Holy's Garden (Part 1)


I’ve only had this Clone King for 3-4 weeks or so, so I haven’t had any clogs yet. I ran it for the first two weeks. Then stopped and cleaned it. And then just started it up again for these. I do tend to run it without nutes though. I ran it maybe a week with nutes(maxigrow) to root my male keeper and didn’t have any issues during that time but clogging is definitely something I’m looking out for.


Does anyone else get the seeds-burning-a-hole-in-your-pocket feeling?

I have this incredible urge to germinate these Cherry Unicorns but I don’t have any room :sob:

I did start soaking two more Goji F3’s last night. Got em sandwiched between two damp coffee filters in a ziplock bag and have it sitting on my cable modem. Find out if they cracked tonight or not, maybe tomorrow. These seem to be pretty quick… One was already physically cracked or damaged before I put it in there so we’ll see. Still have half a pack to find anymore I might need later. :crossed_fingers:

@Sincy Did you have any full plant pics of the moms? I spent an hour or two scouring your threads again last night but I think the majority of the shots are of the males :heart: Just hungry for info really as it’s nothing I actually need to know :rofl: Just interested in what they all looked like overall. Gonna be a bit before these are even big enough to make any assessment. ^^


Haha - I always want to plant more seeds…

But as you can see, veg tent is out of control lol.

Having a hard time picking the next one, as I’ve currently got 3 different runs going at once.


I might of had some but I dropped that phone in ocean fishing and it doesn’t work now. I just got a phone going today.


Aw sadness on your phone loss :cry: No worries on pics then, I’ll just tag ya when I post them as they get bigger if that’s fine with you ^^

They’re working on the 3rd set of leaves right now. Watering like 100ml every 2-3 days or so. I might up-pot into 1 gallon fabrics this weekend. The other two seeds I’m trying to germ haven’t popped yet but they’re looking like they might pop soon though so not too worried. If they don’t pop I might just pop the last 6 all at once and then make an assessment before flowering. It’s that or start in the couple fems Baltimore send me. I’d like to have a solid Goji pair to work with though.


Northern Lights #5 x Haze x Sensi Star
5 days in the cloner with Best Girl(#5) clones

Roots are coming out of where I snipped the leaf off :thinking:

Day 40
Best Girl NL5HSS #5

I just love the way she looks. Look at that freakin cola :heart_eyes::heart_eyes:
HAS to be leaning NL5 or Haze or both. No doubt about it imo.
If your opinion differs please tell me why :heart:

Emo Girl NL5HSS #4

Not quite as good of a pic but can tell the cola structure is totally different. Reminds me more of an OG style, it’s not solid at all, it’s little golf balls with node spacing between each bud up until that last fan leaf at the top that’s pointing towards the camera. Then it gets solid to the tip. Still good but not my favorite. Should be good to use for a RIL line though in the future with the other girl…


The only goji f3 I got out of the first round of seeds is a female though. She a good looking girl we’ll see how she flowers but I like what I am seeing so far .


Oh nice!! Thank you for posting, she’s beautiful!! :heart_eyes:
I bet these F3’s will be pretty uniform all around, tho I guess that was the goal :sweat_smile:
Here’s the 3 I have as of a couple minutes ago:

Still need to up-pot, likely do it today… Definitely purple stems as they age :heart_eyes:
Knowing my luck the two big one’s will be boys and the little one is the girl, but we’ll see ^^

In other news, I’m on like day 5 of trying to germ those two other F3 seeds between coffee filters. Swapped the water out once, they’ve started to crack as of last night but no taproot out yet. Could definitely be my fault though. Going to keep babying them for a few more days and see.


Yes the seeds are a pain to sprout I hope this effort is worth it. I’m surprised how thin the leaves got after a few levels of growth she started out with some very wide fat 5 finger leaves. She does have the purple stem with green strips with that fat hollow stem not exactly sure if that good thing yet or not. I just want to get one flowered so idea of how I should go going back to make the f3s again. IDK I’m just having fun with it hopefully I haven’t messed these up too bad yet .


Is that one in the front a solid green stem?

