Holy's Garden (Part 1)

When will that be? 2025??!! :rofl::crazy_face:

But, I’m just giving you a heads up. Plants get BIG in Octo’s!


Oh fuck im sorry about all that I may have missed it or forget, do you have any TK
Mother left after the power problems or is the flowering one it?


Ah ok thanks, 5k is what I was thinking too. I don’t think they’d make it different as it should just be one setting for the whole server :thinking: I haven’t personally messed with Discourse though.


Oh I definitely still have clones of the TK around. She didn’t skip a beat.


I’m so behind for flower cuz of all my hermi issues but if I can make seed outside this year I wanna get a triforce male from what’s left and cross it with the catahoula to try out . The catahoula is very short and stout. Never had pollen sac issues. I hear the chems and TK are hard to s1 at times and the Kryptonite i never had hermi issues with so if my ipm and climate is right I’d like to see how the catahoula X triforce would run. Those are probably the two favorites people have gotten from me. And my most expensive seeds herm lol.


Awesome happy to hear that!


Hell yeah that sounds fantastic! If you find a nice TriForce male like that swing some pollen this way while you’re at it and I can hit the TK with it for some reg TK BX1 beans I’d split 50/50 with you :wink: :wink: I didn’t find a male I liked or that resembled TK in the first batch of TriForce beans I ran and pull my two girls out of or I would’ve done it already. I’m glad to hear you and people like the TriForce as much as I do though :slight_smile: Some of the girls in there are up there with some of the best herb I’ve ever had. Not THE best, but still up there on the same shelf.

Reversing the TK is a pain for sure. I’m actually getting ready to do it again now that I’ve had some practice with it and hopefully have better and quicker luck this time. Literally tonight I am going to start spraying a cut I have of her in veg. Then every 2 days after that. Flip to flower 8 days from now, so 4 sprays before flip. Continuing with sprays every 2 days for at least the first week of flower, basically until bud(ball?) set and then will start backing off from there.


Ha, that’s why I’ve been sending cuts out, just call me Mr. Unreliable, lol! Is this the same cut that’s close to the one I sent you? I’ll hit you up when you have cuts, would be interesting to how it compares to mine in the pain dept.

Amen brother! I mean, that stuff is dirty, lol!

I’m really interested in how this regime goes. Neither DJSF, or myself was able to reverse my SSDD, maybe 6 tries total. I’m a glutton for punishment, though, I’m about ready to try another.

I want to try try new fixings, where are you getting yours?


Nice bro. I too was a big time fan of maxibloom and ran gypsum along with it for just one run in coco. Mostly used it for dwc. It’s expensive as I need to import and there’s a knock off of gh flora 3 part available locally and it’s easy on the pockets.
Do you grow in coco-perlite?


I think the cut you sent me was a bit more skunky than my #1 is and airy-er. The #2 I found actually reminds me a bit of that first cut you sent me. The K1 cut you have running is probably the closest other SSDD I’ve seen to looking like mine. Will definitely let you know when I have rooted clones of her. Definitely interested in finding the best one and breeding with it. @syzygy’s looks really interesting too but he’s understandably not dealing with clones for the moment. Regardless, we’ve both been through a bunch of SSDD beans already and have kept what we have for a reason so… we should compare… for science :wink: lol

I have a feeling my girl is going to be the same way. I haven’t tried reversing her yet but she’s like the most stable plant I’ve ever seen. More so than the TK. I got that regimen from following @Mr.Sparkle’s journal and his success breeding fem auto’s so I’m hoping it’ll translate here. I definitely had better luck when I increased the sprays.

I’m using STS to do this. I had a couple packs from Sebring when he was selling them but got my last batch from @middleman as he was awesome enough to send me some he had extra. Should be able to pick up the Silver Nitrate and Sodium Thiosulfate from amazon or ebay. Or get some Elite x Elite from riotseeds lol but he wants $70 for a small bottle. Highway robbery right there. Here’s the pdf dosage instructions for STS, also courtesy of middleman
STS instructions.pdf (907.4 KB)

Oh that sucks you have to import it! My understanding is it’s basically a all-in-one dry version of the gh 3part at least. So likely not too far off then :slight_smile:


Me too. I’ve bought it off ebay and amazon twice, thought maybe you had a more reliable source. Reckon I should start anew after all the false starts. I’ve gotten plenty of sacs, just nothing in them that’s viable?

I’m trying to flower out one of those males that threw pistils after the lighting fuck up. Just want to see if does that again under normal and/or abbynormal conditions… he was a frosty one.


Hmm if you’re getting sacks then I’d think the materials are right. Maybe just need to spray more often? That was my issue with the TK. Doing the 4-7 day spray thing every week meant I had sacks with basically no pollen at 5 weeks into flower. When I increased to every 2 days, after a week or so I started getting a small amount of pollen. I think I just needed to start it sooner. It took awhile for me to even get sacks originally.


5k cuz, then the thread flips to part 2, and so on. My Circus thread is into part 5
@minitiger that’s my personal thread, it’s the same with the sponsored threads also


That’s my next tack. I was following MadMac and Useful’s schedules and recipes: spray then immediately flip and spray again in 2 weeks. Both of them said in their experience too many sprays would cause damage, but getting zippo is even more damaging in my book! And maybe they had the good stuff, lol!

I will definitely be watching your schedule :slight_smile:


I looked around at STS kits a bit ago and 20Twenty Mendocino sells a kit and they recommend spraying every other day for a total of 4 sprays, take what you will from that.


I got the materials from The Science Company in Lakewood, CO. I bought from them because that was who Sebring recommended in his instructional video - at least he did at the time when I bought them two years ago.


lost your fans would be my guess. Warmth and humidity in the dark. Sad to see so much hard work go to waste.


I almost missed this, I do grow in a coco and perlite mix. I’ve been using pure Mother Earth coco, or the 70/30 Mother Earth coco/perlite. Then I add perlite until I have a roughly 50/50 mixture of coco to perlite that I use for all my pots. I do this for aeration, drainage, and proper wicking since I’m lazy and bottom feed my plants in fabric bags and solo cups.


You might have already seen/heard but AG is having a “grow fund us” promo going on right now that offers a 10 pack of each Purest Indica, NL#2, NL#5, Skunk#1, and OH all for $125. Nice deal at $2.5/seed!


Ah yeah I got the email for that yesterday I think. He’s doing unlimited amounts of that 5pack too. All the strains in there are $50/10bean pack by themselves so it’s definitely worth it if you don’t have any of them already or are fine with extras. I’m not gonna do it myself as I have everything but the purest and the ohaze already. Might still grab that purest indica but I think I’d rather just have the og kush cut if he’s saying it’s so similar.


Yea I jumped on that deal as I’ve been interested in each of them at some point especially the haze. Almost bought the summer special for 50 haze seeds for a hundo but glad I waited now. I’ll likely be popping the OH first and not sure when I’ll get to the others so if you’re planning on making any seed with the purest indica I’ll send you mine.