Holy's Garden (Part 1)

yeah no joke :joy: great minds or something :thinking:

If you happen to find it, drop it here please :pray:
Otherwise Imma keep working.


I was more talking to you, since you mentioned that your hydro stores don’t carry it. But surely they must have some landscaping and gravel companies in Sweden haha. I doubt they import their gravel haha, but maybe they do…


looking for it still not sure why he doesnt have it in ig anymore…

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Oh gotcha, my bad! Closest HD here is 45min away. Lowes doesn’t carry it either. I’ve still been working on the 10lb bag of DiamondK I got from BAS a year or two ago.


Man trying to look up Jack’s elementals is a sad joke. They don’t post anything but some poor pictures and a borderline worthless SDS. Say what you want about hawthorne, but at least they post the damn labels online.


I know it sounds wierd, but gypsum isn’t something widly used by people here. It’s mostly used in the industry or for private entities. So it’s quite hard to even find as a normie :grin: If you find it, it always have additives that I don’t want my plants to get in touch with or fiberglas which shred plastics inside pumps.

I got a suggestion from @Andrexl that I’ll get out and use with @HolyAngel recipe.

Pz :v:t2:


So if anyone has a bag of jacks 0-12-26 or whatever.
or whatever other dry fert/mix you use that I don’t have listed. I need pics or info of the elementals on the label. :pray:


GHE have converted to T.A., so they say that the recipe is the same but when I take a look at the NPK, it’s changed.

Did it change or is it still the same?

Pz :v:t2:


Really? That’s actually kind of awesome haha. There’s one like every two or three miles where we live. I’m always like,”What the fuck do we need all of these Home Depots for? Why are there so many Home Depots???” haha.


Thats a new formula. I heard they were doing that but it’s still been the same here. Makes me wanna go get another 16+lb bin of maxibloom just to have on hand :sweat_smile:

Hopefully with this chart tho, shouldn’t really need it :thinking:

I’ve got all the MJ related Plant Prod nutrients in there.

Anyone use Masterblend and which ones? They at least post all their labels online.


Fudge… I’m starting to get low on the real deal… Hopefully I’m able to figure out the new ratios. Thanks for clearing that up for me.

Pz :v:t2:


What’s your thoughts on the plant prod line ? Just bought a small tub of there boost last week going to add that to the line up.


I’ll plug those numbers in, here in a bit for ya.

@ShiskaberrySavior I’m not sure really. I was just asked to add them in there. Everything seems chelated though. The ‘Spike’ is really interesting, pure calcium and magnesium chelated product, no sulfur or nitrogen apparently, so that seems nice. Especially since their main line is devoid of calcium/mag/sulfur. I haven’t really taken a look at the overall ratios yet though.


I get feed grade gypsum from a farm store. It’s used for animal feeds, and for growing mushrooms. It’s not soluble, at least not immediately, but it keeps up with Ca requirements in coco… at least for me,

It’s also used in home brewing for pH balance, and easier filtering. They do use food grade/soluble, so maybe try a brewing supply shop?


Duuuude! I found it thanks to your information. No brew shops pop up when you only Google for it, but adding brewing to the search gave me ton of results, and it’s super cheap. Thank you, thank you, thank you :pray:t2::pray:t2::pray:t2::pray:t2::pray:t2:

Pz :v:t2:


Alright I got the DryPart Bloom added. Did you happen to have the DryPart Grow too? doesn’t really matter but i’d take the label of that if you did.

I also separated out the canna coco to its a & b parts, and fixed the aqua vega/flores calculations. All should be pretty close to accurate now.


You guys ever add monster bloom 0-50-30 to your maxibloom/Jack’s solutions?

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I’ve not done it with monsterbloom but i’ve dabbled with pk13/14 and koolbloom before I knew what I was doing. I’ve added all of those to the now renamed fertilizer calculator :slightly_smiling_face:


Makes the ash dark too


:laughing: Cheap labour…. At least ours. People line up outside and the guys come pick ‘em up for day work/farm work. out there I can only imagine!