Holy's Garden (Part 1)

So tell me…. What is C5 and A5? I follow your thread so I know that you know good herb. Always looking to expand my knowledge and collection of killer weed.


A5 is Nevil’s NL5 Clone x Haze ‘A’ male
C5 is Nevil’s NL5 Clone x Haze ‘C’ male

C5 is what The Seed Bank sold as NL5Haze. It’s what most people remember when they smoked NL5Haze. Its in Super Silver Haze, Jack Herer, etc etc.

A5 was never sold commercially nor used in any crosses really sans a few. Neville’s Haze uses it, A5 x Haze C. There was an initial set of beans made and then the Haze ‘A’ male was lost so they could never be remade again. Select people got beans and/or cuts directly from Nevil.


Sweet. I will have to be on lookout. Thanks Holy.


Okay. I think they’ll probably turn out pretty good (talking about the BAH’s here). Somebody “liked” a couple comments on my old BAH thread earlier today (guess they were doing some research for themselves instead of asking the same questions that’ve been asked 1000 times before, which, good for them! Haha) so I revisited it just now haha. I really liked that weed! I mean, I didn’t need to revisit the thread to remember that the BAH was good haha, but yeah, that’s one hybrid that it doesn’t seem like you can go wrong with. Whether or not those specific cuts are “special” or whatever is another story, I know nothing about them, but yeah, I think the BAH in general is for sure worth a few grows.

Didn’t I send you some of those seeds? Plant them!

Yep, planning on planting some of those next grow, for my “Sativa” run haha. Pretty eager to see how they turn out.


You did but I’m waiting to see how Iamyou’s report of these cuts goes. The ‘Church’ cut from Nobody’sNursery was hunted from the IX3.0 packs and the #7 is Doc’s original selection and the mom of all the bx packs. Figure might as well wait to see how these cuts do before popping any of those beans. That will also give me traits to follow if/when I do so I can hunt for a male while I’m at it.


Plant the seeds, dude. Maybe you’ll find something even better… haha.


lol not popping any beans until the fall bro. Got a couple plants to squeeze in there tonight and then just trying to finish up what I have going. Everything in flower will come down by Aug 20th. Will cycle cuts for new moms while I wait for late august/september to roll around and temps to cool back down again. Then it’ll be bean popping time and I think it’s starting with some Swiss Thai Nevil 2 x Neville’s Haze #21 x Mullumbimby Madness :drooling_face: Will flower out the two bandaid cuts myself in the midst of that.


I’ll definitely do a write up on these two. I think Nobody’s intentions are a good goal to work towards; get the clones/samples into the hands of growers and serious smokers to set baselines, and explore outside the hype-cut bullshit. He’s definitely running more plants than I could dream of, and getting to make to make selections from all that… is more than a lot of us tent growers can do. Not saying it’s not possible, but it makes it a lot easier to choose from 100-150 seeds popped versus 10-20 at a time. Especially if you have experience with hazes and know what to look for. I’m interested in the ‘haze revival’, only because I missed out on hazes, and hoping HazeValleyNursey can help out with getting some of those clones out there… I don’t have the time or knowledge to select good haze plants, but I sure would love to grow some clones if they were available.


Do they ship?


Doubtful, I think they only sell to dispensaries or licensed producers, stuff like that. But, once they are out there… everything is just a mailbox away.


True dat.

And on the topic of 150 seeds, I’m still transplanting today, started like ten hours ago haha, and was saying to my girl earlier this morning,”I don’t understand how these motherfuckers with a thousand plants do it… How fucking long does it take them???” haha. It’s gotta take like a week just to fill up all the pots, right? I mean, I did take a nap after filling mine, but still… haha.


lol For us here when commercial growers, mom-n-pop op, small batch, top shelf, organic. It’d take me, the wife, our oldest son (38) and sometimes his wife also. About 2-3, 10-12hr days for 1000 re-potting…
Wife screened compost, son lugged it into the ‘farm-inna’barn’ and him n me did the repot mostly.
Whenever we’d get 5-6 big tote containers ahead, the wife would come in and help repot


Yeah, I speculated about that when I was talking to my girl earlier, that most people growing numbers like that probably have some help. Still… Fuck me haha. I’m being super-lazy about it, too, usually it doesn’t take me this long, but, man, I couldn’t imagine growing huge amounts of plants.


I’m scaling up to a full 12 and that’s daunting! I need an automated irrigation system.


You’ve seen some of the pics of our grows when we were commercial, so yeah lol you know it ain’t no cake walk! lol
Non-stop work 7 days a week from 7-7 if lucky and things go ‘right’ lol


I’m a kinda sorta anal-retentive ‘hands on’ type guy and just didn’t trust automated systems, lol


I hear that. I’ve heard some Blu mat flood horror stories!


2 20x14’ rooms , one with shelf at 4’ (8’ceiling)all around the walls, for second tier/level. Also two of the spare bedrooms in the house for overflow, and pollination, mothers, etc
All packed wall to wall lol
1000 plants was about our limit, but we tried to stay at that limit, lol


That’s actually why I wouldn’t want help with my shit, either. I don’t even trust people to “properly” fill pots with soil haha.


Do you have any idea what are the makeup of this one is and is it related to the Swiss strain Thai fon?

Pz :v:t2: