Holy's Garden (Part 1)

I’d still go water cooled. It’s the most efficient. Know your dew points, the lines on the roof will drip. So either install gutters under the lines leading to a reservoir or idk what they’re called, small radiators coils with a fan installed every 6-10 feet on your ceiling water lines and a catch pan.

Sometimes you can’t do otherwise than run extra equipment to prevent crop failures. In that case take the most efficient way, innovate and modulate to your situation.

Or spend 10k a year on ac and dehuys on 8 lights :joy:

You can make a diy water cooler out of any non digital ac, water dispenser, dehuey etc
Older models with the knobs are often free in local adds or very cheap. The digital ones works too but need a 15$ piece and some rewiring.


Water cooled lights will allow you to drop temps and humidity to where you’d like lights on and off in a hot and humid climate? Also, what about drying?


I know they exist but in this scenario the light themselves aren’t water cooled, rather the room itself is. Imagine a heated floor… copy paste the layout with water lines on the ceiling. It will control rh and temps to your liking. Take apart a meat aging room or any similar purpose built rooms.

Drying is personal to each local but generally if it’s too dry leave the fan leaves on, too humid take them off, or even cut plant to 1ft pieces, couple fans pointed at the walls on low setting and you’re good to go.


That sounds pretty cool. I’ll definitely look into it. Thanks for the info! It runs off of a chiller? Those suckers use some electric. Still have some in boxes in the garage though. Smaller ones though unfortunately. Drying in a hot humid place is tough though. I’d freeze it before drying in anything not near 60/60 at home. You can dry faster with precise control and all, but for most of us freezing is better than drying in anything not close to perfect. That’s if you want the best quality flower and hash though.


Yes off a water cooler, they do use quite a bit of electricity but overall if you compare the electricity cost of one unit and some plumbing vs using the cost of an ac, duhey, heater. + electricity cost you are far better off running a single unit. Then air to air vs water to air is 10x more efficient.

Well have to pick this up another time I just got to my skunk patch and it stinks in here :grimacing:

Camouflage :100:


Don’t want to get this conversation too long on a thread that Is not mine,so,can you shoot me some pics of what units and pipes you are talking about in a private message?
Thank you so much friend :grin:
Idk of you ever played metal Gear solid games but this is 100% camo @Mithridate


You can insulate those water lines as well. As long as you aren’t actually trying to cool with them.

Evaporators and/or radiators should have a drain pan and a drain. In some cases an emergency pan and even a pump and alarm if called for.


The single M29 I got is growing into a very wide leaf little plant.

I really hope it’s a female :grin::metal:t2: Really want to try the smoke.

Pz :v:t2:


Ah very nice!! I ended up not getting any of those sadly. I do have two good lookin purple malawi’s though! Third is pointing up but idk what it’s doing. Unsure on the NH21 x MM F2’s too. I got 9 little plants of those but none of em seem to really be doing anything now. Maybe a couple might be seedlings soon :thinking: Think these beans were just old(`10years) or for sure not stored correctly as my other old stuff doesn’t have issues like this. Might be popping more beans soon…


What is m-29 ? I was looking for legit m-39 stuff for a while, have crosses. Well did I recently mailed them out. Never heard of m-29 though


Cool! You got one to pop! I still have 4 beans left I hope I can get to germ. And if I’m really lucky I’ll get 2 to pop with a male and female. :crossed_fingers:


M29 is Super Sativa Seed Club cross of Afghani x Malawi


Ahhhh very nice! I knew it had to be a SSSC thing, guess my search was off this morning as I could only find one thing which was a pic, just re- searched and found dozens. My bad. Thank you for the info


Definitely going on the list! AND I WAS DOING SO GOOD!


What a bummer! I hope that you MM project catch up with the rest soon.

I scuffed them in a sandpaper lined match box and used some extra drops of h2o2. It was the palest seed of the bunch who popped.

Yeah, I have high hopes for it! :laughing:

Pz :v:t2:


If it ends up being male I hope you decide to collect pollen from it. It would make some nice crosses I think.


@Habitt What ever it is I will reverse it and make S1s and ofc make crosses with it also. I really want to experience this old school cultivar.

Personally, I think SSSC genetics are the base of so much more then we realize now a days. Neville in all glory, but he was the loudest of the two and personally I think that SSSC is left out from a lot of history.

Pz :v:t2:


100% agree with you on that. SSSC is the base of so many hybrids and linework that so many of todays strains are based around it’s not even funny. We would not be were we are today without the seed makers of yesteryear.


i am going thru this exact situation atm… but my dehu i found out uses to much amps for the room i need it in all one 15 amp breaker, so trying to improvise need more fans for air movement will be todays agenda. had to take a few days off the internet to recalibrate the brain. so lots to catch up on here


~2 days into 11.5on/12.5off

Can see em stretching and looking happier already :heart_eyes:

The right OG Kush is looking pretty clean of the variegation now too

Here’s the BROG #3 with all her double serrations…

And the shorty BROG #4

Didn’t get pics of the males yet but not much new to report there either. Ton of double serrations on them too. Some of the NH21 x MM F2’s look like they might be coming around to be plants soon. Got the trays cleaned out. Waiting on clones to root :crossed_fingers: