Holy's Garden (Part 1)

if i get some seeds out of my first try.! i ll send some to both of you. if you want of course. :innocent:
flc mother is adapting to the new environment . 10 -14 days till i flip to 12/12 :slight_smile:

3-4 weeks into flowering itshould be fine to throw some pollen on her. is that right?


you see stupid me ! :smile: :smile: :smile:


Oh yes! I would take some flc seeds please if you’re willing and able :slight_smile: that was my only issue with the original packs I got from greenhouse. Horrible germination rate. I got two plants out of two 10 packs :sweat_smile:

Yes, I usually pollinate on day 21 and 28 to get all the seeds ^^


I don’t think you’re stupid; you’re just foreign haha, English isn’t your first language. People who actually speak English as their first language have shit go over their heads all the time on the internet. And in real life, too haha.

Anyway, I just looked at your page; you’ve grown that Franco’s Lemon Cheese! And liked it! Haha.


yeah will be a cross from sour d bx3 and my flc. when it turns out fine you sure get some :slight_smile:
yeah greenhouse sucks with germ rates and when something is sprouting it turns hermi. not saying it alls seeds from them are like this ! just the oneś got :nauseated_face: :nauseated_face: but hearing you im not alone with this.

ok sounds good between day 21.-28 than ! :innocent:


yeah jokes and some stuff are sometimes hard to get. iĺl try not to use to translation software. for learing purposes. i still have a long way to go :stuck_out_tongue:

thanks for your compliment! im glad you like it :slight_smile:


Finally caught back up. What a hell of a few months you’ve had. I feel for ya for sure!

Speaking on the NL, not that I grew it specifically but I did grow Peaks NLxBB and it was very narcotic. I would expect the NL to be as well, but muted in aroma for sure. The NB did have a nice sweet blueberry taste to the smoke though, but overall muted. Definitely stable! Not sure if he still sells seed under his new legal enterprise Far West Genetics but I think it would be worth checking out if you were interested. He was always great to deal with. Id offer some but i only have a couple in the vault. gordbarlow@farwestgenetics.com

If you do make an order from Ace, based on one of the girls I got out of the Golden Tiger x A5…I would highly suggest grabbing a pack. It’s got the Malawi in it, and the one specific plant I grew has been my favorite nld smoke so far in my life. The other one i grew isnt as nice, its more of a herbal tea like smell and not as ‘up’ in the high. I need to grab more myself but they no longer list Canada as a shipping location and Real Gorilla doesn’t stock the R+D stuff :man_facepalming: I might have to log back into ICmag and get ahold of Dubi to see what’s up. He threw that pack in as tester on my last order.

Lastly…all this talk of Sour D…anybody in here know of some good seeds that would be close to the real deal? Preferably easy to order from Canada (credit card simplicity) lol. I’ve got the Sour D Bx, some Sour d bx x starfighter ix, Sour kush ( Reserva privada that I recall weren’t at all Sour when I first popped them) and some Headbanger x OPG (the most sour ive run to date but lacked in the high)…but im wanting another example so I can run them all at one time and play with them.


if you dont plan on running that sour kush and wanna trade it lmk i grew that like 10 years ago and found an amazing pheno that was like a sour diesel high in a small kush body and beautiful colors. i remember it having a sour kushy earth flav


Sorry I do want to grow it, I’m planning a run of all various sours. But when that time comes, I’ll probably chuck some pollen around and depending how things turn out you’ll be welcome to beans. But that will be a ways down the road, I have 3 runs in line first including the one I’m about to begin.


np if you do pop em gimmie a tag if ya remember. man i wish i took pics back then she was a really really perfect structured plant


When I popped them it was with OG18 and LA Chocolat and some other stuff. It was the least liked but I know there are better to be found…hopefully in what’s left of the pack! I also wasn’t a very good gardener at the time haha.
I’ll make a note to hit you up when I pop them!


It almost hurts my fingers to type this because I couldn’t stand him, but the last decent Sour Diesel I ran came from Rez stock. I grabbed one of the old packs seedbay had after all the drama unfolded over there. I had a half pack for a while and lost/misplaced it in a move. I was looking at Karma’s, but from what I’ve read, there is very little original diesel in their gear. I think HolyAngel may have mentioned that earlier in this thread.

Please tag me if you do find anything close.


This might sound stupid, but since some of the old Super Skunk clones are still alive and the 91 is still alive. Wouldn’t it be an idea to start looking through to get close to the old phenotype?
Idk, maybe I’m retarded. But the possibility that the real SD cuts is still is high imo. But as we all know, epigenetics are a real thing and maybe it have got the best of the cuts, their oomph is gone. :man_shrugging:

Pz :v:t2:


I think the diesel side can be found relatively easily. Like HolyAngel mentioned, finding the sour with the diesel is the challenge. I do agree though, the genetics are out there. It’s finding the person sitting on the right pack that doesn’t know it :slightly_smiling_face:


Ah, I see. All the different SDs I ever tried in seed form haven’t been that sour.

My thinking is that something in the genetics have changed, if it cuts lost or epigenetics. Either way, it might be a good solution to find creative ways to bring that part of the genetic back and it’s only possible with trying to figure out which building block introduced those traits. :man_shrugging: It’s probably stupid as I said, but my gut feeling points toward this type of thinking, instead of hunting clones to try.