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It’s like a green with purple lines in it :thinking:

Goji OG F3 #1 (The Front One)

Goji OG F3 #2 (The Other Tall One)

Goji OG F3 #3 (The Short One)


they look nice. I too would like to see what one of the girls flowered looks. @Sincy the narrow leaves is something I see in some of mine. One in particular looks that way and is very branchy. It throws new stems quickly at new nodes
Mine are the 10-D f2’s now. so they are 3/4 snow lotus and 1/4 Goji since the GojiQM is half snow lotus


Alright, tossed the NCHxSB auto yesterday and transplanted the Goji’s into 1 gallon fabric pots. Since these need to veg for awhile longer before I can take clones and flip to flower, and my amended mix is a bit hot, I figured I should change it up a bit for these.

So I filled the bottom 2/3rd’s of the the pots with Happy Frog(NPK .3/.3/.05) amended with 1/2 Cup Kelp Meal(1/.1/2) since HF barely has any potassium to speak of. Watered it, put down some Azos powder from Xtreme-Gardening, and then transplanted the Goji’s. Then I topped off the containers with the amended soil mix. I’m going to try and only do bottom watering of the pots and I think this way should get me the growth I need to power through veg and have enough nitrogen for flower. From there I’ll transplant into 3 gallon pots with only the amended soil mix.

Last night just after transplant

This morning, not even 12 hours later

Visible new growth, they didn’t even skip a beat. Going to have to pick up some more of that Azos powder.


Good to know. I ordered their free sample kit. Under $10 for just the shipping. I think there are 6 or 7 samples.

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Yep that’s what I ordered and am making my way through it. Get azos, mykos wp, some mykos root packet thing, a single use compost tea, and a foliar feed powder.

I’ve used the compost tea, azos, and mykos wp. Haven’t noticed much from the tea and mykos but definitely some benefit there. The azos though I’ve noticed the most difference from and that’s the one I’ll for sure get more of… unsure between great white or mykos/mykos wp or some other product


I’ve made my own compost teas with a bubbler and some EWC. kelp and or alfalfa meal and molasses. Drop an air stone in a 5 gallon bucket and in a few hours a nice brew. I have used Espoma products in the past for the mychorrhiza I don’t work for them just use the products sometimes


Oh nice! Yeah I thought that was a thing… How much EWC to use tho? and do you put it in a bag or something or just a scoop into the bucket? I have kelp but definitely need to pick up some alfalfa, that’s next on my list.

Will check Espoma out too, thanks!!


I just threw in about a half cup. You want the water around room temp not cold. I used a small aquarium pump a 5 gallon bucket and just added the ingredients and a stone and bubble away. It will make a nice froth in about 24 hours.


Half way through week 6, Day 45.



I had topdressed a week or two ago along with that compost tea but they’re still looking a bit deficient and I want to make sure the seeds are viable so I started bottom feeding with maxibloom at around 1/2tsp per gallon. So far so good, less fading over the last couple days and they’re getting fatter. Seed pods everywhere :heart_eyes:


Yeah!! Veg tent cam!! :rofl:

3 goji’s coming along, need to water em tonight. Then the bigger ones are my NL5HSS #1 Male(Left), and my NL5HSS #5 Best Girl(Right) mom/dad cuts. Have 3 clones of the mom currently rooting in the cloner. I need to take a couple more cuts off her tonight and then I’m clearing out all her lower branches, waiting a couple days, and then likely stick her in the flower tent. See what happens. As-is she’s basically at an 8-top mainline.

In other news, the pregnant #5 girl is starting to smell up the tent. Her smell is REAL similar to the Franco’s Lemon Cheese up front, back half is different. #5 is definitely lemon/citrus up front, followed by maybe a piney/cedary that devolves into a spicy seasoning type smell. Fantastic :heart_eyes: Tried asking the wife what she thinks but she didn’t really come up with anything. #5 has been pretty light in the aroma department though.

The #4 girl just smells weird, and not really in a pleasant way. It’s fruity up front but then some type of… fermentation… rot… or something? it’s weird. Wife said the smell of the #4 girl was giving her flashbacks of her day-care job a few years back :rofl: Needless to say she’s not excited about that one. The #4 reeks, first thing I smell when I unzip the tent…

The FLC smell is slowly changing. Still bright lemon up front but the back half is going from a sweet…creancheese…starfruit?.. type smell, into a nice musky/feet type smell that is Cheese. REALLY hope that pulls through, if this girl is straight lemon cheese at the end I might try and reveg her. Knew I should’ve taken a clone of her. Oh well…