Holy's Garden (Part 1)

They were my first real Colas @Smooth
Panama x Malawi ACE


Does that karma/rez sour have the mouth coating sour flavor? That’s really what I’m missing. That and the uplifting/antidepressant effect.


Jeeeezus! How long did you veg?!


I’ve tried both a reproduction of Afropips Malawi Gold and Ace Malawi. Ace is a more refined version of the Malawi Gold and as of my understanding it is based on an old Malawi Gold Elite, back crosses to PCK.

Afropips Malawi Gold is fantastic if you’re after the true old school Malawi Gold, if it’s for breeding or a refined taste. It’s up to you.

But I wouldn’t discard Ace Malawi, it’s still the best sativa around in my opinion and I liked it better then the true MG. Tbh, the Ace Malawi is a stronger and brutal sativa high with no ceiling what so ever. Their flowering times on the website have never been close and even though I know there is indica in the mix, it’s not noticeable.

This is was i heard, but I don’t know how true it is… The Malawi Killer clone came from a bagseed found in
a Coffee Shop in Central Amsterdam in the late 80s early 90s, which only sold African import. I don’t remember the name of this establishment, but I know it was also the place the Dutch got it’s Durban Poison/Durban, way before it came in a refined form, from America.(This information is partly from Karel from SSSC)

Pz :v:t2:


I think that people who aren’t really familiar with good sativa’s set the bar too high for themselves. When they don’t get the boot to the head and body, they think they have a bad pheno. My wife thought Kali mist was “meh” and I thought she was magical. She has such a clean high. Good haze’s, on the other hand, send her to bed taking short breaths while waiting for the room to stop spinning. She’s a true indica lover.


I lack other Sour Diesels for comparison. My initial answer is I don’t think it coats the mouth, but I’ll need to sample her again. That’s not a quality I’ve paid attention to before. She definitely has the pungent odor. While trimming I had three separate visitors tell me they could smell the plant outside the house.

I’ve learned my lesson with this phenotype. No more than 3 weeks before flip or it will grow past my lights. I’ll drop a rooted clone into the Octopot. It can take a week for the roots to grow through 5 gallons of soil and reach the reservoir. Growth explodes when she can drink!! I’ll top once, give it a week to recover, then apply LST and move into the flower tent. She’s the fastest growing plant I’ve encountered. About 11 weeks in flower before harvest.
The one on the right…


That kinda looks like Notso’s sour :thinking: Looks damn good regardless!

Lanky af like TK and some long petioles too tho :thinking: Kinda makes me wanna keep that black river og with the extra long petioles :joy: I bet that girl would benefit from crushing all of her stems that get over an inch long internode spacing and you likely still would not lose any yield in a run. It’s how I keep TK manageable.

@LonelyOC very interesting! thanks for all the Malawi info! I think you’re the first person I’ve ever read actually say they prefer/want Ace’s Malawi :thinking: I need to make an Ace order at some point so I’ll have to throw a pack or two of those in there just to see. Looks like people are saying the Fem version might be easier to find the ‘killer’ pheno these days but the plants aren’t what they were some years ago :thinking: I wish whatever clone I had of it in Oregon was still around and could get over here, would save me a lot of time :sweat_smile:


All the south african weed is actually multiple different cultivars. We nerds all know this, it’s the same story for every territory. I really hope you get the chance to experience what you had. As I said earlier, Malawi Gold isn’t bad, it’s a real heart thumper and a real experience. But I wouldn’t be honest with you if I didn’t bring the Ace Malawi to the table. For some reason, my brain really really vibes with it and any cross that I touches.

I think you should give Ace Malawi a shoot and see where it takes you, and at the same time, get som MG from RSC. :metal:t2:

Pz :v:t2:


@SamwellBB So I went back over the Black River OG to see how many had the double serrations on them and…

it turns out that the only plants that have them out of the whole pack, are these two plants that caught my eye originally, weeks ago, before they ever showed any of this.