Yet again, I just a dumb swede, so what do I know :grin:

Pz :v:t2:


Yeah it’s been a bit rough… All those JOTI NL’s hermed in veg and got tossed. Bracht’s and balls on the first couple nodes. Had the same thing happen with a pack of his Afghani. Makes me wonder if he used the Afghani to make the NL :thinking: There’s also talk he outsourced all his breeding and that’s why herms have gone up and quality has gone down. idk tho :man_shrugging:

Noted on the Golden Tiger x A5! When I make that order I’ll be sure to throw in a pack of those. Was it the ‘stretch pheno’ or the ‘short missile pheno’ that you preffered? I seem to have notes for each crossed to the NHC5Mango you ran. I don’t have any notes on which pheno(s) were crossed to the Chocolope tho. You think any of those are worth looking at before going to buy a pack of the GT/A5, or just go buy that pack of the GT/A5 and call it a day? lol

Usually I’ve just been getting ACE orders through Attitude or The Vault as I don’t think ACE ships directly to the States either? Not had any issues so far. Sometimes it pays to have a good friend in europe that can reship for you too though :wink: That’s how I have to do the JOTI orders(Canadian reship) or he literally takes 3-4 months to send beans in corrugated plastic to the States :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

No idea on legit Sour D beans… If I did I’d already have a sour d keeper lol :pray: I should still have that pack of Shoreline’s Sour D BX3 from @minitiger, I have jinglepot’s topdawg Sour D F2’s he did here last year, “Sour Diesel” x Dirty Taxi from emeraldgreen(no idea on if cut or bean), another pack of Doc’s Sowahh aka headbanger f3’s, and the SSSDH repro from @Swe-can. The only real clone I ever heard of being IT, is AJ’s Sour Diesel. Idk if it got renamed to Weasel’s cut or something else. But Chaco, bunktek, albany, notso’s, and the other ~15 cuts are real questionable as they didn’t exist 10+ years ago afaik. Not once did anyone ever mention those names until recently.

If I find it I will definitely let everyone know and spread her around, but not expecting to anytime soon.


Black River OG

Starting to get gender reveals at ~31 days of veg.

The two I picked out with the double serrations, stem rub smells 100% like OG and the pre98 Bubba Kush. The smaller one is a girl :partying_face: :crossed_fingers: Hoping the bigger one is a boy. Or another girl, I’m not complaining.

The other pair I’m excited for is the far top left and far bottom right, especially the bottom right one. They have this really freakin loud lemony stem rub that I don’t think I’ve come across before. Its at least twice as loud as any other stem rub in here.

There’s a couple short squat plants in the left tray that smell just like NL1 from AKBB that I’m guessing are gonna be the Black Domina leaners. There’s also at least 4 with a kushy to kushy/tennisball/rubber type aroma that I’m less excited about. Reminds me of NL2. I’m half tempted to toss everything but the og and lemon stem rub plants :sweat_smile: but I’ll wait and see what happens.

Gonna start topping them for clones this weekend as I get gender reveals and then will move them into flower. Gotta finish cleaning up the 4x4 tray for the big tent and then pickup a 3x3 tent to use my other tray. Hopefully gonna be a busy winter :fire:

Oh! In other other news, some buds I was smoking on last week:
Triangle Kush

Sunshine Daydream F2 #1


I still got some sour d bx and rez sour d beans left if you’re doing a sour d hunt. The more the merrier :smirk::v:


I’ve never grown that one, but I did get an unREAL half-ounce of it from a dispensary like maybe 14 years ago haha. It wasn’t anything at all like Sour Diesel, as far as smells and flavors were concerned. However, I was just rollllllling the finger hash off every time I broke up some nugs, it was falling everywhere. The only other time I’ve seen anything like that from dispensary weed was a really kick-ass batch of Headband I got around that same time.

I’d absolutely plant those seeds, but I’m not sure you should expect to find any Sour Diesel leaners. Coulda been the pheno that the particular grower who provided it to the dispensary I bought it from chose, like maybe they just chose the most “resinous” one or whatever, but it didn’t strike me as being related to Sour Diesel at all. It was still very impressive weed, though.

I grew three of Karma’s Headbanger a few years ago. One of them had, like, hints of Sour Diesel for the first few weeks of blazing it, but lost even that little bit after like a month in jars. They mostly just tasted like OG, which is still very tasty haha. But I do think that somebody might be able to find some sour-ish plants there. I’ve still got a pack+, but I dunno when I’m gonna plant more.

I dunno, man… After researching that one, reading all the grow logs everywhere, I’m not sure how “SD” it really is. I still have two packs of that one, but I’m really not sure if I’ll ever plant any. I dunno why I bought those packs without researching it at least a little bit, gotta be the only time I’ve done that without knowing at least something about the genetics/growth patterns etc.

AND NO, YOU CAN’T HAVE ANY for anybody who’s thinking about being like,”DM incoming!” haha. Buy your own fucking seeds… haha.

Plants look good, Holy! Haha.


What was your experience with that smoke @Swe-can ?
I’ve got a pack on the way!