Holy's Garden (Part 1)

If you Need help I have biobizz full range nutes and labels.
Also we could add Cannazyme which Is One of the best enzyme product out there


Likely legislated to be accurate on the bottle. The website not so much.

The quality of printed media articles is degrading daily. More and more grammatical errors in published content. Copy editing and proof reading long abandoned due to cost and time constraints.


maybe this helps?

ps: not my work !


Wow @HolyAngel looks like it’s been one Rollercoaster ride for you!

Looking great!


Flood pic

Everyone’s been defoliated just a bit to get RH down and open things up a little. PH was also a bit high when I got back from my vacation, at around 6.2. So I got PH back down to 5.84ish for this flood. Lights were also turned up prior to this light cycle starting so everyone is a bit pissed off for their first day of flower :sweat_smile:

Veg is coming along… Officially have 3 Purple Malawi F2 plants. Two are doing really good, third one that came up first should be coming around again too.

Only got one Swiss Thai Nevil 2 :cry: but its a looker! It’s ((Green Hornet) Swiss Thai '82 x Nevil’s Haze #21(Reversed)) x (Nevil’s Haze #21 x Mullumbimby Madness)

Something about this plant has me really excited. I’m already thinking NH21 leaner but :man_shrugging:
Is it bad I almost hope this one is a beautiful male? Here’s what a girl could look like
(not my pic)

I also got 9 Nevi’s Haze #21 x Mullumbimby Madness F2’s out of their shells and into root riots, see what wants to be a plant :fire: Here’s what some of those could look like, also not my pic

Girls will run ~16+ weeks in this line. See what happens :fire:


Nice! Some interesting stuff for sure


Oh! I changed veg feed too. Turns out the MaxiGro isn’t very solution stable and will grow some brown stuff after a couple days and really mess with the PH so i’ve switched up again,

1Gram Gypsum
6Gram Maxibloom
1Gram Jacks 10-30-20
0.2Gram Epsom Salts

Should come out to

Elements W/Jacks W/MaxiGro
Total N 105.62 119
Total P 137.79 98
Total K 228.66 215
Total Mg 61.721 62
Total Ca 137.32 156
Total S 131.75 137
Total Fe 1.849 1.95
Total PPM 805.254

So, less N for now, more P, little more K. ~Same mag, little less calcium but that can be adjusted with more gypsum or calcium nitrate. It’s all right around a 3-1-2 K/Mg/Ca ratio. See how we do. Need the extra P for stretch and my Salvia plant was showing P deficiency with the other mixes.


What gypsum do you use? Diamond


Yeah currently using up a big bag of DiamondK, probably still have another 6-8months of it minimum :joy:

I prefer the DownToEarth solution grade gypsum but it’s exorbitantly more expensive. Like $15 for just under half a kilo(1lb) vs $20 for 4.5kilos(10lbs) of diamondK from buildasoil. The DTE is cleaner and mixes quicker/easier.


If I ever leave Arizona (get it, “leave”?:stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:) my whole style will have to change. I’m always trying to get a ton of veg growth to keep the rh up!


Heh yeah, this time of year is always a bit rough here. Not cold enough to turn on the heat, not hot enough for AC most of the time. Means humidity stays around 60%+. Have to run the dehumidifier a lot. Once it’s cold enough to run the heat then it’s a bit easier to manage. I imagine you need to run humidifiers a lot?


Running hid bulbs vertical burns the water right out of the air. On a fully vertical grow you’d be lucky to get 10% humidity unless you get real creative. Maybe a vertical 400 bulbs dropped in the middle of plants would do it or be cheaper than a dehumidifier :wink:


That’s a clever idea there. Guess it wouldn’t help during lights out, but it certainly would during lights on.


I have the same issues Holy is talking about

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I hate ac and dueys, they do what they’re supposed to but are very cost inefficient. At lights out the drop in temps is what make the rh rise, so a small heater will help keep it in check or if running multiple rooms/tents you can circulate the air from the lights on section to lights off section keeping temps uniform all around. It’s possible to rid the outake air of some rh by running it through a filter or a diy storage box with hoodies and the little rh traps you put in the laundry room.


Definitely. I’ve just never found the same quality running at higher temps and I’ve never really grown in cold climates, so I’ve pretty much always needed a/c’s and dehumidifiers, which sucks. I was always jealous of the guys in the mountains and stuff. Just bring in cold dry air to cool things down and just run more lights to heat things up. Lucky. Haha


Different climates call for different approaches :wink: the cooler places (like here 3/4 of the year) do have it good for growing haha

If I was growing somewhere hotnyear round I’d go 100% water cooled. I used a diy water chiller to cool 8 lights and a 36 5gal site rdwc all at once. Very efficient. And you can control the rh in one go


So basically in my hot and humid climate what Is Better than running the dehumidifier?
@Mithridate , @PatHealy
I bring air from the Window but can’t exhaust outside of my room,I keep the Door Always open for that


I’m in a hot humid climate myself. I have to vent out the roof, run an a/c, and a dehumidifier. Need to buy a ladder to get into the attic and cut holes to vent out still though. Haha The ideal situation would be an overpowered mini split unit for the room.


I like the diamond k…