Holy's Garden (Part 1)

Pink looks good on ya!

And that 91 is looking tasty! Same with that Swiss Thai cross…she has a unique look to her, I love contrasting colors in flowers :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Yeah I’m gonna have to repost those last pics in a larger resolution :thinking:


I dunno how I missed this post, but I got a notification that numbskull “liked” my post above yours today and I just now saw it.

The herm thing re Rare Dankness was the reason I avoided their gear for years, but I haven’t had that issue. I found like twelve sacs on one of the Starkillers I grew, but didn’t find any on the other one. And I didn’t have any herm problems at all with the Midas and the Moonshine Haze.

Uh, that’s what I do, so… haha! That’s all I do, actually.

Anyway, sorry for responding to a post from two weeks ago, Holy haha…


yeah so, it helps if I actually export the RAW photos :joy:
Still only at 1/4 normal resolution so they’ll upload here, but much better now.

Here’s that 91 pic

And the two Swiss Thai Nevil 2 pics


I think that it’s a sign that the plants is in good hands. I always try to force herms out so that I know the plants I have is good for breeding. 🫣

Pz :v:t2:


Man, your going to make me get a macro lens and grab the camera!!


So I went ahead and chopped the Chem91, the TK, and another SSDD F2 #1. Day 75.

I did not see a single nanner nor sack or anything of the sort on the 91 at all.

I did find two sacks on the bottom of the Chem #4 tho

Was gonna give her another 9 days or so to hit 84, she looks like she needs it, but we’ll see if she keeps throwing these or not.

In better news

The Swiss Thai Nevil 2 x NH21/MM x NH21/MM F2 beans are almost ready :wink:
Looks like I’m gonna be able to take the 4 or so branches I hit with the NH21/MM F2 male and leave the rest of her to finish up. Here’s the 3x3 now that the 91/TK/SSDD are out

Just the STN2 and the Chem4 in there now :muscle:


IMHO excess silica and cal mag are two of the biggest culprits , when it comes to folks adding extra unneeded stuff.
Now I have never run LED so that may factor into the cal/mag need , I have read so much about.
But the extra silica people use is for sure doing more harm then good. It simply is not needed above the low amounts it is found naturally. For whatever reason people have themselves convinced that adding more , will somehow make their stalks stronger , etc .
It doesn’t . Just like feeding 2300 ppm doesn’t grow better weed then 800-1000 . Just because a plant can take something , doesn’t mean it needs it

Merry belated stuff Holy


I was always annoyed at some of my results until I started supplementing with cal/mag for all my indoor grows. Outdoors never an issue but indoors I found there’s a point of diminishing returns with long running plants unless you do boost the cal/mag.

Freaking LED’s man.

I did a side x side and found I got away with more fuckery regarding extreme bends/breaks/crushing when I supplement in low doses.

The only time i’d disagree with this is if you are using Budbusterpro :rofl: :+1:


I use 2.5 ml per gallon of calmag from start to finish , never knew any other way and it worked better for me …

I also used to blast upto 2300 ppm in the past :see_no_evil:

Now I know better lol :wink:


Happy new year to you @HolyAngel, been a great year to follow your adventures and I’m excited to see adventures that await :partying_face::100::fire:

Pz :v:t2:


Thanks bro! Happy new year to you too! :partying_face:
And anyone else stopping by too :wink:

Did I mention that NH21/MM F2 male is still going? I chopped him back completely around day 35 and let him keep going. Was gonna hit him with Florel but got lazy :sweat_smile:
NH21/MM F2 - Day 63

He grew all new branches and kept on flowering

Looks like he’s got a bit of frost in there :face_with_monocle: bunch of cystolithic trichomes… No hairs or anything, he’s completely stable. Even 100% rootbound.

I uppotted the seedlings that made it. IDK what happened on seed-popping this last month. Makes me think it’s not just you @ShiskaberrySavior. It seems like there’s some times of the year where nothing makes it for seemingly no reason and other’s where literally everything becomes a plant. This was not one of those latter times…

1 out of 3 on the Mendo Sunshine @Jamescoldflame
2 out of 5 on the Tree of Life’s :cry: @minitiger
3 out of 5 on the Meridian Haze @santero
1 out of 5 on the Chocolate Trips. idk who to tag on that… @Swe-can ? lol

This one Tree of Life is way ahead of everything else though despite everything getting soaked around the same time

I did get around to taking more clones of the SSDD, hopefully not much longer for those that are waiting on that :pray:. Also took more clones of the brog3 girl, the NH21/MM F2 male, and finally got clones off this AJ Sour Diesel

Gonna uppot and flip here in the next couple days.

I tossed the Bubba Kush Matt Berger cut aka pre93 aka original bubba kush :man_shrugging:
She does absolutely nothing for my pain at all. She actually keeps me going. I don’t get tired/relaxed/sleepy/couchlock, nothing. She’s temperamental with the nanners and whatnot. I’m done with her. I’d rather smoke TK or my SSDD F2 #1 than that Bubba Kush plant.


I’ve always had issues with seed popping in the winter nothing as bad as this year’s been.


Damn bro, let me look I have a few mendo ss×cali kush in there if you want to try em.


Oh nice! I’m okay on more seeds for now lol but super appreciate that! I still need to run the C99 you sent me first. Trying to make a dent in all the seeds I’ve been given here from you guys.


:sweat_smile: it’s @santero creations and me just passing them on to you :heart_hands:


Ah ok. I thought it mightve be Santero’s too but was too baked to remember exactly :joy: I figured it was him or esko but ya. Thanks bro! Probably my fault on these :disappointed: least should be able to breed with them if nothing else :+1:

I’m gonna try and squeeze in those mango and Neville’s haze this year too :heart:


:smiling_face_with_tear: :heart_eyes::evergreen_tree::axe:
Omgosh…those buds look like they’ll ruin your day if you smoke in the morning!!!+ Looks potent as eff!!! :drooling_face::smiling_face::sleeping:
Well friggin done!!! :ok_hand::+1:

Do you use anything to make up for this? Or just ditched the Si and haven’t looked back?


Thanks bro!
My really early samples say, she’s not as potent as I thought she might be from all the hype :sweat_smile:
I think she’s right around the TK’s potency and maybe similar high but I’m pretty sure she’s not stronger than the TK is :thinking: Will see once things are actually dried though.

I think the Chem #4 might be my jam though! I had one early sample yesterday, from the bud I picked off that had a sack on it, and that high is damn familiar and potency is definitely there! Excited lol

Ditched it and never looked back. For flower I run the solution-grade gypsum(~1.5g) and maxibloom(~7g) and that’s pretty much it. I might toss in some extra epsom(0.25g) in flower but nothing else. For veg I’ve been adding in jacks 10-30-20(1g) to the gypsum(1.75g)/maxibloom(5g)/epsom(0.25g) and that’s been pretty great for a veg feed but that’s the extent of my nutrient regime. Done tried all the things and I like this best for ease of use/cheapness for the results I get.


I have some few left, belive 3-5 maximum I’ll make a postcard ready asap and have it sent to you tomorrow morning :v: just send me a privenote :pray: