Holy's Garden (Part 1)

Well I spent a good portion of last night getting the P1’s trimmed up and clones going. Basically took all the lower main branches save for the top two nodes, one of those nodes being from the previous topping. Then took all the branches save for the tips. I left all the leaves on both plants to ensure quick recovery.
As of this morning:

Male NL5HSS #1 P1

Female NL5HSS#5 P1

Pretty sure she’s eaten all the nutes out of this soil so I just started dosing 1tsp maxigrow per gallon, see how this goes. Going to give her a few days to get the tops growin and then flip to flower. She’s basically set up as an 8-top manifold/mainline.


Welp, said screw it yesterday. Setup my pill bottle with some sandpaper and scuffed the last 6 of the Goji OG F3’s. Started soaking them last night. Will transfer to paper towels tonight and hopefully get all 6 to crack. Figured since I only got 3 goji plants out of the first half I might as well pop the rest of the pack now and see what all I can get. Will find at least one pair and make F4’s so I’m not out of seeds.

The #1 plant is still doing decently. Stem is Purple with green lines… green with purple lines… something like that.

The #2 plant has a solid purple stem and is the fastest grower, like a bean pole or something.

The #3 is the runt of the group but more purple stem than the #1 plant.
Edit: Don’t mind the white stuff on the leaves, its residue from the water+Azos I used to water them.

I got the NL5HSS #5 C#1 uppotted from a 1-gallon fabric pot she was in, into a 7-gallon fabric pot of the amended soil mix. Going to give her another couple days and then she’s going into the flower tent. I have like 10 clones of her going and at least 3 have roots so I figure I’m safe to flower this one out. Trying to decide if i want to chop the dad, flower him out with the goji’s, or only flower out a clone of his, for some Goji Lights :heart_eyes:

Also picked up some Alfalfa Meal…


Reikox posted this about teas a bit ago…thought you might like to see it


Oh nice! Thank you bro! Bookmarked for sure ^^


I am not all that crazy about neem oil and use my own concoction (just made for the first time) of rosemary tea I made with a bit of oil and a drop or two of dish detergent.

Leaning toward sulfur dust in veg and a knockdown water spray early in flower. Not really liking putting anything on them late.


Neem oil is a good preventative, but never has been a solution for infestations.


Right, I haven’t messed with neem at all really outside of some bug sprays. I don’t have any either but could get some if needed… Need to pick up some powdered fulvic/humic’s too, all I have is DiamondNectar.

The big seeded girls are all getting
0.5ml silica
1.5ml calmag
0.75tsp maxibloom
And seem to be doing just fine. Still fading a bit here and there but overall fine. Plumping up. Think these are 10-11 weekers, we’re half-way into week 8 and they still look like they need a couple-to-three weeks or so. Again, that lines up perfectly with NL5xHaze.

Goji’s are on straight water.

And the NL5HSS C1’s have both been getting:
0.5ml Silica
1ml Calmag
1tsp Maxigro

Least until I up-potted the girl last night, she should be good off the 6 gallons of soil she’s gonna have to flower with.


more about the smell/taste being in the weed…probably psychological …but I used it once in week 3 of flower …plucked at 60 days it still seemed like maybe…

As for infestations lime sulfur would be my choice. The sulfur dust keeps them at bay and certainly I have to be diligent about cleanliness. I would like to close the place up and bomb it…not likely.


This is the foundation of a good IPM. I sweep and mop weekly. Not leaving any organic matter or standing water and regularly washing trays is also good practice.


I really third that motion, cleanliness is the only IPM I use. Cleanliness is next to godlessness. err… something like that.


Definitely burned the big girls. Still learning soil. Going to be awhile I think. Anyways, flushed a couple gallons through last night and then top dressed with alfalfa meal and humic+fulvic acids some hours later to try and reset them. Only a few weeks left anyways. They were smelling nice again this morning. Here’s the shots:




Overall doing fine I think. Only a couple weeks to go for seed time, may still get a little bud off each one. I’m pretty excited for the F2’s and really, the FLCxNL5HSS… basically kind of an Inline Cross? since FLC = SLHxExodus Cheese | SLH = SSH x Lemon Skunk | SSH = (Skunk#1 x Haze) x (NL5xHaze).
Breakdown on that cross is:
Haze = 3
Skunk = 3
NL5 = 2
Citral = 1
Sensi Star = 1

The FLC and my NL5HSS #5 girl both have real similar structures and a similar up front smell. Both are lemony citrus so hoping to just reinforce the smell and structure.

