Holy's Garden (Part 1)

Thanks @DesertHeartGardens ! You’re spot on :wink:

Most are hungry plants in general. Some of the heaviest feeders I’ve seen. Not just for ca/mg but for everything.

5-7 bladed plants will be the ones leaning most to the mom. If you get into 9+ blades you’re looking at the Starlite(A5Haze S1/89NL5 BX8) coming through, but even those will have effects and traits from the mom all over them.

Try and keep humidity under 70% in late flower. I’ve seen reports of mold outdoors in late flower if you get morning dew every day. They will also likely require support in late flower. Other than that, they’re all pretty hardy plants.

Most should run around ~10 weeks, there’s outliers at 8 and 12.


All 10 of those JOTI Northern Lights popped roots within 36 hours. Got 5 planted after an additional 24 hours. Last 5 should be up enough to get planted by tonight, another 24hrs after that. Pretty damn good for a supposed F20+ inbred line that has sat in my seed fridge for the last ~2 years… I’ve had much worse germ rate from less inbred lines and fresher beans at that. I hope these come out as good as he says they do and no herms while we’re at it :pray::pray::pray: I need a good narcotic pain relieving couchlock that might help the wife and I sleep

Would love to find something like this or better in there :heart_eyes: That’s taken directly off JOTI’s site. Wouldn’t mind another stable male to keep around either. Speaking of, my chosen, 99% stress tested, NL2 male clone is finally coming around now so will have him to use if nothing else.

Looks like the Bandaid Haze Church cut is coming around now too. Seeing better green growth coming in finally :pray: Really hoping to flower her out before too long here…

I ran out of the thicker 1gallon fabric pots so was hunting around for something better to use. The couple plants I ran on the flower table in 1/4 gallon nursery pots have noticeably smaller flowers than the one’s I ran in 1 fabric gallon pots. AC Infinity sells 1 gallon nursery bags that are biodegradable and cheap, 50/$10. Compared to the thicker fabric pots that are around 5/$10 and aren’t biodegradable or anything. Seemed like a no brainer to me. I don’t need the thick fabric, I need breathability and drainage.

I’ve also been using solo cups, or more recently, 10oz clear dixie cups to start all of my plants in. Snipping the edges of the cup base for water access/drainage. I found this to be really wasteful and a pain to keep buying so I figured there’s gotta be something better right? I found 200 biodegradable seedling pouches for $8 on amazon so I ordered those too. Going to try them out and see how they do. Theoretically I should be able to root in the seedling pouches, drop into the 1/4 gallons for veg, and then drop those into the 1 gallon bags for flower with virtually no transplant shock the whole way.

AC infinity makes 1/2 gallon bags too but the size difference between the 1/4 gallon and 1/2 gallon seemed so small that it made more sense to me to just go with the 1 gallon bags instead. Like, I don’t think I’d see the better growth I’m expecting by only just barely sizing up the bag to the 1/2 gallon.


the northern lights l remember from 20 years ago was so lime green and frosty but hard to come by at times because most of it got shipped south of the boarder from bc. when i was really desperate and out of work i used to get a loan from some street guys get few lbs together for around 2200 canadian and drive it to minniapolis and flip them for 3500 usd. and at that time the usd was like 45 cents more than canadian. one trip would pay off the loan sharks cover rent for a couple months and food. man times have changed lol

makes me look forward to see what you find


If you take a look at other guys growing out JOTIs NL, you’ll we much better pics then from their site! So I think the chance that you’ll get that or better is quite high! I settled for JPs NL5 F3, but I’m getting both Pure Indica and NL2 from AG soonish.

Pz :v:t2:


Really sorry to hear about the mold but yeah the power being out that long really got you.

Can I ask what are you putting in your hydro these days, nute and supplement wise?

That’s awesome your going to get at least a few beans from the TK fem bx1, it would have been even worse if you lost even more work/time. Your a great grower this is just a speed bump on the highway.


I couldn’t find anyone else that had grown it really. You know where?

I’ve been debating grabbing the purest indica. I have his NL2 and NL5 but not looked at them yet. I’ve heard his NL5 is better than any others around tho.

Aw thanks! I try :slightly_smiling_face:

Hydro Feed

  1. I mix up a 5 gallon bucket of water with a small fountain pump.
  2. Add ~10 grams of solution grade gypsum (Diamond K or DownToEarth)
  • Wait like 20 minutes for the gypsum to thoroughly dissolve. The water should be clear with hardly any particulates at the bottom of the bucket when it’s ready. If you don’t wait then things will clump and fall out of solution and the nutrient mix will not work correctly.
  1. Add ~25 grams maxibloom
  • Same deal, need it to thoroughly dissolve before moving on. Usually only takes 5 or so minutes tho not 20.
  1. Add ~6ml PH UP to hit ~5.8 PH

That’s it.
The 10 grams of gypsum comes out to just barely under a level tablespoon.
The 25 grams maxibloom comes out to just over a tablespoon. A fat tablespoon

I do sterilize my reservoir with a calcium hypochlorite solution once or twice a week but that’s the only other thing I add. Currently using 6 grams calcium hypochlorite to 4 liters of water to make the concentrate which comes out to right around 1mg/ml. And then I’m dosing ~10ml of that concentrate per gallon of reservoir water, which should come out to right around 1ppm free chlorine if my math and the AI is accurate :thinking:

I run the same mix in veg and flower, only differences are PH and EC. I bottom feed all my veg plants in trays. New seedlings get plain tap water until the first node starts coming in or so, sometimes a lil before sometimes a lil after depending on the plants reserves, and then they go on the veg feed until flower.

