Holy's Garden (Part 1)


Mom is lookin great!

Yeah i’d take more! At this point I was looking to make another ACE order but it’s gonna be a while before I can.


I’ve got you bro, these aren’t from a bank either, these are legit. I’ll hit you back on Monday.


As clean as it’s gonna get…

If you get a choice, don’t buy the white table, buy the black one.

Got everything scrubbed down as much as I can. Some of it is just one with the plastic now. Set the reservoir back up. Going with

6G/Gallon - Maxibloom
1G/Gallon - MegaCrop part B

Should come out to ~
120 - N
108 - P
182 - K
129 - Ca
55 - Mg
64 - S
1.584 - Fe

Compared to the jacks 4-2-1
190 - N
57 - P
261 - K
101 - Ca
58 - Mg
145 - S
1.85 - Fe

Basically, less N, double the P, two thirds the K, increases the calcium for the coco, mag is about the same but the overall mix is closer to the ideal 4:1 ratio of K to Mg, and Sulfur is cut down by over half. I’ve been seeing N toxicity with the 4-2-1, maybe 4-1.5-1 might work better? idk, the epsom drastically raises sulfur content and I don’t think it should really be the 1st or 2nd highest nutrient concentration in the mix. See what happens.

Lights still on 18/6 for now, waiting for a bit of stretch :crossed_fingers:


Haha in 100% agreement, I hate my white trays for exactly that. Still looks good br


i wonder if thats why greengenes goes 2-2-1 and adds mkp by itself. im going 4 2 1 and using 20g 10g 5g in 5.5 gallons of water and get around 1500 ppm

i really want to get my N lower for the last 2 weeks of flower when time comes.

also reminds me i left three 4x4 tables when i moved i had no where to put them. hope the landlord is nice enough to let me get them back


hmm yeah 2-2-1 with some MKP could work well :thinking: kinda closer to maxibloom that way.

The issue with the jacks/mc part ‘a’ IMO is the K is really high and P is really low. Maxigrow is even worse, it has hardly any P at all and I think thats why it usually suffers. I’ve been working on a spreadsheet to track all this but I think I want an app or something that does it instead so starting to tinker with that.

Running Maxibloom will get you lower N than using jacks or megacrop. 5grams/gallon is 66 N, 86 P, 154 K, makes finishing look pretty damn nice, as you’ve seen in here. I think I can do better though.


An app like that sounds like an fantastic idea! You can use react native with expo to get it on both Apple and Android devices for everyone to enjoy :100:

Pz :v:t2:


An app that works like Hydrobuddy with less features but lets you calculate the elementale ppms?


Ya i like your numbers but i have so much jacks i need to use up lol. I have 4 weeks to figure out a ratio to finish with


Yeah basically. It would have known elemental quantities for popular dry fertilizers we use. You select what you got, how much in grams of each one you have, and it spits out the exact elemental totals and total ppm at grams/gallon. I have it all working in a google sheet/workbook right now with one main fertilizer, 3 other optionals, and then maxigrow/bloom, megacrop 2part, jacks 202020 and 103020, epsom/gypsum/mpk/moab… need to get some more numbers of products.

What jacks stuff you got left to work with?



its all packed but alot of 5 12 26 and calcium nitrate. i just fill containers with like a lb at a time and re fill lmao. prob have enough for cpl years


that calculator shows that gypsum really makes a huge diff to your ratio of calcium and sulfur. im hard of learning sometimes and dont think i can figure out how to come up with something using straight jacks unless i score the zero N stuff they just released. ill try getting some off ebay canada or where ever i find like a lb’s worth


Ah ok, I just added the 5-12-26 to the sheet. Should be accurate :thinking:

Are you using Calcium nitrate with that? I’d guess that’s what’s driving your N up. If you drop that in favor of a powdered gypsum, preferably solution-grade or food grade powder, you’d be lookin at the same level of nitrogen as maxibloom and I don’t think it’s too much N at all. I get normal fading and senescence. Something like 2 grams of gypsum should get Calcium up to around half of potassium and closer to twice magnesium. The supposedly ideal ratio of Potassium:Calcium:Mangesium to prevent nutrient antogonism, is 4:2:1. In coco tho I’ve ran up to 4:4:1 and not had much issues, if any.


thank you for the help. i dont have any issues either and things seem fine but i hear the lower you can get N is late flower while keeping the other stuff the same the better terps you will get. but i will keep following you guys and dial it all in eventually!


The calculator Is set on Gallons not per liter right?Based on that,I Just Need to divide every ppm for 3,80 to get the ratio and ppm for a single liter of water,right?


Correct, it’s all in grams per US gallon. I usually fill up and mix 5gallon buckets at a time so the us gallon setting was easier for me.

I thought maxigrow was a decent stand alone nutrient but looking at the numbers, it seems more like it’s the part b to the maxibloom.

5 grams maxibloom
2 grams maxigrow

Comes out really nice for a veg feed imo.

Total N 118.84
Total P 97.54
Total K 215.4
Total Mg 56.6
Total Ca 97.8
Total S 69
Total Fe 1.954
Total Zn 0
Total B 0
Total Mn 0.266
Total Cu 0.075
Total Mo 0.012591
Total PPM 657.487

Could also maybe use a little gypsum but gonna pass for the moment :thinking: Trialing it now.


Let me know if you can.
I am following here so maybe put some updates on how this feeding regime works with what light and temperature too.
Thank you for your work.
I still wish to run maxibloom only with a mix of hard tap water and RO starting from 0.3 EC on my next plants and leaving CANNA behind,too much leafy plants,too much N


I’ve heard people use 5 to 7 grams of maxibloom per gallon and nothing else, with good results. I usually add some gypsum for extra calcium(and the sulfur helps too) since I’m in coco but technically shouldn’t need it.

I’ve been running 5-7 grams per gallon of maxibloom with 1-2 grams per gallon gypsum for over a year now. Ran it with calmag before that but it’s too much mag. Seedlings start out around 1.6-2.0 EC.


I currently run:
Silicate 2.8g
Calmag 7g
Bloom 10g
For 7 liters of water

I’ll be trying some stuff out in the future but it’s good enough for now.

Pz :v:t2: