Holy's Garden (Part 1)

Alright, lets see where we’re at. Not the best pics, but good enough ^^
Also @minitiger idk what I was thinking but, there is no Mountain Temple over here (yet) :sweat_smile:
Only Tree of Life’s and whatnot, speaking of, here’s the big Tree of Life that came up first:

And the second

Definitely some interesting stuff going on with this second one :thinking:

Mendo Sunshine @Jamescoldflame

She’s got the Bendy/Wavy stem trait from the SSDD, but that’s about the only SSDD things I’m seeing on her :face_with_monocle: I say ‘her’ but I’m still just hoping these are all girls, I have no actual reveals yet :joy:

Chocolate Trip x Lemon Thai @santero

Will try and get some better pics of this one in a few days

Meridian Haze aka C5Haze BX2
Starting with the biggest one

Next biggest on the left

Really like those serrations, can’t remember where they’re from tho :thinking:
And the smaller one on the right

And in final news, I flipped the NH21 x MM F2 male back to veg after 84 days of flowering :heart_eyes:

He is just rock solid stable :muscle:


Really looking forward to see what you get in Meridian Haze. Since all the buzz about nl5h being the grandmother of pretty much everything we got today.

Pz :v:t2:


Oh yeah! I’m also really interested in those too! Maybe find a male to cross back to the C5SensiStar F3 #5 girl :thinking: She’s a Haze C leaner as it is :yum:

Any idea on the origin of those serrations on the middle plant @santero ?

The smaller one on the right seems NL-ish to me :thinking:
Regardless, should be exciting ^^
I have the NH21xMM F2 pollen to use too if they all turn up females.


ha, i just wanted to say NL or NL/sk-related :wink: lol, cool.

i am growing some meridian f1’s myself right now and one went purple
(due to the NL showing in that one) and the other one looks c5-like :slight_smile:

new beans are in the make too, hehe.


I was thinking the first Tree of Life looks better than the second, but maybe it’s just the camera angle or something haha.


Nice Plants , @MissinBissin , I love those landrace heirlooms , I have some something Else…
I Waited 20 years get my hand on , Bubba Kush , I’d like to clone those for personally Bud Bud…want a trade for white widow F1 … @HolyAngel , peace…


lol no the first one definitely looks better and it’s not the camera angle. The second one was mutated at the first real node that came in and has mostly grown out of it, but still has a weird look to the leaves :thinking:


What are you talkin about exactly? I tossed that Bubba Kush cut…


Okay thanks , we might have a pre90 Bubba. Or kush thanks , peace


As usual, have herb to smoke today and… idk if it’s TK or Chem 91. Smoking it doesn’t make that decision any easier either :joy:


I think the first one might be TK and the second one is the 91 :thinking:


Porque no los dos?


It would be interesting if you got Catahoula from lucky dog and grew it out side by side with TK and 91’ :laughing:

I wonder if it would just be a tent with the “same” plants.

Pz :v:t2:


… 10 char

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Still cleaning up Silverleaf Whitefly’s over here :see_no_evil: Only seen 2 or 3 this time. Need to stay up on spray days. I slacked off for a couple days on the last one. Hopefully flower things here in a week or so :pray::crossed_fingers:

I think I’m going to flower out the big Chem D mom I have and not take any clones. Should probably just toss it and not even bother, but I need to see what the possible pure form is about since I’ve only had Chem D in crosses. I’m sure this isn’t the original Chem D though. Probably wasting my time anyways :sweat_smile: Balls/nanners BETTER be sterile is about all I can say there.

I’m probably going to end up doing the same with the Chem4 too. Maybe not this run, but at some point this year, she’s gonna be gone. She’s prone to throwing balls and nanners, and for my smoking preference, the smoke just isn’t quite as good as the Chem 91 is, to me. I’d rather smoke Chem91 than Chem4. Chem4 is really good, gives me the munchies though, but yeah. Chem91 or Triangle Kush over Chem 4 all day every day for me. The Chem4 does cure out to a brown color. More dry/sandy type trichomes than greasy type like the 91 or TK. All NL5Haze type traits…

I can’t really bring myself to toss the Chem 91 (yet) despite being so close to TK. I think I’d rather breed with her than the ChemD or the Chem4 too. Especially if the D and 4 are actually 91 outcrosses, like they look like, and not sisters like the story goes :roll_eyes:

Triangle Kush isn’t going anywhere, ever, if I can help it.

