Holy's Garden (Part 1)

I hear that, I feel the same way about MAC1 now that I have been puffing her down for a few days… She has a really nice 30-minute stonedness but then she wears off and I want to smoke another bong load :joy::raised_hands: What state you in @HolyAngel? I love that ST, I don’t know whats up with y’all’s taste buds :upside_down_face::sweat_smile::rofl::skunk::yum:


Maybe you should reverse the chem91 and hit Jet’s GMO with it to give the GMO some legs? That would be bad ass


Yep I feel the same way on that cut too sadly :cry:

I’m in cornlandia, Illinois


My GMO is not short winded…


Yeah that’s definitely a thought! I haven’t had the 91 yet that I can remember. Got like 20 days to go to harvest. I have vague memories of real deal chemdog prior to 2005 but nothing since then. So far she seems pretty damn stable so I’m unsure on the full blown males in the Chem91 S1’s I’ve seen :thinking:

If she’s good, definitely gonna be some TK/91 stuff getting done :wink:


What a bummer (for me :joy:).

I dont like you guys any more, you have bad taste!

:rofl::rofl::rofl: jkjk

Man, I have almost smoked all of mine and I had a lot.


i couldnt smoke a joint of it if you offered me 10K to do it!!!


What’s your take on growing Chem 91? Has she been finicky for you at all? It looks like you’re doing a great job at growing it!


Sadly, Chem 91 is known for dropping balls on its lowers if they don’t get enough light… most growers just say to keep the bottoms trimmed up so that there are no low-light bottoms to herm :man_shrugging: It’s worth it though.


Growing the Chem91 has been damn near identical to the TK. Hard to get green leaves to the end but otherwise she’s been solid.

I’ll take another peak under her skirt @herojuana.tom but I haven’t seen anything yet. If she dropped balls easily I’d toss her in a heartbeat


I just grew chem91 to finish… with probably the worst run you could imagine, and it didn’t drop any balls or nanners. Surprised me to say the least - it had a really rough transplant and ate almost all its leaves right before flowering started. Rest of tent couldn’t wait to flip so I just gave it a try. Haven’t tried it yet but it’s not much after that bad of a grow.


She did help me to much either great plant to breed with pretty true breeding plant.
She really helps a lot of people for sure.so good to have her.
GMO has been my go to for sleep she’s been like a key to my resting. been making feco with her and it’s really been helping me sleep most of the night got take her to 80 days to get her full effects, I believe will be making some crosses with her for sure later on.
Your garden looks great


Thats funny. I have a purple romulan, and a blue dynamite in the tent right now and they look suuuuper similar. Back left looking in the tent is the romulan, and right two are blue dynamite the two back ones look almost identical but two different strains.


Maybe lol now that im looking at it….i mighr be high…


Hey man, I’m a Skunk Tangerine lover! We must be fucked up in some way I suppose. hahaha

Interesting to hear you guys talk about this. The first few bowls I smoked of Bubba Kush made me so tired and relaxed. Granted, I smoked at night and had been smoking all day, but nothing new there really. That bud was taken at 9 weeks. After those first few times though, it never gave me that effect ever again. I tried taking her longer at 10 weeks, shorter at 8 weeks, but nadda. Every once and a while it gave some slight relaxation effects, but never like those first few times. After a while I concluded it’s an all around good plant but the main thing is that unique kush/coffee smell. The stone was…fine. Maybe not enough to keep a plant around but I still have her, so… I haven’t smoked any Bubba in over a year now. I’m growing her out again soon to see if I react like the first time.


Being the CEO of the Bank of Stank, it would follow that --like myself – you have an impeccable taste that is par-excellence! :bowing_man:‍♂ :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: Some people like whiskey, and some prefer wine. ST is like a fine whiskey to me… stiff and to the point. Its not some sweet sherry nor flavored liqueur, it is more similar to a connoisseur-quality Laphroaig than a candy-flavored blunt wrap :joy: It’s for people who would drink Jack Daniels, not fireball :rofl::v:


Looking forward to trying her out myself. I would imagine like BOO it’s a taste you’ll either love or hate but at least with boo you can look at phenotypical variances to find that one taste/buzz you seek alas with the ST it is what it is and must take some getting used to for many, can’t wait to try it out hopefully along side some bag of oranges from my lost but certainly not forgotten brother USEFUL (R.I.P)


Yeah this :arrow_up: I haven’t noticed any muscle relaxation or relief since the first night. Tried her multiple nights now, tired af, and end up staying up an extra 3+hrs or so :joy: So now I’ve been smoking her throughout the day and yeah. No issues. No real tiredness to speak of. Lot of focus. I thought I had some with me today but alas, it’s at home :cry: 5 hours to go till more bubba :yum: lol.

I agree. Its no Triangle. And compared to the pain relief I get from the SSDD… the only reason to keep her around is that she is a fantastic plant to grow, yields well, and that unique kush/chocolate/coffee smell and flavors. She might breed well too from what some of you are saying, but I’ve not gotten there yet :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: Outstanding plant though so I wouldn’t doubt it. I just wish she a was bit more potent. Bubba x TK ?


I dare you :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Interesting! I smoked 3/4ths of a J of Bubba last night and was passed out on the couch within 30-40 minutes, haha! I haven’t been smoking a ton of her though, just here and there. I will agree she’s not as strong as the TK or the Chem91 or Chem D, but she is good enough for what I want to use her for. She does have that great coffee/chocolate/kush taste and smell to her. I can’t get enough of it when I pop the jars…

I bet she would make some good crosses :thinking: