Holy's Garden (Part 1)

I see,I m on Coco too.I Ve seen Someone going MaxiBloom only in Coco too with hard tap.
I’ll lurk around here.
What I Need Is a stable feed almost Universal for every auto,I know It Is almost impossible :grin:

What I do now Is Canna A/B 0.5 to 0.7ml per Liter,can anyone help me figure out the elementale ppms?


I hope you’re dropping the silica in flower. You don’t need it there and it makes the flowers smoke a little harsher if you keep adding it. I used to run it start to finish but after a couple runs dropping it when I flip, the smoke is undeniably smoother. Not much, but a noticeable amount.

by bloom i assume you mean maxibloom? 7 liters is just shy of 2 gallons so basically running ~3g calmag and ~5g maxibloom? I did that for awhile. You’ll have better results dropping the calmag for gypsum. You don’t need the extra nitrogen nor magnesium in the calmag, you just need the calcium. And the added sulfur in the gypsum will make your flowers louder too.


I haven’t ran autos in a few years but again, maxibloom+gypsum start to finish. 1.6-2 EC once they get the first node, and finish flower maybe around 3EC tops. 5-7 grams+1-2 grams the whole way.

I ran canna aqua for awhile but noticed the same thing. way too much N produced some really leafy plants. Can you send me the labels with the elemental numbers on the back? I might be able to do something :thinking:


Thanks i’ll definitely try it out. :pray:t2:

None of the flowers I’ve smoked so far with this regiment have been harsh but then again I smoked a lot of total crap as a young stoner so I’m probably not the best judge of that. Keeping the Silicate in flower have still been giving me the best results so far, for the last year I’ve been experimenting quite a lot with different regiments.

Problem with gypsum is that it’s hard to get hold of good quality here in Sweden, hydro stores doesn’t have it and all the brands we do got always have nasty additives. But now when we finally got amazon here, I might have better luck to get something decent.

Pz :v:t2:


Yeah I didn’t think my flowers were harsh either when I was running it. Way better than the street/dispo and whatnot. But when I finally dropped the silica, i couldn’t deny that the flowers were even smoother. I haven’t actually dosed any silica in months now that I think about it. Should probably add that back in to my veg feed :thinking:

That sucks on not easily being able to find the gypsum. Its a standard gardening fertilizer, not necessarily hydro, so I’d think it’d be available somewhere. None of my hydro stores carry it here in the states either. Buildasoil so far has been the best deal but I know you probably can’t order that from over there. I have bought downtoearth’s solution grade gypsum and that’s great stuff but expensive.


This Is the profile of the Coco A/B together
I am running It at 0.7ml per Liter of water

@LonelyOC I Ve found a product avaible also for you that Holy Approved himself.If you want I can pm you


Yeah, none of the garden retailers here carry it. I think that if I can’t find in at amazon I would have to get in contact with a commercial retailer but then I would have to buy huge amounts of it. :laughing::laughing::laughing:

When I get some good gypsum which is not laced with glasfiber and other shit. I’ll definitely give your recipe a try and update you on how it turns out.

Thank you for your engagement in this area, it’s always fun to try new recipes and continue to learn.

Pz :v:t2:


Ok, I think this works. I added canna coco “a+b” combined off your pic there, and added a drop down to change from ‘ppm per gallon’ to ‘ppm per liter’. Just incase the old link doesn’t work


idk about the canna the more that I think about it :thinking:
What i’m using to calculate the numbers is based on dry fertilizers, not liquid, so i’m not positive the canna numbers are accurate :thinking: everything else should be though. The canna quantity will be in milliliters tho not grams. Something like 2ml per liter looks good :thinking:


Right!It Is ml.I can do a test for this with my Ro water.When I put 1ml A & B in 1 liter I can tell you what my EC Meter measures with a Little margin error
Based on that we can elaborate a bit on the elemental stuff?


yeah that should theoretically come out to like .3 ec or so if the chart is accurate :thinking:
1ml per liter according to the chart should be ~164 ppm so yeah. 0.31ish ec.


My Ro measures 0.010 so It Is 0.670± EC
1ml A & 1ml B

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hmm :thinking: Yeah I wondered about that… Would ‘1’ in the chart correlate to only 0.5ml each A+B, or 1ml each of A+B. That looks like 1ml each, so the chart would need a ‘2’ instead of a ‘1’ to equal 1ml per liter of both into 1 liter of water :thinking: Might work better splitting the A and B apart into two parts. I never did use both equally anyways :joy:

I have the aqua vega and aqua flores so I’ll add that in real quick and see

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Yes,It means adding 1 A and 1 B for a Total of 2ml of fertilizer,It Is the actual Canna instructions.It Is not a sum of 0.5 A and 0.5 B by how I understand It.
I ll wait for your elaborations do not fret

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I think I need some pics of the elemental numbers on the back of each bottle. or write me out the numbers for each one. I can’t find any good pics online and they don’t post that information on their site.

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speaking of greengenes he made a vid today

Where’s his spreadsheet at? That’d save me some time :sweat_smile:


You can get it at, like, landscaping/gravel-type places, too. I think I’ve even seen it at Home Depot, although I still always buy mine from friggin’ BAS or KIS haha.


Right, he’s in Sweden though. Idk if they have Home Depot over there or not.


its like he saw this thread haha. i think his ig has the spreadsheet but not sure havent checked him out in awhile just popped up on my feed lol