awesome! :crossed_fingers:t2:


They all look really good! That TK though…


Thanks guys! I’m really hoping it works out too! Need some TK S1’s, SSDD F2 #1 x TK, and TriForce x TK beans in my life… Unsure if i wanna make TKNL5HazeSensiStar yet but I might if this all works out :yum:


Be very interesting to see the SSDD/TK medicinal effects…. All crosses sound like fire tbh


Honestly, likely won’t be too much. I’d suspect, at best, that some phenos may be as good as the SSDD mom when it comes to medicinal effects but the rest won’t come close. The Triangle Kush does absolutely nothing for any of my pain, she just has a gloriously potent high that my body and mind literally crave if I don’t have. The SSDD F2 #1 girl melts away all my pain, feels like I’m floating, but considering how that effect plays out in the crosses I’ve done with her so far, it’ll likely be 50/50 pheno split for medicinal effects or no.

More than anything, that particular(SSDD F2 #1 x TK) cross will be about making the SSDD girl into a better more potent plant with really fat bracht’s and less leaves. Again though, good chance that medicinal nerve pain relief is going to be same or worse in this cross than the SSDD mom is. Just how it is. We need the pain relief on both sides if we want to improve the effect. This will at least give me an option later for a fem bx1 with the SSDD or the TK girl. Would prefer a male but what can you do, ya know lol.

For truly medicinal breeding… I’m beginning to think my SSDD girl is a true Sport and maybe I should just S1 her first before trying to find a matching male that may not exist :confused: I’ve been through ~100 beans between SSDD F1’s and F2’s and I have come up with exactly nothing so far, males or females… Still have a good 40-60 white/pale F2 beans to look through this fall but that’s it. See what happens…

The TK S1 goal is see if we can find those OG’s in there, or anything better than the TK(doubt), and really just to see personally how they come out. See all of her traits with my own eyes :eyes:

TK BX1 goal with the TriForce #1 is to hopefully solidify the fat bracht trait and the TK high into every single bean. TF1 is just sooo much like the TK, if the offspring doesn’t come out mostly homogenous I’m gonna be very surprised! The TF4 is technically better yield, scent, and flavor, but she smokes and hits exactly like an OG instead of TK so that’s why she’s not going to be used for the BX1.


Right before I got the TK cut I had grabbed a couple packs of S1’s from Caleb. We had a very long (3day) discussion on phenos, highs etc. and he swears he’s found dozens of offspring better than TK itself, even said most wouldn’t believe it but it’s 100% truth. Be very interesting to see the better version of TK that’s for sure. Always been intrigued by anything TK as OG was my first real love/obsession with Cannabis )well OG and Bubba ( but that Cali TK was mind blowing my first time and my mentor went on a 3 year mission to obtain her, and came back with Irene and Bubba too. Those next 4-5 years were absolutely unreal because of those three cultivars hands down. Everyone wanted every gram we had EVERY TIME long before it was even done, I was smoking like I never had before (not even close) and because I finally fell head over heels and understood what my BC friends were saying about killer Kush etc. I dove right in and have never looked back. So in reality she’s also partly credited with firing up my cannabis obsession from a 5-6 straight to a 12+ and the rest is history almost 20 years later :star_struck:


Oh that’s all really interesting! :blush: I haven’t had the Irene or the pure bubba yet. I suspect the main things I like, and I can actually prove trait wise, about my ssdd girl, comes from the bubba kush… every one I know with that bubba cut absolutely loves it regardless of any other cut they may have. Really says something about it.

I’ve heard Caleb say that about the s1’s, and a few others about particular TK crosses. Finding better than her in them, but idk what they’re selecting for that they think is better exactly. I haven’t had they’re selections either, but if it’s yield/scent/flavor/structure… hitting like an OG or something… none of those matter imo and not what I would select for. So definitely interested to see what all is in there for myself.