Holy's Garden (Part 1)

Thanks! They’re smelling a lot different than I thought they would too! Getting like an incense type smell off of them :thinking: reminds me of the smells from the Purple NL2 @minitiger, but the smell has been starting to morph the last few days :yum:


I rubbed some early sugar leaf on one of my deep chunks this and got the same thing, an incense type smell that expect from nld types.

One of my c4dds has the Chem smell Ive come to expect. It’s not my favorite structure of the 3 I have but it’s the right smell 100%. I’m curious to see how they turn out visually in comparison to the 4 and 91.


Oh that’s nice! Interested to hear/see how they turn out too!

I expected chem(rc gas) and or gas/fuel smells from these but I’m currently getting absolutely none of that whatsoever. Hoping it’ll develop later. Could be something for soil vs hydro too. Terpene flip flop, idk yet.

I think the 91 goes 77 days like the TK :thinking: not positive tho.
I know the chem #4 needs 12 weeks.


I took the Chem 91SkVa 77-80days, it’s primo imho, but only my first time flowering, so room to play around. I took the TK at 67 as I was listening to the TK Origins dude potcast and he takes it then… may try 75 days next run with her though, I think she could have gone a little longer.


Oh nice thanks for that confirmation!

Yeah TK needs 77 or your robbing yourself of her legs and some of her potency too. Caleb(CSI) always says never before 84, but I haven’t tried that yet. It’s hard because she looks done done at 56 :sweat_smile: but those trichomes don’t get amber until 75+ days, and even then, just barely. She also gets less racy the longer you take her.


Great shots and info on harvest times. That chem 91 looks really nice. Is it fragrant?


Yeah they both smell about as much as the TK does. Not super stinky or anything. I don’t notice them when I open the tent. I’ve also been hella slacking on them this whole grow. It’s just been on autopilot. Ive topped off the res and pH adjusted 3 or 4 times so far and that’s it.


Oh, that’s cool. My issue with that Purple NL2 was definitely not with the way it smelled haha. Mine had a really noticeable “caramel” thing going on, along with a lot of other stuff, can’t remember if there was an incense-y thing happening, but she smelled good. That’s cool that the ‘91 Chems have a lil’ incense going on.

Unexpected… haha.


that is a lot of seed :smiley: love your updates, great work! :slight_smile:


Some random Black River OG #3 flowers

Smells like a creamy orange musky dragonfruit citrus thing going on :drooling_face: It’s coming through decently in the flavor too! Flowers are styrofoam-y just like a lot of the SSDD flowers come out. Picked at 70 days she’s all daytime! Definitely deletes the carpel tunnel and tendonitis pains in my hands and arms. I honestly struggle to finish a bowl of her in the bong in one sitting. She gets me medicated pretty quick and then I don’t find myself wanting or needing to smoke again for 2-3 hours afterwards. If I smoke a couple bowls out of the bong back-to-back she gets me a bit racy actually :sweat_smile: so potency and legs are definitely there. Pain relief is there. Loud and flavorful. Still a lil bit of a cough from all the citrus in there :thinking: want to reverse her onto the SSDD girl b9f5d39f-23b1-42e6-81b7-9a728a3ade7c


Sounds great creamy orange bet that’s tasty glad you found something nice in that girl :grin:


Yeah! She’s great! Next step is finding a male just like her or better. We’ll see if I can squeeze in a reversal attempt in between there :wink:


Sounds like you’ve found another daytime pain relief winner that’s incredible man. How’s it stack up pain relief wise to your original SSDD cut?


I’ll find out pretty soon actually. Been out of the ssdd for around a month now and still a few days to go on the one I have in flower. I think the ssdd is still better overall. I’m not noticing so much back pain relief with this black river girl, mostly just the numb arms. She’s pretty close tho and more daytime oriented than the ssdd is in general. And she’s louder. Also way better yield too and easier to grow. The ssdd x brog2 beans should be worth looking at for sure :grin:


Nevermind, couldn’t wait any longer and she looks about done anyways!
Chopped the SSDD F2 #1 at 79 Days

Skunk Tangerine still going

Would help if I didn’t let the PH get 5.3 for at least a couple days :see_no_evil:
But the flowers look nice still

New SSDD F2 #1 to flower - Day 15
She’s gonna do way better than the one I just took down, and no seeds this time!

And Bubba Kush - Day 9

Next in will be the Chem D, a Chem #4… Probably the 91, a TK, and my C5SensiStar girl :muscle:


love those fox tails lol used to hate them but as i get older they seem to have grown on me


Like this ?:rofl:

Jk, I’ll see myself out :blush:


How many of these Black River OGs did you search through to find the good potent pain relieving individual? Or were all of them pretty similar?


looks damn hot as always! great work bro!


It was the only one like it in the whole(12 or 13) pack. I imagine the pain relief is more prominent in the line, most might have it, but in terms of smells and morphology and whatnot, yeah. This was the only one like it in the pack I had.