Holy's Garden (Part 1)

I really like it for my knee and shoulder pain mainly arthritis and it seems to help
I noticed more so when I ran out and said humm🤔what’s missing and it was the ssdd

The plant grows easily not fussy at all

Ty once again


That SS is throwing down hard! Nice


Yeah she’ll put out baseball bats if you grow her right. Probably the only trait from the SensiStar that comes through on her. Everything else is straight haze with a slight amount of NL5 :yum:


More haze on the buzz too? She introspective? Anxious at all?


Nope, not introspective at all, no anxiety, no paranoia, no narcotic/heavy/sleepy shit. She is clarity inducing, color enhancing, focusable but euphoric, straight daytime herb with a clean come down. When she’s done, it doesn’t feel like you smoked at all that day. No heaviness whatsoever.

That’s what I consider Haze. If your “haze” is narcotic at all or heavy, it isn’t haze imo, that’s NL, or the dreaded Lumbo :wink:


Oooooh, now that I gotta try! God I need to find a couple good sattys, stupid anxiety has completely altered my smoking patterns and had me stray so far from sativas I barely remember them anymore :man_facepalming:t2:


White flies are a pain in the ass. Lucky their weakness is they have to live on the leaf of the plant and nowhere else. I usually spend some time just crushing their larvae and it wipes them out. If the infestation is huge though, you can’t do that.


The more I read about the pain relieving aspect of the SSDD strains high, the more I am kicking myself in the butt for not popping these this round. I will need to schedule mine sooner than later.


I’ll try and hit her with some of the nh21/mm pollen and can send ya some beans if successful. Im basically out of the lemon cheese haze and Northstar beans. Have enough left to hopefully find a good male in and that’s about it.

@JoeCrowe thanks! That’s definitely what I was reading :thinking: it’s not bad at all but Definitely seen some adults flying around. I whipped out the pump sprayer and hit everything with a water/alcohol/h202 mix the other day and was crushing any I could find. Got more yellow sticky traps on order… hopefully knock them out completely soon :crossed_fingers: can’t say I’ve ever had these fuckers before and I’m unsure where they came in at. Maybe that sour diesel or one of the chems :thinking:

@herojuana.tom if ya got nerve pain, that ssdd is definitely the way to go. I haven’t found any better plant for it in years of searching.


Something I’ve never done, but thought about, is to take the infested plant outdoors and give it a violent shake. That should dislodge the adults and help control the numbers to a more manageable amount.


Never even heard of those bastards before!
And that would be awesome bro! :crossed_fingers:t3::crossed_fingers:t3::crossed_fingers:t3::crossed_fingers:t3:

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Was going to test out some Beauveria bassiana on whiteflies last year on some ornamental plants but with parasitic wasps ( E. eremicus ) released was unsure how the Botanigard would affect the predators. Interested to hear how you go about dealing with them as well as how it works out. They’re good at hiding on the under sides of leaves and can multiply really fast.

E. eremicus

Also Silver Leaf whiteflies are smaller than GH whiteflies - found that out after using a sub-optimal predator on ours for a while.


Ah, yeah I had seen you were messing with the predator wasps there. I’m kinda against adding even more bugs to my flower room tho :sweat_smile: it’s why I got off of soil indoors. I’m hoping spraying them off the undersides of the leaves, and killing all the adults should do it. It’s 100% silverleaf whitefly’s, same as you’ve been dealing with over there. I recognized them and thought of your thread the instant I saw them.


Yeah for sure, I wouldn’t have recommend parasitic wasps indoors in a tent setup anyways. Was more just curious about how you’re going to deal with them on Cannabis, as I’ve only dealt with them on ornamental or vegetable crops. Would just end up with expensive wasps stuck to trichomes probably in that situation.


Also having problems with white flie… Ive set out some wasp two weeks ago it really helps there not gone yet but its minimal right now… Keep attention on your temps, those wasps (really tiny black flies } dont like high temp! Kill those white flies ASAP they will hide massive inside your buds creating budrot etc


Yowza! Are you taking in cuts without quarantine? Or did these slip by?


Which wasps are you using? Here we were using a high number of Encarsia formosa cards and later found out that they have a hard time parasitizing the smaller silverleaf whitefly, and are more suited for the larger greenhouse whitefly.


Well that makes me wanna just chop the whole flower tent and start over :thinking:

They somehow slipped by… The larva stage can sit on the underside of leaves for months tho apparently…


Encarsia formosa i believe


Rooting for you holy. They’re bitches! A ginkgo solution with Dr bronners is really nice, but it’s not immediate. Encarsia Formosa released with d. Pusillus is what’s used commonly. It’s super effective but you’ve got two predators and they aren’t cheap. You could drop humidity pretty hard and probably get by with the d. Pusillus… you’ve got this!