Holy's Garden (Part 1)

Oh yeah, by the 3rd or 4th node I’d think. And the leaves will get thinner in flower of course.

Yeah I really miss him too. He at least still has some pics of em here in the ole shit kicker shed logs :cry: And there’s a bunch in this thread as well.

Yeah its just the nature of the beast here really :sweat_smile: Issue is, most of us are sitting on a bunch of packs already. You add a good portion of us making seeds on top of that and it just takes time for people to get to things. I think the first time I made seeds, the NL5Haze/SensiStar F4’s, someone pm’d me or during a trade, I can’t remember which, told me straight up not to expect 90% of people to grow them out. Not to be mean, but to share to me theirs and others prior experiences here and at others places doing the same. I’m guilty of doing the same thing lol I have a bunch of packs from people here that I want to get to but just haven’t yet.

A bunch of people grew out the SSDD F2 BX1’s though so that was really nice.


I have mine in the “this is hardcore stuff…don’t touch unless you’re making more seeds!” pile.


Right. That’s the main reason why I haven’t made any crosses yet. I want fewer seeds, not more haha.

Yeah, I figured they were there, thought about looking after your last post, but then just didn’t wanna get bummed out by looking through that log and all the interactions. I will, though, at some point.

In any event, I’m stoked about them. Cheese… haha. Cheese Haze… haha! Sounds good to me!


Nahhhh… Just grow them, dude! Seed makin’ or not!


Lol…I was trying to think of a way to justify not running them…and you’re right. It may be close to time to let them ride. Life’s too short to just sit on them…put them to work!


:smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

looking forward to see more of this !!! :slightly_smiling_face: :upside_down_face: :slightly_smiling_face:


I went through the veg tent last night and I tossed all the DE smelling plants from the Dragonfruit Thai’s. Burnt rubber and tennis ball stem rubs. I kept the woody stem rub plants and one that’s a woody/kushy type scent that I’m also smelling in the Swiss Thai Nevil 2. I’m sure these are the Genius Thai and/or straight Thai leaners. They all have good internode spacing. And of course, that little runt that looks sativa af that has had my eye this whole time, is staying too.

I also found 3 seeds in the preflowers of the TriForce #4 thats been doing the weird reveg/flower look for the last few months. They have to be the biggest seeds I’ve ever seen! Hard to take a good comparison pic here but its a NorthStar #4 x StarShine bean on the left, and the TriForce #4 x BROG #2 on the right

Its at least ~30% larger :flushed:


Nice! That’s dope


These are the Dragonfruit Thai’s I’m keeping to look at

They all have a wavy stem structure which I think is a Genius trait :thinking:

The rest were straight stemmed along with the DE stem rubs.
Still no idea’s on gender yet. They’re only 35 days old.
Going to get them uppotted in the morning as they obviously need it :sweat_smile:


Yeah, according to Bodhi it is. The Apollos I grew had it, but it was way more than “wavy,” more like a “25 degrees to the left, 25 degrees to the right” zig-zag back-and-forth thing at each internode. Looks like your plants are only slightly showing something like that haha, which is cool. At least it’s in there somewhere.

Just as an aside, I couldn’t remember what the exact genetics of that Dragonfruit Thai were, didn’t wanna ask so I googled it. The first thing that came up was some bullshit “THC Design” Tropic Truffle x Grease Monkey, which, no haha. I dunno who THC Design is, but I guess they have some hybrid that they named Dragon Fruit.

Assholes… haha.

Anyway, plants looks good!


Hell yeah! :wink:

This one ended up being a girl too! I got her and the other two big one’s up-potted this morning.

Doc D’s Dragonfruit Thai = Bodhi’s Genius Thai x Doc’s Dragon Energy


Haha I found it, fourth thing down when I googled it. I’m still not sure why that “THC Design” thing was the first thing that came up when I searched “Dragonfruit Thai cannabis genetics,” though…


mmm :drooling_face:

91 day cured TK in the bong right now tastes like some of the best hash I’ve ever had :yum:


I just figured out why our buds look so different it’s because I pulled all the Sugarleaf and tight trim and you leave them on finally figured it out by looking at that picture above

Kinda sexy looking that way I think I’ll leave a few leaf on on a few nugs next go


so regret breaking my downstem right now =(


The seeds growing in my AK48 are huge. They’re only half done and are already threatening to fall out of the calyx.


Nice. :100: :fire: Getting ready to grow this one. :sunglasses: :metal:


Some dude tried to argue with me that the male doesn’t determine anything about the seed structure. But I’ve hit the same clone with 4 different males and had 4 entirely different looking sets of seeds


It’s weird, and I agree, but the 88g13hp male doesn’t have huge seeds. But added to the AK the seeds are definitely bigger than the female is accustomed to.

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Flower Pics - Day 43

“OG Kush”

Considering the leaf morphology, the structure of the plant, the lack of stretch, the quick flower time, I am pretty damn positive this is a Bubba Kush S1. The real deal original OG Kush, TK’s sister, is said to look extremely similar to the TK herself. To the point it can be hard to tell apart in veg. This plant looks and grows absolutely nothing like TK. She does however, grow and look extremely similar to the pre-93 Bubba Kush Matt Berger cut with even less stretch, despite the flower shape differences and flower smells. The stem rub on this OG is completely inside the stem rub of the Bubba Kush cut. The bubba kush cut has something extra in there this Kush cut doesn’t. It could mean the Kush cut is an OG S1 or something instead, but given all the other traits that look like bubba… that’s what makes me think bubba s1 instead. In no way am I talkin down about the cut, I’m excited to try it. Especially since I have 3 of them in here. Doesn’t really matter what I think of the lineage regardless, and we’ll never know for sure, but just going over everything, that’s my thoughts :yum:

Anyways, onto the Bubba Kush

Should’ve taken more pics.

This one could be the Bubba Kush but I think it might actually be the OG Kush, can’t remember :sweat_smile:

Obviously things are seeded, with the Black River OG #2 male pollen :fire:

Skunk Tangerine

Black River OG #3 @SamwellBB

Just stacking :fire:

And full tent shot:

In other news, I had to buy a new dehumidifier as mine was at least 5 years old and couldn’t keep up with these leaves. Dropped the RH from 75% inside the mass of leaves, to 55% RH. This tent went from smelling kinda sweet at the higher RH, to absolutely reeking with the lower RH :eyes: