Holy's Garden (Part 1)

Im pretty sure the Swiss Thai Nevil 2 = the Swiss ‘Green Hornet’ Thai x reversed Neville’s Haze #21

And then that mom was hit by a male of that same NH#21 girl x Mullumbimby Madness. There were a couple different MM’s used and I think I have the long flowering one :thinking: but not positive there.

There are a couple NH girls used for these new lines from Nevil, all hunted by Nevil himself from his own beans made in or prior to 1997.


Yeah, Thai 82! That’s one amazing sucker! I’ve tried a few 1:1 crosses with it and I’m surprised that it’s not part of more modern stuff.

Pz :v:t2:


“The SSDD F2 #1 girl melts away all my pain, feels like I’m floating”

@HolyAngel have you ever had her tested to see what the thc/cbd/cbg etc and terps were ? that really sounds like a special plant and i have seen countless members here say it does the same for them. i wonder if its a really high cbd or some combo of terpenes making that…

also caught back up slacked off for a few days now all my threads i follow are 100s behind. that triforce 4 is still the winner for looks for me keep killen it


Is that still available anywhere? That sounds pretty good lol. Aside from the hermies I just read about…


I have not had her tested yet sadly :pensive: legal state here but unsure where to get it done at.

I’d assume it’s some cbg or THCV or something else. I’ve had a ton of CBD stuff over the years and nothing touches what she does :thinking:


Unsure here too. Green Hornet is long gone. The beans allegedly came directly out of some old Thai sticks so definitely supposed to be :fire:



I haven’t smoked the 7 yet but the Church is nice.


For sure. I wonder what ‘nice’ is compared to my c5ss and northstar :thinking:
Church definitely has the looks to be a potent girl there.

The 7 cut I have is still too fucked up for me to be able to tell there or in comparison to this church pic. All my really potent stuff looks like this church pic but, not quite as covered :sweat_smile: so I kinda have high hopes on this. Also 77-84 days is lovely compared to 16-17 weeks. I find it hard to imagine the 7 cut being so significantly better than the church as to warrant running it that long…

I moved out the NHC5Mango plant and put a TK in it’s place. Basically no frost on that girl at all and all the potency markers are missing… just kinda looks like bap to me. Especially compared to my C5/SensiStar mom. Still have the clone of her. I’m gonna give her a better shot in a bigger pot this fall when I run the other haze stuff to see if she’ll turn out a bit better. Still have a few beans left to look at too.


I’m not seeing any trichs on that, just a lot of hairs. What am I missing?


those “hairs” you are seeing are actually Cystolithic Trichomes !
I’ve been looking at all my plants over the years and the more potent plants tend to have more of these than the less potent plants.


Very cool, thanks!



hairy trichomes…You have given me a whole new thing to keep a eye out for. Thanks


Someone said BH7 is the best black haze cut, but black haze is mids. I trust this person’s opinion on haze.
But I agree with someone else’s opinion who said, mids haze is better than most stuff available today.

I think it’ll be a nice comparison for you to run your keeper NorthStar and C5 work against a popular black haze. I think the differences in C5 and A5 are what kept them around so long. Both good, but different.

I also just want to echo what IAMYOU said in that the 7 and church are baselines for people who have no experience with hazes/“piffs”. By no means are they the best ever.


heh, well that’s not very encouraging :sweat_smile:
Will still see what they do here in a few months time…

:100:% They’re also just really really good weed :grin:
Some of the strongest flower I’ve ever had comes from one or both of those cuts.


That’s why I’ve got H.A.'s thread on “watching”. It’s a Cannabis AP thread :+1:


Yup, HA has done lots of homework, years worth it appears


Super appreciate it guys! Only been researching a good 20+ years or so every day, still more to do and learn!

Found these among others while trimming up the TriForce #1 girl yesterday

Tacky sugar globs! 100% not psychoactive, trust me, I tried with the honey straw :sweat_smile:
Was like trying to vape sugar :joy: Nice little caramel type aftertaste

Tray of dankness :drooling_face:

No full tent shot today but got some nice plant pics regardless…

C5/SensiStar F3 #5 - Day 38ish

Looking glorious :heart_eyes: :fire: Still trying to maintain that momentum, she’s still a bit underfed but doing fine.

TriForce #4 - Day 56

Still another 20 or so days to go :drooling_face:

What the TK looks like when dialed in correctly - Day 43

No 6+ inch internode spacing over here! :muscle:

And that’s it for now, thanks for looking! :slightly_smiling_face:


Wow, that TK is chonking up big time and the TF#4 is beautiful! Do you have a clone of it going in your veg tent to be pollinated with the TK?


like always a pleasure to watch! :four_leaf_clover: :four_leaf_clover: :four_leaf_clover:


Definitely got clones of everything in here but wasn’t planning to hit the TF4 with the TK for the bx1. I’m trying to do that with the TF1 cut that looks and smokes just like her. The TF4 is tastier and louder than both the TF1 and TK but she smokes heavier like OG and the flowers don’t resemble TK as much as the #1 does. I suspect TF1 x TK will true breed for the fat TK bracht’s and structure, while also not taking away or altering the TK high. Will have to see how things actually shake out though. Could always hit the TF4 too, it’s just a different direction.