I don’t know where the double serration is coming from but I see the same type of double serration, and in the same places, as are in my Sunshine Daydream F2 #1 girl :thinking:

Also found this similarity between the Salmon River OG pic

and this leaf
and/or this leaf

Not exact for sure, definitely some differences, but they’re the closest looking leaf’s from 12 plants to that pic. And both are from the blue marked plants. Everything else looks markedly different.


Looking good bro :fire:


What about when she’s crossed to Franco’s Lemon Cheese??? :joy::joy::joy:

I’m serious, though.

Honestly, man, there’s only one. I know I’ve said this over and over, but you’d know it if you tasted it. There’s no ambivalence, nothing else tastes like it, completely unique. It’s named Sour Diesel because that’s what it tastes like. And you keep tasting it for a whiiiiile after you’ve blazed it, thirty minutes easy.

Or maybe it always just seemed like thirty minutes haha…

I’m not saying you’re full of shit or anything; I’m saying other people are haha! I don’t doubt that you got a “legit” cut of whatever people are trying to pass off as Sour right now.

Crickets speak volumes. I very, very rarely write reviews for the plants I’ve grown that smoked shitty, but I always write reviews for the ones I love. Or even the ones I just kinda like haha.

Sometimes I’ll think,”Welllll, they did just harvest, maybe they’re super-baked and don’t feel like writing anything…” Revisit the thread a month later, two months later, three months later and still nothing. I think it’s kind of weird, actually, just because the whole point of grow logs (at least for me) is to share information, whether it’s good or bad. I dunno if it’s because people are afraid of looking stupid for wasting their time or what, but PLEASE, let us know! A lot of times, with weed I don’t like, I’ll at least go back and say,”Yeah, I didn’t really like that weed,” haha.


Before legalization, my first thought was that they may have had a security breach, and I always assumed the worst, but I think you’re right. They’re just disappointed it wasn’t what they thought it would be and it’s tough to post back with less than stellar results.

We don’t have any control over the genetics. All we can do is grow them well and hope for the best.


That was crossed with her brother actually(RIP :cry:), not her. He’s even hazier then she is and that pairing of him to the FLC#1 produced one of my favorite plants of the last 5 years or so.
Sadly didn’t make the reveg :sob: I don’t remember heart palpitations nor excess sweating/nose running/eyes watering stuff with those. Just great afternoon weed when you didn’t have anything going on. Sit around and shoot the shit with people, herb. Some got a little foggy from the cheese and some, like the one above, were just soaring euphoric daytime herb. Most were in between. Still didn’t wanna be working on most of them though.

I ran a packs worth of that cross 12/12 from seed and most of the plants topped out around 2.5ft tall so nothing crazy, but one hit almost 5ft. Could find it pretty reliably in there. Shouldn’t have any issues running them like any other plant in your tent. I’d recommend topping for yield, some might get spidery from the cheese but the Christmas tree structure tends to dominate overall.


@Vagabond_Windy and @HolyAngel the MG you got from me I originally got from TLT. They should be very pure.


Awesome! Thank you for the hard work on those! I’ll try and get some started on the next go around :+1:


seems flc is pretty unpopular! :sweat_smile: :scream: :sob: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


What? What’re you talking about? I don’t get the joke.


I thought that francos lemon cheese is apparently unpopular.

have probably misunderstood something!


Nah, the flc is good stuff. I liked the cross I made of it better though. Again, one of my favorite plants came from that flc #1 x c5sensistar f3 #1 aka flc bx1 aka lemon cheese haze :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Yeah, I asked Holy about that FLC because I’m gonna plant some seeds of a C5/Sensi Star hybrid that he made with it in the next few weeks.

And that is the one I’m gonna go with, @HolyAngel haha, made up my mind yesterday after all that talk about it. I’ll plant the NL5Haze cross another time.