Veg I target PH 5.7-5.9 and ~1.6-1.9 EC

Flower I target PH 5.9-6.1 and 2.3-3.0 EC depending on the plant.

  • Basically means using ~4gallons of water instead of 5gallons to make the bucket. Or increase to ~15g gypsum and ~35g maxibloom per 5 gallon bucket instead.

Per 1 gallon rates are: ~2-3grams of gypsum and ~5-7grams of maxibloom


I’v been hesitant to start reading your journal because of it’s length. But i couldnt help myself any longer, time to dig in!

It will be awhile till i catch up but im sure i will learn plenty.


Ah yeah sorry about that. Its all over the place really and I kinda went into the perpetual route so couldn’t do the thread titles like @minitiger and some of the other guys do. I also took a break from here for like 6-12mo in the middle of this and did some work off the site. There’s like 6 different nutrient lines ran in here. DWC. Organic water-only soil. Flood table… Bottom feeding. Draughts. Lots of herms. Should be some good info in all that lol… Thank you for looking and reaching out :slight_smile:


Mmm Triangle Kush :yum:

Still got ~17 days to go, can’t wait!

SSDD F2 #1 on day 6 of (re)veg :pensive:

Gonna be a pain but long as I can get like 20 cuts off this girl I don’t really care. Unsure on beanage but hopefully get some of those too.

Bandaid Haze IX 3.0 ‘Church’

Rough af but that nice new green growth is really good to see :pray:
My chosen NL2 pair in the background there recovering…

Speaking of NL, JOTI’S NL

Got two left that may or may not make planting still but off to a great start so far ^^

And that’s all I got for today y’all, thanks for looking!


Are you re-vegging this plant like it is, buds and all?

That’s a nice looking lady :slight_smile:


yessir! She’s the only one I have period. The rooted clone of her I had died in the power outage like the bandaid cut almost did so this is what I got. She was 5 weeks into flower. If I can keep her around i’d send her over to ya if you want. Only one other person has her and I need to fix that in case something like this happens again.


I’ve mentioned this before, but the only reason I start new logs for every grow (with the exception of the last one haha) is to make it easier for people who aren’t members on OG to find info on a particular strain, like if they Google “Bodhi Dread Bread grow reports” or whatever. I search specific strain names all the time and having a new log for each one makes it easier. Otherwise, I’d just do an ongoing one like you do.

I feel for people like @GCBudz, though, who are coming across your log for the first time. 2700+ posts? Hoowee, that’s a lot of stuff to read haha.

Have you ever considered keeping your moms and recently-received cuts in soil? It might make it easier to help them stay alive if/when another power outage happens (fingers crossed it doesn’t, but it probably will… haha).


Yeah I totally get that. The way you do it does make it really nice. Half the time Im not even growing breeder packs or other people’s gear though. And at least half the time I do, I’m throwing them in the compost 3 weeks in due to herms. I would have to sit on my stuff until 5 weeks into flower before starting the journal, kinda like you do. I like using this as kind of my log though while I’m at it. I have an android app(GrowTracker) that tracks mostly everything too but… yeah. There’s also things that never get shown here at all.

I don’t ever want soil in my house again really. Was a bit of a hassle for me last time and ended up being a bug magnet. I don’t think nutes nor dirt/coco was the issue at all for her really. I think the issue was her sitting in 100% wet media for days with no light at ~68 degrees. It caused root rot and she just couldn’t recover in time :confused: Everything else must’ve been far enough along so as to not be affected really. Her clone and the bandaid were the newest rooted clones I had when the power went out. I should’ve done more but hindsight is 20/20 right? bleh… hopefully never again :pray:


Good point, I didn’t even think of that. Like, what’re you gonna do, start a new log every time you pollinate another TK plant? Just to help out the people who aren’t OG members when they search “HolyAngel TK/SSDD pollination round 8”? Haha!

Right. I’m not trying to convince you to put plants in soil or anything, but it was a thought that occurred to me. I was totally freaked out when my power outage happened, but the plants took it in stride for sure, no issues at all. Humidity got up to 99% the first day (my hygrometer only goes up to 99% haha, I’m sure it was actually 100), but luckily it didn’t get any higher than 70% or so the following 1.5 days. Who knows what woulda happened had it lasted five fucking days…

Anyway… Onward and upward haha.


Noice! Bookmarked for when I start my octos!


Lmao :ok_hand:
I still have thought about making a new journal though so I might here before too long. Is 3k the thread limit still or did it raise to 5k? Anyone know?

For sure bro, I appreciate the thought! Definitely an idea and it might’ve helped too. If they were in soil I wouldn’t have been bottom feeding. Maybe she would’ve gotten through it just fine then. Oh well now tho :sweat_smile: onward and upward for sure!

In other news, smoke break time!

SSDD F2 #1

TriForce #1


Pretty sure it’s five thousand posts. That’s how many it took to start the new Bodhi thread, anyway. Might be different for “personal grows” or whatever.


Frosty mothafucka!?as huh? Nice my friend, very nice


FAF and TAF I would wager.


Haha let’s hope , but definitely looks the part! :joy: