Holy's Garden (Part 1)

No TK cross?


Haha good call! How did I not realize that was missing ?:man_facepalming:t2:

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Yeah I think the Bubba Kush x BROG #2 will bring out a lot more Bubba Kush type plants in the beans since it’s like an extended backcross to the BK; in the same way my FLC BX1/Lemon Cheese Haze was an extended backcross to the nl5haze, and brought out more of those types in it’s beans.

Despite everything, I honestly think the OG Kush cross will be similar, albeit, likely a bit more squat and added variegation. Even though I’ve been told quite a bit differently about it, I really think this OG cut is an S1 of this Bubba Kush cut. The stems are damn near the same, though the OG stretches much less. Leaf morphology is similar, crinkle leaf trait apparent. The stem rub scent of this OG cut is 100% in this BK cut but the BK has more of something else too. It doesn’t resemble Triangle Kush in any way, shape, smell, or form imo. It resembles Bubba Kush. The Chem 91 is what looks and smells like Triangle Kush…

That’ll come later, I don’t have any TK flowering yet. Hoping to do so soon along with some other stuff :wink:


I think crossing to the SSDD could boost pain relief and keep things more in the family as opposed to the startlite (a5haze/nl5) cross I made before. Goal here would be to find a nice pair to make a new BX1 V2 with and F2’s. Just gives me an option to look at if the last of my SSDD F2 beans don’t provide the male I’m looking for to make F3’s.

The skunk tangerine cross is :man_shrugging: it’s there so might as well hit a branch but i don’t have any actual plans or intentions there. could be some really terpy stuff though in those beans if this male pans out like I think.


That’s crazy! Put me down for some of both if you get enough and would like someone to run them. Now I’m really curious about that OG cut, I know we were taking about it before and I recall you saying about the bubba, and if I know anything really well it’s bubba and most kushes. Now Another cut I must obtain :man_facepalming:t2:


For sure! Yeah this OG can be traced back to 1998 or so. Which would fit the timeline for still being a Bubba S1 imo. If this Berger cut comes from 93 or whatever. I mean it could still be some OG S1 too but, I see so much bubba in it that I don’t think that’s likely. We’ll see once I get to the flowers. So far they’re fat… just like the bubba kush :joy_cat:


Time will tell…. I’m totally stoked to see your findings.
Once I get the pre-98 I’m gonna run her beside the Berger cut and see what’s up for myself. Going to document every step too so I can try and truly see what’s up with those.


OG Kush Just a few days ahead of yours.

I’ll ride this horse to the finish, we are only in the last turn. :wink:

BROG #3 sounds intriguing.


So just off initial impression do you think they will hold a candle to your TK my friend?

I finally got a snip and stoked to grow her out. Have always been kind of confused, was she one of the progenitors of the ogs of the late 90s-early 2000s.

Garden looks great making me wanna pop the SSDD seeds i have as well lol.



Candles? Trying to light a fire? I mean wouldn’t the wax ruin the flavor? Not that we got to smoke them yet.


I was trying to be fancy with my verbiage haha, you growing out the same cuts as Holy?


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I’m honestly not sure. Potency wise I don’t think they’ll quite be there but likely still really good. One or both cuts will likely stick around for some permanent evening herb. See what happens. Preliminarily, I am in love with this Bubba Kush lol She’s just a beautiful plant. I hope she smokes as good as she looks and everyone says she does :pray:

Not positive, but I do know a bunch of OG’s pop out of the Triangle Kush S1’s, like SFV and Ghost.
The latest story
says the TK and OGK both came out of beans from an Emerald Triangle girl that was hit by some 87 Seed Bank Hindu Kush herm pollen, aka NL2 x Kush4. But there was no Hindu Kush listed in any of The Seed Banks catalog’s at all. Hindu Kush doesn’t show up for sale from Nevil until SensiSeed’s 1991 catalog so :man_shrugging:


Very nice! :heart_eyes: We’re getting frosty over here too!


Rubbing the leaves of the BROG #3 girl smells 100% like a pixie stick! It’s only 25 days in, but she’s louder than the Skunk Tangerine is!


Got lots of catching up to do around here took a mental health break was getting bad again but went to a music festival few weeks back took a bunch of my ssdd bx 4 pheno and was smoking joints with a bunch of people had tons of people complimenting it figured you would like to hear it :grin: wish I didn’t lose my keeper to mites earlier this year :cry: gotta break into the few seeds I got left of it and @DJSFs ssdd x blue sunshine later this year or early next @HolyAngel


I knew exactly what you meant :wink:


Never gets old does it, these lineage tales are absolutely unreal


I feel that, brother. Needed one myself earlier in the year; if things get heavy, I’m always right around the corner. :bear:


Which one?


Wakaan music festival on mulberry mountain Arkansas that place is special if you ever get a chance to go there I recommend it beautiful area