4 out of 6 Goji’s have cracked in 18hrs. Two have 1/8" tail and have been transferred to RootRiots. Rest are still between some damp coffee filters. Scuffing them first for a few minutes seemed to make a massive difference in germination.


Reset my phone today before backing up my data from Grow Tracker and lost all the stats on the goji’s :man_facepalming: Going to try and go off what I wrote here.

Anyways, I think its 3 days in now to soaking? And the last 2 Goji OG F3’s still have not popped yet, not sure they’ll make it. 1 of the 4 that did pop has come up out of the root riot. I put that one in there with the tap root pointing up as it was maybe 1/8th of an inch long and it curled back down and took the seed shell off in the pod before coming up! No helmet head! Going to have to remember that.

We’re 54 days into flower on the 3 seeded girls. I picked off a small bud on the bottom-branch middle-node, of the Franco’s Lemon Cheese, in order to inspect how the seed growing is going…

2 Decent looking seeds and 1 not so much :heart_eyes: Definitely going to give her a couple more weeks but I think I’ll have created my own seeds for the first time! However :thinking: If I only got 3 out of this bud… Maybe 100 Seeds per plant? No idea what to expect really. Only a month or so to go to start finding out… Hoping to have enough to be able to give out some to at least a few people here + testers and still have plenty left for my own hunting.

Here’s some trichome shots of that same bud from before I took the seeds out :sweat_smile:

Normally I’d give her another week and possibly chop :axe: but I want to make sure these seeds get done right and will be viable. Thinking of calling them FLC IX 1.0 for short? :rofl:

Regardless, I want to find a better male in my NL5HSS…F2’s? I feel like these were already F2’s… or 3’s, I know these seeds were from at least a second open pollination Mel Frank did so would think at least F3’s buuuut they were open pollination so… basically still like F1’s? I only saw 2 pheno’s really… but then again I only grew 4 plants :sweat_smile: My current male, #1, while he matches all the #5 girls growing patterns and more leaf blades, I think has a bud structure a little more similar to the #4 Girl and the FLC. I prefer the longer cola structure the #5 girl has. But we’ll have to grow out his progeny to see what gets passed along to find out so… fun times :smile:

The NL5HSS #4 girl is looking like 10-11 weeks from pistil/bud looks, and then trichome inspection.

The #5 is for sure at least 11 weeks, maybe a bit longer. Still a ton of white hairs on her. Didn’t even bother inspecting her trichomes.

They’ll get as long as it takes. I’m not in any real rush, though I will need to move the other #5 clone into flower in a couple weeks here before she gets too big. I need a bigger tent!


@Sincy On the Goji F3 seeds
Looks like 9 out of the 13 seeds popped for me. When I got them I put them in my seed fridge with desiccant at 40 degrees Fahrenheit. Have had good luck with that but just to fill in all the information.

The first 7 seeds I did not scuff at all, did paper towel method from the get go, and got 5 out of 7 to crack and show a root, of those I managed to get 3 plants. no complaints! :pray: just listing info for both of us ^^

The last 6 seeds I scuffed pretty good ahead of time, I did a 12 hour shot glass soak and THEN paper towel method, and got 4/6 to pop and show a root. Once they have a root I transfer to root riots in a heated dome tray without the dome and germinate from there. Had one super vigorous plant in both batches that just shot right up after cracking. The rest were a bit slower, and then 1 or 2 that are runts, or just didn’t make it up out of the root riot. I currently have 2 plants(for a total of 5) out of the last 6 seeds but waiting on 2 more to come up out of the root riot, I think they will. The last two seeds I’m counting as not popping are still soaking, but its been a week in the paper towels so I don’t think it’s happening but we’ll see :smile:

I have wanted to wait for side branches in order to take clones before flowering, so we could still natural structure, but they seem to want to be poles instead of bushes so it’s taking a bit longer :smile: That and my novice soil skills. They seem to be wanting to put out the lowers now though, so I’m hoping clones can be had in a week or so and we can flower at least 3 of them sometime shortly after that.

