Holy's Garden (Part 1)

That first image is how the RealSeedCompany Malawi looked.


That first one reminds me a lot about the mexi weed we use to get back in the 90’s. Not 100% the same but pretty damn close. Needs LOTS more leaves but its REAL damn close.


“Bag appeal” is relative. It’s why I hate Instagram haha. Most motherfuckers don’t know what it is they’re looking for; some of us do, though. I’m certainly not gonna turn down something just because it’s not super-dense and crystal-coated. In fact, the gnarlier it looks, the better haha.

That’s kind of along the same lines as how everybody wanted GSC-type shit for ten years and now they’re all about the “Haze” stuff. Nobody knows what they want. Or most people don’t, anyway. They just wanna be told what to like haha… You can’t tell me you were a huge fan of GSC and all of those stupid-ass hybrids and now tell me you love “Hazes.” They’re nothing alike.

Or I dunno… Maybe you can tell me that haha.


so true! bag appeal for sure is not all that makes a good bud!


So that’s Ace Purple Malawi f2’s.you have. The purple malawi was only available if you purchased the breeder’s pack, Which I did. The first generation plants flowered about ten or eleven weeks. Pretty good stretch to them, Maybe 3x stretch, and all sativa.
However, I had a volunteer 2nd generation plant pop up the following spring, and I grew this f2 plant.
While it did Purple up for me, There were some pinks in the bud that I had only seen on( pck) Pakistan Chitral Kush. And then I got a whiff of strawberry chewing gum…like pck…
So my suspicion was that the purple malawi is Ace Malawi× Pck, backcrossed to Malawi or selected towards Malawi. Similar to violetta, But leaning further towards malawi while keeping the purple color.
@YoBigdaddy grew a few of my f2’s, and my suspicion was confirmed when a very chunky, short plant popped out of the f2’s. It looked much more like p c k then it did Malawi.( I didn’t grow any indicas that year, no chance at all of cross pollination)
So I would say this generation is most likely wide open. You will get malawi type plants and p c k type plants out of the mix. All should be good Uppity smoke. If you are looking for a malawi type plant in the end, you will have to isolate the taller plants and pollinate them.
Enjoy! I really liked them alot. Happy to hear germination rates are still good. Seeds are from 2018.


I think a lot of people just don’t have enough experience with enough correctly labeled products to know what they what.

I mean just look at some of the discussions here about this being this or this mislabeled as that and people here at least should be more knowledgeable then the average consumer.


This is correct. Purple Malawi is probably a PCK cross. It’s also the mother of Violetta, so Violetta is Purple malawi x PCK. They say that purple malawi is a pure African Malawi pheno, but as @Upstate say, I don’t buy it. I think it’s a Malawi x PCK selected towards the purple malawi pheno.

@HolyAngel Good news is that you will have a better chance to find the bud structure you’re after from purple malawi, then regular ace Malawi.

Pz :v:t2:


:fire::fire::fire: Sounds fantastic sir, thank you very much for that info! All but one have been planted so far. Last one should be popped out of it’s shell by the time I get home tonight. Really good vigor on these!

@LonelyOC Good to know on all that. Man, I hope it is! Will spread her around if I do… I find it interesting though that Scissortail dropped that Malawi cut in favor of a Super Silver Haze cut instead, go figure :sweat_smile:

And for anyone who thought your seeds could drown, they can’t. This is what happens when you forget to check on them for 24hrs :sweat_smile:

got those 3 floaters planted this morning, and that one on the left is the last one waiting to go.


Hot damn…even the cotyledons grew out! :eyes::grin:


If not fermented, seeds have a reddish brown hue to them.
What are your thoughts about the Malawi ancestor(s)? Where would you guess they are from, before Africa


Great idea. If I don’t get myself a greenhouse I’ll have to do something similar


Ya I didn’t want to write an essay with disclaimers about bag appeal because I assumed we all know looks aren’t everything, I just meant it lacked traditional bag appeal that is valued in a retail marketplace. Wasn’t a judgement or condemnation just an observation.

I wasn’t a huge fan of the buds but not because of the bag appeal, I like the more mellow, chill, calming buds personally. Was a bit more introspective than I usually gravitate towards, but sometimes that’s nice. Was definitely potent and can see the appeal for sure.


Got the bubba kush, skunk tangerine, and two OGK up potted into 1/2 gallon ac infinity nursery bags. Moved them and the 4 Black River OG into the flower tent, set the lights to 40% to maintain par, and the timer to 18/6.

The male won’t stay in there, but he’s fine for now.

#1 and #2 both smell like the OG Kush on the right there
#3 is the really loud lemony stem rub
#4 is the pine and lemon stem rub

I still need to finish cleaning the table and sweep again in here before I set the reservoir back up, but I needed the room in the veg tent. Need to order another 3x3 for cheap somewhere :thinking:

Will flip to flower Saturday or Sunday :crossed_fingers:


market place or craigs list are great spots for cheap tents!


@SamwellBB This Black River OG #1 male is ridiculous :heart_eyes:

Hard to tell but the damn male preflower has bulbous trichomes all over it :flushed:
Cystolithic trichomes covering all the stems… He’s really loud. Good kushy structure. I really hope this dude is stable. I haven’t had a solid male in like a year now, since I lost the StarShine male :cry: If this one stays stable, I’ll make F2’s with the 3 girls and split the beans with you. Hit a few other things too, bubba kush bx1? :yum:


furry machoman there :fire:


That’s incredible. I really hope you struck gold on this one, you really deserve it! :100:

Pz :v:t2:


wow super frosty, that is a strong male right there. Hope it stays stable


Niiiice! I’m about to throw my first one into flower, very excited for that!

This is the mom, all grown back, and then some. She’s been making the best of all 8 glorious watts, and after lots of stem crushing has become quite the little shrub. I bet she would do well as a scrog plant.


You still looking for malawis bro?