Holy's Garden (Part 1)

Yeah I’ve ran their feed in veg before but i don’t care for it for flower with the high nitrogen. I’d wanna drop the part B and use gypsum instead… maybe add some pk too like you’re talking :thinking: I’m going to continue to use the maxibloom/gypsum for flower but this is definitely working well for veg so far. Reason for veg over the maxi is higher N content. Not a fan of the lower P tho but should be fine. Might do something with the jacks 20-20-20, idk yet.

@204medismoke not so much looking for a bubba leaner as I was just hoping to be able to see some of those traits to help selection. As-is I’m kind of flying blind at the moment. I see some OG and a bunch of NL traits, which makes sense, but idk anything more than that. I’m sure the stem rubs will help once I get there. Topping response too. Not trying to clone 12 plants tho but nothing’s really sticking out at me nor catches my eye either. Maybe 2 of them :thinking:

The extra gram of Epsom shouldn’t be too much, I’d imagine some plants need that too. I just haven’t gotten there yet.


I just started dropping my Meg B this morning. Next week. I will drop it some more and start adding diamond K gypsum. If I need a N bump I will give them a shot of Alaskan fish ferts. Sweet Candy rocks used it last year with foxfarm. “Premo” just started baby bumping the bud explosion this morning.


I got 1 of 11 M29 seeds to pop, it was the most tan colored seed of them all, scuffed the seeds in a sandpaper lined matchbox to help with extra hydration. Hope you have better luck then me!

Pz :v:t2:


@HolyAngel hay man, I just got some Diamond K solution grade gypsum from BAS. I’m currently using a 10% Ca with 1part MC. I make up a stock of 2tsp/l which comes out at 2.5ec, then add 300ml to a 5gal bucket.

I was gonna do the same ec/ml with this gypsum, but was wondering how much you’re using?


With the maxibloom I’ve been using around 2grams of gypsum per gallon. I haven’t tried it yet with the megacrop 2 part nor 1part. I had some 1part but it turned into a giant block from poor storage.


Now I have to see what that works out in ec, thanks for more work, lol!

Looks like MC has a bit more Ca, 7.5% vs 5, I’ll monkey around with it… but thanks for a staring point :slight_smile:


No problem! I usually mix 5 gallons at a time so ~2gr gypsum per gallon, into 5 gallons, is just shy of a full tablespoon. I think that amount is ~500-700ppm by itself. If MC has 2.5% more than MB, maybe go with 1/2 tablespoon per 5 gallon? Like 1-1.5gram per gallon :thinking:


I dug my scale out, lol!


I had to add in the 1gram epsom this morning. The seedlings didn’t seem to mind the lack of it but my mom’s are complaining for sure. So 4-2-1 it is :wink:


ya my girls seem to be liking it. when do you lower the 5 12 26 or do u just go till harvest? i wish i had some of that 0 12 26 but wont be spending the shipping it will cost lol


Definitely! I’m still planning on using the tried and true gypsum+maxibloom for flower so it’s 5-15-14 until harvest. This MC/Jacks ~4~2-1 is just for veg for for the foreseeable for me.


Also interested in the 0-12-26. Would like the ability to cut out all N in the last couple weeks.


The MC 1 part works out really close to the targets on the synthetics thread for veg. ATM I am using that and then the Gypsum/Maxibloom to finish

On the OG I usually top early to increase the branching and bud sites.


Yeah definitely gonna need to top them soon. Going to put at least two of the 4 into flower soon. They’re a lot beefier than the TK is. Thinking maybe bubba kush s1 or maybe still og kush s1, idk yet, but they look nice :slight_smile:


It’s hearsay but they are supposed to go at least 25 years back to the original mom, told to me 2 years ago.


This is also on my radar
But some n in flower is needed imho



Black River OG

The two with the blue arrows are the two that are kinda speaking to me from this batch. I tossed one on the far left with super long petioles, like double the length of any other plant. Talking the third node leaf could reach above the 6th node leaf. Like 8-10 inch petiole length. Nobody needs that. There’s a couple others with longer petioles but not like that.

I haven’t rubbed everything yet but I’m getting lemons, kush, tennis ball, and some acrid nl1 type scents off the stem rubs from these. The tallest and shortest plants both have the same lemony stem rub. Second tallest seems to have more kush in there. 3rd has tennis ball. Half the plants seem to have bulbous trichomes on the fan leaves and the other half don’t. Selection is going to be interesting :thinking:


Some random things…

Note those keywords: ‘Electric, Heart Palpitations, Sweating(waterworks), visual, intense’
Just needs a lil bit of body…

Feels like an acid trip… Lets look at that warning shall we?

If you haven’t had anything like these descriptions, you’ve never had Nevil’s real work. At best, it was someone else’s poor selection. To be fair, I currently don’t have any keepers that match these descriptions either :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: but I’ve had them before and I know what to look for. My C5/SensiStar mom is the closest I’ve seen in decades to the brilliant, up, and vividly saturated high that I can remember. Crossing her with the Starlite(A5/NL5) in the NorthStar cross brings back the waterworks and heart palpitations in certain phenos. Still missing the trippy/acid effect. Some of them also have a bit too much NL5 and will sit you down. More work to be done…

Now this, this is the effect I’d like to find in these NH x MM and/or Swiss Thai Nevil 2 x NH x MM
(MM = Mullumbimby Madness)

(? = Oaxacan x Mullumbimby Madness)

You are smoking away and suddenly it feels like God has come into the room.

Suddenly it feels like there’s a presence in the room. More has been squeezed into the same volume of space, like a bigger dimension inside a smaller one.


I’ve run some MM crosses from seedbay. I’m no expert but for me they looked like how a blend of multiple south east asian cultivars smashed into each other.

If the idea of haze is multiple Colombians smashed and selected, then MM is the SEA version of it. :thinking:

The terp profile was close to some of the African sativas I have tried, very raw. One note is that it doesn’t have that much terpinolene for being so “extreme”. But there are definitely THCV is there, you can feel it strong.

I have also used it in breeding projects for daytime medicine which it was very effective to cross to landrace affi’s and paki’s. It really does give that extra go which haze can have trouble to keep in crosses. One favorite was Malawi x MM pure madness :metal:t2::metal:t2::sweat_smile:

Pz :v:t2:


Oh nice!! Yeah my understanding is the MM is their version of haze. Possibly related to haze a long long time ago. THCV for damn sure. I wish I was able to test for those things.

Malawi is probably my favorite all-around pure sativa. I could smoke that stuff all day long. I had some in Oregon a year or two back that was fantastic. Really helped make the whole trip up there. Feel good, vision enhancing, up herb. Yields Great. Tasty. It’s like my C5/sensistar cut but honestly might’ve liked it even better. I have some beans to run that should be the real deal but I wanna look at this other stuff first. I could easily see how that x MM would be amazing :heart_eyes: