Holy's Garden (Part 1)

Best feeling ever. Crazy how slowly time moves when you’re reading books by candlelight haha, thinking,”Dude, will we ever have power again??? Music! I need music!” haha.


Glad you’re back in biz :metal:
I bet you got that AC cranked down to 65 sleeping tonight!


Glad to see it’s back!! That was a nice closeup of the TriForce bud rot picture, so nice and clear it has me paranoid now lol


Great news! How is your veg doing?

Pz :v:t2:


finally man! i can hear the stone dropping from you shoulder :innocent:


Ha, same here! The bud rot pic is skeeving me out.

Glad you’re back in business, @HolyAngel, with relatively minimal losses.


73’ish but hell yes! Slept great for the first time in a week or so!

:joy: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: its for science!

Veg is doing… The TK and NHC5Mango Mom’s took all this in stride, look no different, but the SSDD mom is looking like trash and likely going to die. Thankfully I’ve had another cut of her going in veg for a few weeks now and she’s also in at least one other person’s hands currently.

That veg cut is a bit pissed off now though(far left, bottom bin), along with the bandaid haze church cut(far right, bottom bin), but everything else looks pretty fine. I’m sure they’ll bounce back now that the PH and everything is back how it’s supposed to be.

The NL2 pair I selected from a couple packs over the spring have finally rooted in the midst of all this power being out and have been planted as well :wink:


At least all isn’t lost! That would really suck losing out on seeds after all the time / space / effort put into it. That lot of seeds will have a fun back story to them too haha.


Yeah not a total loss. Did lose the reversed TK to mold as well so it looks like I’m going to have to reverse another cut and do it again if I wanna make fem bx1’s and S1’s. But least the fem Triple Sunshine Remix will get done if things continue as-is. Not gonna get thousands of beans by any means but at least 100 or so by the looks of things :thinking:


Glad you made it through with some things still in tact and are taking it all in stride.

Isn’t that what the spoons and washboard are for?


I’m happy to see that not all got lost :pray:t2:

Pz :v:t2:


Happy to see you’ve still got stuff to work with. If your SSDD’s don’t come back, you know what I’ve got is only a mail plane away!

Our power has gone out for 10 days before, and probably will again. I’ve got a big genny now, but used to use little ones (Hondas are great) to keep fans and a dehuey going. Lighting is secondary. Little leds, (solar, battery, usb…) gave the girls a glimmer of hope for brighter days!


They will bounce back. :sunglasses: Glad you got your power back on. :sunglasses: :metal: :peace_symbol:


Because there’s a couple Bodhi growers here, please take a moment to VOTE on which 1 of 9 Hashplant fathered strains you’d like to get in a future OG F2 seed run. Thank you!


Voted for Hollyweed! Supposed to be one the best.


Same here :metal:t2:

Pz :v:t2:


Nice heavy relaxing indica effects i’ve read.

I’ve smoked a Pure Kush before. It reminded me of a Bubba, La Confidential or White Rhino. Def. a day-ender but not a sleepy head like you’d expect. Just very mellow and un-motivating. But w a smile.

I think the right pheno could compare w Dank Sinatra. More mellow than Black Triangle. Since the Pure Kush is less heady sativa-like than TK or most OGs.


That sounds nice for the evenings :relaxed: Everything I have is pretty functional save for taking the SSDD girl to 11+ weeks or so. Speaking of, I just lost my SSDD mom :cry: And the clone of her I had going for a new mom is looking mighty rough too, along with the bandaid haze Church mom… Both looking towards death. Still some green though so I’m trying to pull them through :pray: :pray: :pray:

Everything else didn’t skip a beat. Was like there wasn’t a power outage at all. I took all the clones I could off the SSDD mom before she died but they’re woody and not in the best shape. Have some in the clone dome and some in coco in the veg tent with the other cuts. Took a couple clones off the SSDD girl in flower to try and reveg too. One in each setup as well. Worst case I may just stick the flowering girl back into veg now that she’s seeded… Don’t really like having to do that but not trying to lose her either. Absolute worst case I sent her out to one other person so should be able to get her back there.

Oh the joy of maintaining the plant(s) we love through thick and thin…


Sorry for the losses. Hope that you can recover those lost. Good luck in your endeavor.


Hoping with power back & given the time things turn around for them. Sometimes plants start to look incredibly rough and still rebound.

Don’t see any downsides to that. The seeds will still ripen anyways, right? Seems like a good idea to me.

If you ever want any of my F2s (or the F1s that I have left even) you’re welcome to either should the need arise. Though I assume the BX may be a better place to look if it comes to that. Hopefully it doesn’t come to that and they root / rebound anyways, cannabis is a tough plant.