Holy's Garden (Part 1)

It should be the same Matt Berger cut of Bubba Kush that I have right here. I have the E-BX1 beans I just made with the bubba crossed to the black river og #2 male if you want any.


From my understanding, he pretty much hits everything with a sfv og reversed ibl or some shit. The descriptions are tricky but often lists two different lineages for reg vs fem Seeds of each line.
Of the cali connect packs I’ve grabbed, Bubba was not one of em cause of what I’ve heard.
CSI hooked me up with alot of Bubba and I’ve got Verdant greens reg and s1s…plenty of Bubba to play with! :))


Was that some of those MB15 crosses I have?


I have siphoned gas and had bud that tastes like gas. The % of people who have actually tasted gas not smelled it is probably low. I have had diesel that smelled like it but didn’t taste like it, I describe the chem flavor as “juicy” most of the time, but “fuel” is something like dominant pine, some lemon some other terps, it does have a mildly similar taste to gasoline. And I would pose the question… who else has tasted gasoline other than people destitute enough to steal it?


This Berger Cut is abused, root bound in a 1 gallon and trudging towards death this weekend and no issues :man_shrugging:

Also, @HolyAngel I just pulled the 3x SSDD F2 BX1’s from their 48 hr 12/12 jail for sexing and the “short stack” with nodes for days has such break dancing leaves I think I found a wiener!



I’ve eaten bitumen fresh outta the ground, gas, diesel, hydraulic oil, gear oil and alot more haha. But I never stole it


Excellent! Yes, Cali lists his male parents for his regular seeds, but I feel that, with his bubba kush seeds, he may either secretly cross something in or just have a different cut altogether since he doesn’t post any different males on his bubba page and his seeds produce oddly light-green with golden-hued plants which arent dark like the Bubba, don’t grow spiky crowns, nor do they purp up. They smell great and taste nice though, and I have pulled arm-sized nuggs from some expressions… It’s differences just male me think twice when I see the results versus CSI or Katsu’s S1’s


My Dad was fixing his station wagon back in 1983 or so, I was 6. He had emptied gas in a root beer can and set it on the side of the opened hood. I thought I was slick and stole a big swig of my Dad’s “root beer”. Well…the folks at the hospital made me vomit and drink this gross thick liquid. I felt nasty for a bit, but I live!!!

1/10, would not drink again :rofl:


Right. I got nothing man :man_shrugging:

Awesome! Hope you do find one you like out of those ^^


I might be crazy but I have a feeling he changes the prices on his site. I was on it this summer while laying on the beach in Nelson and I’m pretty sure the packs were 40 or 60. Then I went back during a sale and I’m pretty sure the packs were 100. Right now they’re all 60 again…im 99% sure of it lol.
And I see he has a History of OG box now, limited ton15 boxes at $500 a pop plus free shipping…a steal of a mystery box :rofl::rofl:


lol at least the best possible outcome came true though, otherwise no lol. it definitely tastes more like a fart than pine imo. But ya, had bud that tastes like a fart (more like natgas) :smile:


Whatever they’re calling “gas” is the “fuel” though, for the less nuanced look at it gas is fuel aka pine plus something.


Is there any taste in there that resembled bud more than the others?


Honestly I’d say the gear oil because it’s so pungent


A “greasy” smell?


No not greasy. It’s a hard one to describe…so I looked up Google answer and it’s make total sense now!

"Gear oil is an essential lubricant, particularly in transmissions, differentials, and gearboxes, for smooth operation and longevity. However, one prominent characteristic of gear oil is its distinctly unpleasant smell.

Sulfur-containing compounds, which are commonly found in gear oils, can contribute to the strong odor. Overheating of the gear oil can cause it to emit a foul smell."


Huh, I never took the word gas to literally mean petroleum gasoline… I had inferred that the term gas meant weed that was especially stinky…what would be deemed especially terpy today :joy: back at the club in Oakland, when a bud stunk more than others… like the Grandaddy purple did… when those jars were opened people would call it gas.

Similarly to the word fire, fire bud isn’t literally burning… fire I had gleaned meant the crystals were especially glimmery, and that glimmer makes the buds look firey like an opal. At the club, the bud sellers would have you look closely at the especially crystally buds and say “look at that fire”, or “look at those flames”.


Fire always meant effect. As in “he got fire” Al it got me high. In my experience people only started caring about the smell when rappers starting talking about the “loud pack” before then the stinkiest bud got passed up for the best smoking. Which is 100% what happened to stuff like RKS imho.

Overheating of the gear oil can cause it to emit a foul smell
@Fitzera this must be where “burnt rubber” comes from. If you heat up pure elemental sulfur to 90F+ it smells like burnt rubber.


In better news, here’s some pics from one of the tops of the Swiss Thai Nevil 2 x NH21/MM
Day 47


Other than the literal petroleum fuels, I refer to the sensation of a gas/fuel smell, like the burning effect in the sinus from sniffing some volatile chemicals. Though turpentine smells from a piney strain like NL is more distinct so I think of that differently than undisclosed gas of other strains. Like @schmarmpit, the pink lemonade was definitely very “gassy” for me, almost makes me want to sneeze or gag when breaking it up. Though not really a can of gasoline, some funk and garlic onion burn sensation thing.
Tips from wine tasting is very helpful with descriptions, but pinpointing the actual aroma/flavor is going to be different for each person.