Holy's Garden (Part 1)

Got me excited that’s for sure! Put that strain way up there for me. Can’t wait to hear your thoughts after she finishes up, hopefully she compares to TK as I know how highly you covet her. :crossed_fingers:t3:


Yeah we’ll see! I’m not expecting to hit as hard as TK but I’m hoping she’ll at least hold her own with my SSDD cut and whatnot. Gives me a lot of hope for what you find in those Salmon River OG F2’s! I’m pretty sure this girl is straight Salmon River and not much comin from the Sugar Black Rose but :man_shrugging: maybe @SamwellBB recognizes some things in her that I don’t :slight_smile:


grew those a long time ago and I can’t help you much there
keep up the good work :fire:


Ah for sure, I know how that is :sweat_smile:
Thank ya sir! ^^


WOW beautiful work my friend

I always enjoy your thread


I may have some original f1 Salmon OGs left if you want them
no promises as I may have already given them away… :fire:


Omg :drooling_face: lol how hard was I looking for those :wink: @HolyAngel im pretty stoked too, I wanna find two phenos SOOOO BAD! But I’m almost positive I’ll be able to now, thanks to your generosity :pray:t3:


I like that. :fire:


Ah man, I find it hard to say no to more beans :pray: lol
but I’d say if they’re f1’s either you hold onto them for maybe a future IX with the BROG :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: or something else
or send them out to @TopShelfTrees1 to go with the F2’s I already sent him and maybe he can pull out a new line for us ^^

Now if there were more Black River OG F2’s… :sunglasses: :pray: :sweat_smile:


all you want bro! :fire: 100 or so !


There ya go! Enough for an epic hunt! You know I’d kill for those, so thank you :pray:t3: for the segue, even prof said he only had his personal stash remaining when I asked last year. Gems. I was asking @misterbee about the BROG recently too (since his stash probably is 100x mine) I see some epic projects coming down the pipe, maybe even a nice BX too :thinking:


oh damn, yeah! I really like the male I found here but I’d love to find one that smells as loud as and just like the girl does :yum: pm me if ya wanna work something out :slight_smile:


just confirmed - no problem


I’m gonna get in dat Welfare Line, Bro, for sho!!! SS/BW…mister :honeybee: :100: :pray: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


what do you need to make your life complete my goo(d) brethren? :fire:


Those are some weird shaped beans in there bro :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
Lol nice!

And poof :dash: a wild BEE appears :wink:


Nothing special (they all are!!), I’m getting ready to send a “Holiday Greeting Package” your way. Wanna blend in with the normal Navidad Mailings!! SS/BW…mister :honeybee: :100: :pray: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: SPECIAL NOTE: You do any Pipe Smoking? Got a beautiful Elk Antler Liquid Meechan (sp) Pipe from a friend w/some Black African Horn…nice. Too bad I don’t smoke!!


Figured I’d post these here while we wait for everything to show sex and I start the log.

Franco’s Lemon Cheese x NL5 Haze/Sensi Star #1-5, in that order:

I count veg days from the day the seeds are planted in the soil, not when they break ground, and these are on veg day 15. That last one, the #5, seems a little runty haha; it’s hard to tell from that camera angle, but it’s definitely “squatter” than the others. I’m sure it’ll grow out of it, though. I haven’t even watered with an AACT yet, kind of driving me nuts that I still haven’t done that, but once I do I expect that one (and everything else) to take off.


Ooh man :heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes: looking at yours and going over my old pics of them almost brings a tear to my eye lol makes me wanna pop some! They will differentiate as they get older. Looks like one of them is variegated :face_with_monocle: I had one like it on my last run of them but unsure at the moment which it turned out to be :thinking: it also might not correlate to phenotype at all, I just haven’t even seen enough of them to know. I think I sent out like 90+ packs through Sebring’s site and I think only me and @oleskool830 ever ran any out :sweat_smile:


Yeah, I’m not worried about it haha. I don’t usually even start paying much attention until about 80 days in, once they’ve been vegged for two months+ and a couple weeks into flower. But yeah, I’m assuming they’ll all start differentiating themselves over the course of the next six weeks or so.

I noticed that, too, but not until I labeled the pics haha. It isn’t very obvious in person. We’ll see what happens.

Jesus, that’s irritating haha. Gawd bless oleskool (I miss that dude). Seriously, though, if anybody ever gives me shit about not making seeds and sharing them all over the place, I’ll just direct them to your post above.

Maybe I should bookmark it… haha.