Holy's Garden (Part 1)

Bunch of veg work lately… Just flipped the C5SensiStar girl, the Chem D, and another Chem #4. Still need to up-pot the Chem 91 so I can flip her too. And still need to trim back the Triangle Kush for new clones and flip her as well… Maybe flip another bubba or something :thinking: Wife loves the Bubba but isn’t really a fan of the Black River OG #3 girl :cry:

In side news, The NH21/MM F2 male is a beast! STABLE AF! No balls in veg. No hairs anywhere to speak of :muscle: Really really happy with that dude. He’s like my first male, the C5SensiStar F3 #1, but on steroids with an even better structure :heart_eyes: He’s already pollinated the Swiss Thai Nevil 2 girl and I have some more girls lined up for him :yum:

In other news:
Chem 91 - Day 55
I am this :pinching_hand: close to thinking she’s TK’s sister or somehow directly related to her. I don’t think the 91 is the parent like some theories say, but the smells are even similar on top of the crazy similar structure they both have :eyes: Standing next to each other, they look and smell like they came out of the same pack of seeds…

Chem #4 - Day 55

This one is just continuing to slowly fatten up. The look really reminds me of the NorthStar line :face_with_monocle: Might be some truth to the Codex saying it’s a Chem91 x NL5Haze cross… Like check this out, NorthStar #1

Got the same Alfalfa hair standing up!
NorthStar = C5/SensiStar x A5s1/NL5

Swiss Thai Nevil 2 x Nevil’s Haze #21 x Mullumbimby Madness

And the two tops I had to bend over
Left one:

Right one:

I keep coming across reports saying some of these only go 11 weeks! I’m thinking she might actually do that too! Getting fat…

That tent has been mostly on autopilot, I’ve barely touched it the whole run. PH has been 6+ the whole run hence the N deficiency look… Trying to stay on it but I think she might need to be monocropped to really shine. I’m expecting her to be everything I’d hope for out of a haze plant. When I move her around I definitely get a sandalwood and incense scent in the air :yum:
See what happens…


Niiiiice! A seeming rarity in a truly stable male!


Couldn’t agree more! They are incredibly similar growers. I have not smoked the Chem91 yet but the guy I got the cut from says it’s “real medicine”.

Yours is looking absolutely perfect. Nicely done.

I am this :pinching_hand: close to switching to maxibloom and octopots. Your grow being some great incentive for the ease and success of maxibloom.


Glad it’s not just me lol

man that sounds great! I haven’t smoked her yet either. I had real deal chem back in the day, early 00’s, but not since.


The solution-grade gypsum + maxibloom combo is so easy and hard to beat imo. I’ve ran all the major nutrient brands, a few different soil mixes, and for the ease+money+results I haven’t found anything better for what I’m doing. That includes jack’s and megacrop. And I’m being lazy af on top of that and still the flower results…

If I was top feeding drain to waste on this table, or doing that octopot thing that i’ve really been considering too lol, instead of recirculating and not checking it every day, the results could be even better.


Lol. Man, you have been thinking about the Octo’s forever!! Just do it! You will never look back.


You think you could handle all the TK coming from an Octo??!! Lol


Yes please! My next one is gonna look scraggly comparatively :joy:


Ha! The hardest thing for me to give up would be the ability to run 9 different plants in my 4x4. I’d have to choose only 4 and that’s REALLY hard.


I’ve got 9 about to flip in my 4x4 @schmarmpit . Some are a several weeks further along. It happens. Oh well. So 9 plants, 4 strains. I dont tweek feeds much for different nute needs. Especially once they hit flower. I’ll alternate a spray of mag nit and cal nit a couple times, but not after a couple weeks of 12/12.


So the Bubba Kush doesn’t make me sleepy at all :thinking:
It does make my wife sleepy though. Within about 20minutes of smoking any of it she’s ready for bed.
I’ll smoke it trying to get ready for bed and the next thing I know it’s been 2hrs as I’ve been sucked into coding or programming or looking stuff up or something. It gives me incredible focus and yeah, not tired at all really. Doesn’t do anything at all for my pain. Maybe slight muscle relaxation? :man_shrugging: Love the flavor of it…

The effects and flavors make me wonder if it really is Triangle Kush x “NL1” instead of OG Kush x “NL1” :thinking:


Bubba doesn’t put me to sleep either! Quite the contrary… when other strains have made me sleepy, I can smoke bubba and she will wake me up! There are some days when I puff hard and she makes me take a snooze, but not normally. I guess it’s just that everyone’s body chemistry is different.


Yeah dude! It almost gets me going! I’ve been fairly surprised by it, in a good way ^^

The Skunk Tangerine though… Man… @Jetdro you might be right on that stuff. I’ve tried a sample after just a few days hanging but it’s got this Body Odor/Armpit stank along with the Orange Tangerine. Both fully translate into the flavor :see_no_evil: The orange/tangerine is almost like a menthol type effect! I do like that part. And the orange/tangerine is tasty. But that initial armpit BO flavor is absolutely not tasty at all right now and its at least the first full half of the taste of the smoke :face_vomiting: We’ll see once it dries but… Idk if I can smoke this stuff :sweat_smile:

The high seems pretty good though from what little bit I’ve tried.


you would like Gmo


Hey Tom was that you that bought the dispo fritter the other day???


Nah Jet, I don’t buy weed any more :sweat_smile:, I know I saw that post though. Maybe Shishkaberrysavior?


Yeah I like the flavor of GMO but I haven’t had any with any legs though. The Dirty Taxi F2’s (GMO x (Chem D x I95)) I tried from @newb2.0 were really damn tasty and decent effects. Especially the TK/ChemD leaner, that flower was keeper worthy.


What ya gonna do with the Tangerine Skunk??? @HolyAngel

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Most commercial growers pull at week 9, so its hard to find really good GMO TBH. But when its done right, and not pulled early, she can be pretty darn stellar.


Likely try and gift it away to anyone that can stand to smoke it :joy:


Yeah i’ve only had commercial GMO. and by that I don’t mean Dispensary, but I’ve had that too and it was damn near the same. It’s always SUPER loud and tasty af, but 30min like clockwork with the cookies shit and i’m craving the bowl again :see_no_evil: I’d love to find a cookies cut that actually had legs, but at this point, I don’t think it exists :joy:

See my hate on the cookies and it’s not that I hate it to hate it, i hate it because it’s everywhere and despite all the great looks, smells, and flavors, none of it lasts for me :cry:

The best Dirty Taxi F2 I was talking about, only lasted for around an hour or so before I wanted to smoke again, so it was definitely better but still not quite up to what I’m looking for :confused: