Holy's Garden (Part 1)

Right on. Could possibly make it happen for next fall when you start back up. :+1:t2:

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I think I’m going to wash half of the Cookies tent. Just to see what happens.


Do you think … possibly I should start preparing STS. I spent too much on this and it would be a shame if I didn’t get seeds…

Is your male not dropping any pollen? Looks like he hasn’t fully opened up yet. How far along is he?

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25 days since it started showing sex Maybe wait a few more days ? I mean … it wouldn’t be a bad idea either. I’d still get regs they would just be slightly more bottlenecked no biggie.

Actually … maybe I’m wrong I remember I had a hard time around identifying around that day and 6 days later I was able to see pistils on a bunch and actual balls. So maybe I should wait a week ?

Maybe I just need to learn more patience. ? What tripped me out was that there was no pollen at all.


ah, yeah i would wait another week or two. Again, they only just get started around day 19-21 of flower after full maturity. They don’t really start dropping pollen until a week or two later. If he was flipped before he showed pre-sex then for sure he’s not ready yet.

I have seen some sterile males before, its definitely not unheard of, but usually it’s in inbred lines, f5+ or s1/s2’s :thinking:


After full maturity ? Interesting. [quote=“HolyAngel, post:4541, topic:25250”]
They don’t really start dropping pollen until a week or two later

After if 19-21f so wait one or two more weeks… alright Jesus… dude honestly this is all ground breaking info. I love it.

So the reason why I’m like trying to figure this out is because I’m moving to my new rental house. I finally was able to find a place. Kinda hard to keep flowers if ur moving around too much.

So now my plan is to allow these plants to mature at my mom’s house, my next step is to get two gallon pots so the soil can stay moist longer. The only issue is that these started flowering pretty fast…a few took longer I hope they have enough time.

Thank you again for answering me and giving me some real information :slight_smile:

Thank you so much…


Yeah not a problem! Once preflowers show and you can identify the plants, that’s when I flip. Can take 30-60 days for seedlings to hit maturity depending on the line. From there it should take around 3 weeks for males to form balls and start opening. Quicker lines can do this by week 2 and 14+ week lines won’t start until week 5+, but the majority of modern ~8-10 week strains are around 3 weeks for the balls to start opening.

Week 4-5 is when most of the balls will open and the majority of the pollen will be produced. They’ll go for 2-3 weeks or so like that and then start dying off. Especially if you can’t maintain a clean plant after collection, which is a bit difficult to do. It’s real easy to get mold from all the pollen and not advisable to run a fan in the male tent :joy: No worries tho if you’re doing open pollination or something ^^

For fem reversals with STS, you need to start flipping/reversing the girl like 3 weeks before you flip the girls you wanna pollinate as it’ll take much longer for them to develop male flowers and produce any pollen. It can also be a lot harder to collect than from a male.


Valuable info @HolyAngel going to be doing my first pollination here in a few weeks doing a few chucks with pinesoul and blue dream too real excited to make some seed :grin:


You could always cut off some branches with flowers and stick them in a cup of water to stay hydrated, with the flowers hanging over parchment paper. Allow to dry and then put in container and then fridge / freezer.


Ah that is some fantastic paint work right there :joy::ok_hand:


Love the bananas :banana: :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


Thank you @HolyAngel and @syzygy I love the drawing I want to put it on my new fridge


be patient, you will get your pollen - nice looking male :fire:
I have photos from JAWS about how to harvest/save pollen if you want me to post them


here we go
pollen collecting photos which @JAWS posted a while back

shake the plant over a large piece of paper

with a brush separate the flowers from the pollen and remove them

let the pollen dry for a day or so
then when it is dry carefully fold the paper so that the pollen falls into a line in the middle

you can store it in containers in the fridge or freezer depending on when you are going to use it
once frozen it must stay completely frozen until you use it
when you take it out open the container to thaw it so that there is no condensation (which kills the pollen)

hope this is of use :fire:


ooh very nice! That is pretty much exactly how I collect pollen over here too!

Thank you for those!


Well, I meant to take pics this morning but had some other stuff to do so I ended up not having any time :cry: Here’s some words tho while I’m thinking about it lol

All the new seedlings are doing good. 4-6 inches tall now.
Checking notes Oh damn, the Tree of Life is on day 39 and the rest are between 39 and 34! I didn’t realize it’d been that long already!

Tallest ones are one of the three C5BX2, and that first Tree of Life that came up before everything else. I only glanced at them and didn’t see any gender reveals right off but will see about it tonight.

I think the lone Mendo Sunshine I got @Jamescoldflame is a hardcore Mendo Purps leaner. Leaves don’t look like any SSDD I’ve ever seen, broad af and she’s a short squat little thing. Looks nice tho!

The lone Chocolate Trip x Lemon Thai, I thought it was just a Chocolate Thai :thinking: helps to go over your notes :sweat_smile: grew out of her funk and is looking good! Hoping she’s a girl anyways. The other Tree of Life grew out of it’s funk too. And the lone Mountain Temple is looking good too.

The C5BX2 are looking pretty interesting, definitely some NL and Haze traits shining through.

Hopefully pics tonight! :pray:


That mendo leaner might be interesting


When I tested those seeds, they grew the same: very short, although I dunno if I’d call them “squat.” Barely any stretch, but they weren’t particularly bushy or anything; “squat” to me means both short and bushy. I also wasn’t looking for SSDD traits, wouldn’t know what to look for if I was haha, but yeah, they were kind of weird plants. Those were the only seeds I tested for Bodhi that I said,”Hmm… I’m not sure about this line…” haha.

Everybody who smoked it really liked it, though. I liked it okay, but I wasn’t super-thrilled with it or anything. I’m pretty curious to see how she turns out for you and what you think of it.


Ah true that! Guess I’m not positive on the squatness yet, just mean she’s a bit wide at the moment for how short she is.

I’m definitely interested. First time seeing a cross using B’s SSDD male, only have the one, and yea doesn’t look anything like SSDD :sweat_smile: as long as it doesn’t come out like florally mids I’ll be okay with it lol