Holy's Garden (Part 1)

Looking great. How big are the black fabric pots, and how often are you flooding the tray?

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These are AC Infinity 1/4 Gallon fabric nursery bags

Right now I’m flooding the tray for 5 minutes every 6 hours, so 4x a day.
Before, I was flooding for 5 minutes every 12 hours, so twice a day as I wanted more drybacks, but everything was in 1/2 gallon fabric nursery bags then too.

Awhile ago I was flooding for 2 minutes every few hours I think :thinking: Ran hydroton in the table too and I had massive root matts but was a pain to and risky to cut plants out of it come harvest time. Be cutting the roots of the plant(s) next to it too.


Just ordered a wack of the 1/4 and 1/2 gallons I take it they are decent? I had a 45$ honour card, and saw those and couldn’t resist for the price


Merry Christmas Eve Bro! Hope you have an awesome Christmas with friends and family, and may 2024 be the year we’ve all been waiting for :crossed_fingers:t3:


Oh, yeah dude, that’s all I use! They work great imo. I don’t really wanna go back to anything else right now. I also use these for seedlings:
Just fill up half way or so with coco and drop the plug right in and fill around it.

Once the roots fill up those seedling bags, I do the same with the 1/4 gallon and just drop em right in with a bit sticking out the top of the new pot, so it’s stepped. If I uppot again into the 1/2 gallons, same deal. Fill half way or so with coco/perlite and then drop in so an inch or so of the old pot is sticking up out of the new pot.


Ya hope you have a good holiday season as well. Thought of this thread earlier when I was browsing GLG and found this funny. Figured I’d post it in case you haven’t seen it.


That’s genius ! Awesome


Sold, ordering some of those fabric bags too! I’ve been eyeballing them for a year! About time, sweet ! Now I just need to automate my feeds cuz I’m over hand watering once and for all :man_facepalming:t2:


Ugh :see_no_evil: yeah I saw that. Grinds my gears a bit that that dude has the balls to call his seed company Sunshine Dream Genetics and then also sell a SSDD backcross made with SSDD F1’s as like, his flagship strain upon starting his business… Like, can you rip-off Bodhi any harder, please? It can’t be any clearer…

I made a bx1 too, and I didn’t do it with F1’s that Bodhi, or anyone else who bought some, could easily do. And you don’t see me over here selling packs of it. I sent out over 180 packs of my BX1 myself for no more than $2-3 each to cover stamps, card/envelope, seed packaging/labels… Pretty sure I lost money giving those away but I was happy to do it. It’s great pain meds and needed shared.

I like that ‘made towards the appalachia side’ tho :joy: So he selected towards the most prominent and least medically effective phenotype in the line, gotcha :+1: :rofl:


I wrote that guy off instantly! Even asked Jeff what he was thinking adding that guy to the breeder list


And thank you kindly for them!

:heart: :metal: :heart:


That’s what I was wondering, too. Did he respond?

:joy::joy::joy::joy: I suspect that they don’t even know what they’re breeding towards and just said that because it sounds “different” and “breeder-like.”

Anyway, plants look good! Haha.


Not as of yet, it was 5-6 days ago and Christmas holidays etc. I also emailed regarding a few Strayfox genetics . I’ll let u know what he says


you guys have a line of communication with bodhi, so why not ask him if he was okay with it? sunshine daydream is one of the most commercialized terms of counter culture youll find, long before bodhi and sunshine dream. they also seem to collaborate with a lot of other breeders some are very respected here, their freebies contain bodhi moms, its not out of the realm of possibility that bodhi is ok with it?

i may actually pop their sunshine hashplant, thats the flagship strain. its an f3 so theres work in there, and thats the dad in the sunshine daydream bx.

i think it should go without saying thats a righteous thing youve done (or do) being generous. but worth saying again.


Oh it’s totally possible Bodhi okay’d the entire thing from the get-go.
It’s still bad form in my opinion :confused:
Anyone who is aware of Bodhi knows the Sunshine Daydream and Goji OG are touted as some of his best creations. Could come up with anything else for a name but it’s whatever :man_shrugging:


Who has a direct line of communication with Bodhi? The last time I tested for him, which was like four years ago, I’d send him (or, technically, his ex-wife) regular updates and never heard a single thing back from either of them. And one of those testers was what turned out to be the Golden Hashplant, which was fucking awesome and which I couldn’t stop gushing over in my emails.

Does somebody on this thread have a direct line of communication with Bodhi? Raise your hand if you do haha.

Hell yeah it is.

It’s totally piggybacking and also unoriginal. It also feels like they’re trying to “fool” people who are interested in legit SSDD. But you should definitely buy some of those seeds, @shade and let us know how they turn out for you. I won’t lie, I’m curious, but not nearly curious (nor adventurous)(nor interested haha) enough to buy them and grow them. I wish you luck… haha.


I didn’t mean it as an outrage post or anything and I don’t have any connection to bodhi. I just thought it was funny for a few reasons that Holy already caught on to immediately (appy) . Also that he’s given away hundreds of his away for free for years now.


Top shelf does. Or maybe did? I guess a poor assumption on my part.

I understand the nuance in the etiquette, I’m looking at it from the angle of what is considered fair play.

Bodhi strikes me as someone who believes in the rising tide analogy. I’m not trying to play devils advocate, I’m just saying he might be thinking about it in different terms. It would be cool to know. And I’m happy to explore the sunshine hp line and report back, share, I didn’t really get bad vibes from sunshine dream personally. Maybe that’s relative lol.

My own form of etiquette will always be to offer up the bulk of seed I make back to the people who had the genetics, they probably won’t want them :sweat_smile: but I figure if they did they’d have the most use for them, space and ability to spread them further whether someone buys them or they’re free.

PS I already have the seeds. The freebies were big, I gave the Starchaser x Sunshine HP one to someone here.


Yeah I agree its in bad taste for sure… Have a little pride.

I sometimes wonder if Bohdi wears an 1850 style tailcoat.


I imagine he needs those long coattails for dragging around his hangers on. :tophat:


I mean, to me personally, it’s all fair game. Every single “strain” or cultivar or whatever you wanna call them were made from somebody else’s genetics. For people to get butt-hurt about a person making a hybrid with another breeder’s cross is hypocritical as shit.

However, Bodhi has asked that people don’t sell hybrids made with things that he’s currently working with and also his testers. I’ve always understood that two ways: One, it’s his livelihood. And two (more importantly), hybrids made with stuff he’s currently selling could reflect poorly on him if the hybrids from other people turn out shitty, even though he had nothing to do with it besides “providing” the genetics.

In any event, I don’t make seeds, so I don’t fucking care haha, but I do respect the hell outta Bodhi. If ever I were to make seeds for sale, I’d honor his request.

And you can’t tell me that that Sunshine Daydream Genetics or whatever they’re calling themselves isn’t a straight-up “cash in” on Bodhi. You just can’t. You can try, but I’ll just laugh at you haha.