Holy's Garden (Part 1)

Which Malawi do you have?
I have some Malwai Gold from a repro Tejas did here.


I did get the Malawi Gold from Tejas and that looks like it might be it too but I have a different pack from a couple years prior that I believe is straight from afropips. I had two packs but I gave one to @Zion to grow out to check. Unsure if he’s gotten to them yet or not.


Have you ever run Ace’s? I have a couple of packs and I’m dying to drop some.


I have not ran Ace’s Malawi yet. My understanding is it was Malawi Gold that they outcrossed to Pakistani Chitral Kush first and then maybe backcrossed in order to make the seeds. Unsure why exactly or if that’s even true facts but that’s what I got on it. I think some of the other Malawi crosses from them, like Panama x Malawi, might not have used that PCK outcross, but I have no real idea on that either.


That was my understanding as well. I’ve read the whole Malawi and Golden Tiger threads on IC, and although everyone seems to like them, I don’t see a lot of people saying Wow! My guess is that like a lot of gear, you have to hunt for the special one.


Yeah seems that way :confused: Ive seen that with a few things that make me wonder. See a lot of hype, lot of people talking about growing it, and then a bunch of silence when it comes to what was found. Like sour diesel cuts :joy:


That’s exactly what it seems like with a lot of gear. “Look how beautiful she is, the smell is amazing, I’m taking her down tonight!”

Then…crickets :slight_smile:

I have a lot more appreciation for honesty. Not every plant is going to be a winner. Some of the most beautiful ones I’ve run, were mids, at best.


If I can step into this part of the dialogue, I stumbled onto some of the Panama x Malawi that I grew in 2021, stored in a full jar at a friend’s house.
This is Summer of 2023, and its still the best Pot I have smoked all Summer !!
Ridiculous I know, but I cannot wait to get into 2024… @FieldEffect is on the edge of the curve with a feisty panalawi.

Amongst all the Nuggets it remains unique


I love to hear stories like this. That’s awesome :slight_smile:


Yeah that’s what I’m talking about! Makes me wanna start those Malawi even sooner. Think I have some Panama x Malawi crosses from @Foreigner too that should be same relation :thinking:


I believe so but I can’t shed any light on the PCK controversy.


So there’s no good Sour Diesel cuts basically?

Saw beautiful buds today on IG, some hype “LitFarms” genetics. I messaged the guy & asked about effects. He said he smoked 2 joints & didn’t even catch a buzz :laughing: Seems a recurring theme.


Jury is still out I think but I remember AJ’s cut supposedly being it. I haven’t heard it mentioned in a few years now but that’s the one that was always it 10+ years ago. it’s still gotta be the cut to get now if it’s still around. None of the other ~19 :rofl: “sour” cuts seem to actually have much sour in them.

:joy: :ok_hand:


Hopefully that’s happening to me this winter and for the next few years :sunglasses:

Making me all excited again


I’ve got some Karma SD crossed with Rez SD headed my way from a generous member. Eventually gonna run them alongside Sour D (archive cut)x A5HT, and Karma SD Bx3 f2s, and Sour D x Afkansastan x18
Gotta be something Sour in there!


Must be killer if it gets @MissinBissin endorsement.


Careful on all that Karma sour gear. I had a whole pack of Karma’s Headbanger and a whole pack and a half of his Sowahh 100% herm on me.


Hmmmm… that’s rough!
Thanks for the heads up.
Everything I have with Sowahh was bred by somebody here, and they had sent mentioned any issues from their grows, but I will definitely stay vigilant!


These are two leaves from the two black river og I had picked out earlier in blue

First is bottom left blue mark and second is the top right blue mark

I wonder where these double serrations are coming from :thinking:


I keep a cut of that Karma x Rez Sour Diesel around. I have never seen them in the tent but have noticed a few male flowers when trimming. Never any seed though. She grows like crazy and wants ALL THE NUTES. I got 12oz off my last one and it stinks in such a wonderful way. Great daytime weed (for me, ymmv) but easy to overindulge due to the potency.