Holy's Garden (Part 1)

I mean, if they’re gonna get in the flowers, I’ll likely just chop the whole room tonight and start over.
Fuck it. Yet more months before I can have that C5SS girl again. Already been like two years :cry:


Get some yellow cards and shake your plants twice a day it will help allot…


Still out of likes. I have some yellow sticky traps i’ve been using but got a week until i’ll have more in my hands :cry:


I think for silverleaf whiteflies Eretmocerus eremicus is more effective and the recommended go-to over encarsia formosa.

Eretmocerus eremicus is a small parasitic wasp the also host feeds on greenhouse and silverleaf whitefly nymphs. E. eremicus lays an egg inside the nymph stage of greenhouse whitefly. One wasp forms inside of the parasitized immature stage of the whitefly, killing the whitefly. Parasitized whitefly pupae turn tan colored and adult Eretmocerus wasps emerge. E. eremicus are smaller than encarsia and therefore are able to parasitize the smaller silverleaf whitefly species. Also, E. eremicus are also more tolerant of higher temperature and host feeds more than Encarsia.

On some plants the searching efficacy of E. formosa is reduced by high trichome densities and this has made whitefly control on some crops like gerbera more difficult to achieve


Right on! Learn more every day. I’m more familiar with d. Pusillus and know they are pretty solid but generally need a touch of help to eradicate. Was relying on 4-5 year old info from my head. Thanks for this :pray:t2:


I’ve only seen like 10-15 of those fuckers total, what do you think? Chop it all and start fresh or risk it?


one n done, one n done yes its s fucking complete GD sentence stuid systerm


Dont chop them… The worst scenario is making icolator out of it… Edit: you also can mix some vinegar with water just a little bit of vinegar with water and spray it… I dont prefer it late in flower

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Yeah I generally don’t like spraying stuff on my flowers. I’d rather just chop and start over than have to spray them with stuff. That’s why I did the water/70% iso/h2o2, same as my soap mix but, no soap, as I figured all of that would evaporate off and dessiccate any larvae/eggs while it was at it.

Everything I had briefly read about them was they liked leaves, not really flowers. So I wasn’t too worried about that. But if you have experience with them getting into the flowers and doing they’re thing. That’s done in my book…


I could probably wash the sour diesel and stn2 girl in the shower :thinking: Thoroughly get everything off of them, without too much hassle or wear. I think the TK/91/4/C5SS/SSDD should just be tossed in the trash tho :thinking: Too tall/big to wash, too many flowers for things to hide or get stuck in…

I have another C5SS that needs flipped anyways, at least one more SSDD does too, tho I need to take clones of that. And same with two TK’s. Gonna mean no chem’s for a bit tho, but what can you do. Need healthy bug-free girls.


Lost my first outdoor crop to white flies there a bitch :sweat_smile: sorry to hear you got those fuckers



That’s how I deal with bugs in flower :sweat_smile:

Wet trimmed the ssdd into a 1lb grove bag and stuck it outside since it’s colder than my freezer out there :joy:
Will attempt fresh frozen bubble at some point here.


That sounds like perfection.
AHH man just read more posts, you lost all your plants again @HolyAngel f**#$%! Sorry homie


She’s not quite perfect imo but she checks a lot of boxes for me. First, closest real haze I’ve had in decades. Shes already just over 3 years old. The ssdd girl is just over 2 years old now too.

As for the plants, I thought about it for awhile, especially once I got back into the flower tent, but I just don’t wanna spend any time having to fight off bugs and/or worry about anything in there. SSDD will get turned into hash. I sprayed down and bagged all the other plants for the trash. I got the veg plants and mom’s sprayed down with the soap mix and will continue to do so for the next week or so. Take new clones, up-pot, and flip once I know everything is 1000% clean again.

Least gives me a chance to fully clean everything up again in there. Ensure there’s no pollen flying around. Will be a fresh start ^^


Other then possibly losing genetics , I am on the side of chopping and starting over when there is a bug infestation in the flowering areas.
My plants are my medicine and I am not ok with them being sprayed with anything. Plus the infestation plus sprays , have such a detrimental effect on growth , that you are better off cleaning house and starting again IMHO

I commend you for making the tough , but right call


Yeah this is me too.

And all of this. Fighting off the bugs means the flowers aren’t gonna be as good as they could. I had already lost most of the fans on the chem4 and they were nomming on the tk and 91. Loved the ssdd. Was a mess.

It’s all clean now tho! :joy:

Thank you ^^


I refuse to spray anything. I did once. Never again. Not in flower anyway.

Starting fresh I think is the right move.


Thanks for these b4 and After shots @HolyAngel.
What a big stretch, even in a 4’ box thats impressive, she filled-it


Thats tough! I run such small plants and low numbers that totally shutting down would be hard to do. Cheers to dead pests and a clean grow going forward.


To Dead Pests…