The Swiss Thai Nevil 2 is probably going to get tossed too, sadly. She’s drying out to a 100% K2/Spice taste/flavor :face_vomiting: It’s not Skunk Tangerine bad, but maybe halfway there :sweat_smile: I’ll probably end up turning her into hash unless she cures out to something better tasting. Not really expecting it. High is like a decent nl/haze cross but nothing to write home about really. Not too much effects in the end, not super sativa or thai high, and its not super potent or anything. With the flavor, its almost hard to get through to get there :sweat_smile:

I think it’s a line that needed sifted through to find the gems and this one plant I got out of the pack wasn’t it. I think my C5SensiStar girl, the NorthStar’s, and/or the Lemon Cheese Haze produce a better high on a better frame than this plant does. I got a couple hundred beans from her and the nh21/mm f2 male tho that I’m kind of excited to look through but considering the mom… I’m not exactly hopeful of finding anything better in there. Makes me wonder on the NH21/MM F2 male too. He’s so rock solid stable though :muscle: I need to at least pop some of his offspring to see. See if I can find any TK beans otherwise it might be 91 x NH21/MM F2 that gets checked first :yum:


So, like, what the fuck are these white fly things? I’ve read about a lot of pests, but I’m not sure I’ve ever heard of them; if I have, I’ve since forgotten haha.

I also didn’t wanna ask when you first brought it up because I was afraid I’d jinx my own grow haha. But yeah, what are they? How are they detrimental to the plants?

How do you know what K2/Spice tastes like? Hmmmm??? Haha… I’ve done pretty much every drug known to man, but I haven’t ever touched that stuff. Bath salts and K2 is where I draw the line haha.



They have like 5 life stages, 4 of which are stuck to the underside of the leaves in a cacoon like thing that siphons the plant of sap. The final stage is adult hood with the wings and they fly around and lay like 50 eggs per female, and then they die. So, they’re essentially flying thrips. They rob the plant of sap and can kill off leaves in a week or less depending on the infestation. They can also be common carriers of a few different plant diseases so just generally not something you want around.

I’ve lived in prohibition states most of my life so I spent a year or so smoking K2/Spice when I couldn’t find any herb on the streets. Long before all the crazy stuff and reported deaths/seizure’s/etc from it. Won’t fuck with bath salts either. Never did and Never will do that stuff.


Should be noted that western flower thrips fly as well. It’s my understanding that not all thrips fly but many do.

Was just thinking about that garbage the other day haha. My friend gave me some Delta 8 flower to try and immediately thought of the jwh-018 era. Was a nice gesture but I’m not going to be consuming that stuff when I have my own flower.

Smells like cookies crosses from the dispensary (ICC) without the bag appeal. Worst of both worlds? The future of Cannabis - gas station buds.

Plants look good, haha!


Oh yeah, dude, I was just kinda kidding around. I had a feeling that that’s why you knew. Honestly, I was tempted to try both bath salts and K2 when that shit was around, simply because I’m always like,”Ooh! A new drug?!?” haha. Any new drug that comes out, I wanna try it at least once.

I’m glad I didn’t try either of those things, though. When the plasma donation place puts warnings on the wall that you shouldn’t try Spice and that K2 users won’t be permitted to donate plasma, that’s when I know it’s bad… haha.

I was gonna say the same thing haha…


funny, i never really dug the chemd or 4 as much either… 4 has better structure and d can be funky fuel chem for sure but maybe i just couldnt get her to yield so i gave up on her

too bad bout the STN, could still be cool stuff in those beans though depends what the male did, 91 would be a good choice i agree, hard to go wrong w tk though

you ever run the irene? bubbaish og, i like it in rotation w 91 and tk for sure