Holy's Garden (Part 1)

its funny the stickers glg sends me with orders look a lot like this beach boys album cover from the 80’s… maybe theyre copying everyone lol.


but yea i hear you. i gave away all my ethos seeds the day i found out about what colin was about, i had some of the same first reactions you guys are talking about with SSD too, but the line looks interesting for finding a quick stud - something a pollen chucking rookie like myself could find handy. and i get the sense that there is a proper explanation even though there is certainly some trend of lack or originality going on with them lol.


Yeah, it’s called a Cash Grab. It’d be like calling yourself “NL5Haze Seed Co” or “The Real Sour Diesel Seeds” or “Come Get Your Goji Seeds Here.” It’s fucking stupid. And the motivation behind it is so, so obvious.


I don’t think anyone really has the high ground when they ask paying customers not to use pollen in their own endeavors. That’s just my personal opinion but I can empathize with the opposite view as well. Unless Bohdis seeds come from immaculate conception, he is building off others. Also many of his releases are f1s and not selections he has put expensive work into. That being said, Bohdi is a stud and he has earned my respect so please no one take this as me having a dig at him. I just don’t agree with him trying to control the use of seeds that he has sold and made money off.

But the guy naming himself SSDD seed co is clearly just trying to use the Bohdi brand to sell seeds, not just his pollen… not something I can respect.


Yeah. So we agree then haha…


Hehe I think I am stoned as fuck and unconsciously read your post as you saying the opposite and then regurgitated your post back to you in my own words thinking it was my own unique idea. :laughing:

I got given rosin sugar cookies form a friend and they are stroinger than he said I think ahhaha


I havent had a headband like this in ages… feels like a warm towel on my forhead and temples.

Anyways Merry Christmas to the thread dwellers here… I lurk here a lot asnd should post mor eoften


Just because a lot of us find the practice being discussed distasteful doesn’t really translate to Bodhi’s position. He outlined his position pretty well in a post here :

This issue seems to come up every month and pretty much everyone is aware of B’s stance on all of it. Nobody is outraged or offended for him as far as I can tell either. I actually though it was funny when I posted and thought people who frequent this thread would get a kick out of it as well. But ya, it’s a low effort attempt to capitalize on someone else’s work - both breeding and marketing.

It is what it is. I would expect these seeds to be higher quality than some of the other people riding his coat tails because the SSDD male B used seems to be really nice from the crosses I’ve been through. That said if I wanted to sort through some Appalachia phenos maybe I’d look at H&L’s app work instead.

Didn’t mean to derail the thread aha… Hopefully the bubba doesn’t freak out on you this go around!


There are people in this for money & there are people in this because they are passionate/wanna help others. I think it’s easy to see who’s who & what’s what. We all get to choose who we support.

Merry Christmas yall! :heart: :christmas_tree:


Definitely not derailing the thread :wink:

but to get some more pics in here, from the 3x3:

Triangle Kush - Day 70 :arrow_down:

Sunshine Daydream F2 #1 - Day 70 :arrow_down:

Chem 91 - Day 70 :arrow_down:

Swiss Thai Nevil 2 x NH21/MM - Day 52 :arrow_down:



How long are you taking the SSDD and TK?


SSDD, TK, and Chem91 all coming down in a week on January 1st, will be 77 days :wink:

Chem #4 will be a week later at 84.

Unsure on the STN2 girl.


Beautiful plants @HolyAngel :drooling_face::drooling_face:. Any favorites out of these?


Merry Christmas HA
: )



Out of just those :thinking: The SSDD is always a favorite, pain meds :yum: but just for smoking and whatnot, definitely the TK! I’m really excited for that Swiss Thai Nevil 2 though! She smells amazing :drooling_face: like sandalwood, maybe frankincense… some kinda incense for damn sure. It’s complex and really dank. Plus the frost on her. I think she’s gonna be a winner for sure but we’ll see in another month or so.


Merry Christmas bro!

Merry Christmas/Happy Holidays Everyone! :partying_face:


Merry Christmas Bro! Here’s hoping for a wonderful Christmas and an epic New Years! :christmas_tree:


Merry Christmas @HolyAngel


Merry Christmas @HolyAngel :santa: :vulcan_salute:


Merry Christmas Holy! Hope everything goes well for you and your family! :christmas_tree:


Merry Christmas Holy!