Will try and get pics of them in a bit.


Wondering if its just my temps are low. One of the last two seeds thats been soaking for a week just cracked now that I moved it to a warmer area. Waiting on a new heatpad+thermometer setup that should get delivered today that hopefully should help everything sprout. Both this and the root riots. Suck to lose like 6 seeds or potential plants just because its been a little cold lately, but live and you learn right? ^^
Guess that means I have the hardiest one’s of the group :sweat_smile:

Anyways, I forgot I split the soil up in the 1gal Goji pots and top watered for once last time and it’s seemed to have burned the plants a bit :man_facepalming: Back to bottom watering it is for awhile…

Order Left to Right in the bigger pots are #3, #2, #1, then front row is #4, and #5.
Have 6 and 7 in root riots waiting to come up, and #8 is cracked but not in a riot yet, waiting on that root to come out first. Currently pinching the tops of 1-3 to keep them short and get the lower growth to come up for clones. :crossed_fingers:


In other news, got 3 clones rooted and planted of the NL5HSS #5 girl. You can kinda make them out in that picture I posted above(to the left of the big pots) ^^

Got the “mom” of her in the 7gal pot moved over to the flower tent last night, so first 13hrs of darkness starts today! The 3 big girls are just stacking on weight at day 56. The FLC looks about done but i’m gonna wait until at least day 63 to pick. I want to make sure those seeds are right. Really I’m tempted to throw her back in the veg tent and see if I can reveg her. Thats a thing right? Reveg a seeded girl to keep her around?

#5, #4
FLC, #5 Clone1


I had similar issues last year when the temps dropped. When the humidity is low you get some cooling from evaporation. And those little seed pots generally have little mass and don;t take long to heat/cool Heat mats and domes ( i use a baggie over a cup of water when I soak to keep evaporation down)

Not long to go on the NL’s? looks like they are beginning to fade…


Yeah I think temp may have been the big issue. I have this vivosun heated dome thing and the heater in it is crap so most of the time the water will be room temp, which is like 64 degrees. Certain spots will get warm, like low 70s and those have the best germ rates. Hoping the heated mat will take care of my issue.

The NL’s are definitely getting close! The #4 has a rank-fruit type smell going on. The buds look good,
minus some extra trimming compared to the #5. She has the strongest aroma of the 3 plants in here and much stronger than her sister, and she looks like she’ll finish before her sister too. I’m guessing week 10-11 as week 9 starts tonight and I don’t think she’ll be done by next weekend.

The #5 girl is just now starting to fade. I’m guessing she’s going to be around 12 weeks or so. She doesn’t have a strong smell, at all. To the point that I think if I only ran JUST her in the tent, I wouldn’t need a carbon filter. If you move her around though or get your nose on her, it’s lemon-citrus all day. Not sour or tart, more kinda sweet. I love it! It is super similar to the up front smell I get off the Franco’s Lemon Cheese, just that FLC has a sweet cream-cheese/cheesecake smell on the back of that I hope to perpetuate. It’s mouth-watering and the bud was only dried for 24hrs.


Wowza, looks amazing!!! I too am doing my first seed run, excited to see your results!


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Got one more Goji planted last night, so 6x Goji OG F3’s so far. Two more in root riots waiting to see if they come up.

I don’t think this last seed is gonna crack, It’s been over a week. Still going to leave it in there anyways just in case it decides to. Assuming it doesn’t, that puts germination at 5/6 on the third batch for a total of 10/13 that cracked. Definitely had a few that crack, stick the root out, and then do nothing after that. I’m guessing temps are my issue there but not sure. Thermometer is saying 77 in there so should be good for germinating properly now.

Hoping at least one of these new one’s are another super purple stem one like the #2. See what happens. The 3 bigger one’s are not showing sex yet but should be starting pretty soon here.

Also attempting to sprout some Cat Grass and some Cat Nip for my cats over the winter ^^


hilariously the package of the cat grass says in latin on the side: wild oats
And I swear I saw jamie oliver use cat nip…called it cat mint, sly bugger. Give his food some zing lol
On a darker note, usually after some time if the seed hasn’t done anything I do the diamond test on it again, usually they just go SPLAT

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