Holy's Garden (Part 1)

Ah for sure, that’s interesting. I got some flower from Nobody’sNursery Lavender Jack cut and that stuff puts me to sleep! Same with his Bandaid Haze ‘Church’ cut. I legit have been smoking it just before bed as I sleep really well on it and makes me just pass out. The Lav Jack got finished first though. Definitely has a good flavor, just a hint of terpinolene. No jack effects whatsoever. Just like the Church in that regard, no haze effects to speak of, it’s 100% NL and lumbo.


Yeah I’m hoping for one of the 4 I have going to be a Jack leaner just cause I wanna see what that’s like haha. I wonder where bodhi got his Jack mother though. Is it a circulated cutting of it or did he go through a bunch of old Jack herer seeds?


Thats a really good question! From a bit of digging, it looks like the ‘Vintage Jack Herer’ cut bodhi uses is from Legion of Blooms 10k Jack

Here’s a write-up on it

I gotta say tho, that makes me even less interested in any of Bodhi’s Jack crosses :sweat_smile:


Seems like you’re getting hit with one problem after another this past year, sucks. I was going to comment on the whiteflies, but saw you already did. I agree with your take on the possibility of spreading issues even if everything else was done “right”.

How did you get confirmation of infection? Did someone tell you, lab testing, or something else?

Also looks like DocD / NN use that same jack cut

I haven’t tried the NN lav jack yet, but the 3 that I grew I’d consider night time as well. We all react to this stuff differently though.


Yeah, dude who sent me that “OG Kush” cut got it tested as I was finishing up the run and came back with low levels of hplvd. Same cut he sent me snips off of :see_no_evil:

Sadness :cry: I want some SkunkHaze or NL5Haze in a Jack cut or cross. Not straight NL traits :see_no_evil:
Seems like him and NN both like the heavier NL type highs. JJ too. I guarantee there is zero haze in that J5 Haze cross and it smokes 100% like NL.


Wondering if it’s just nute lock out instead :thinking:
Haven’t calibrated my ph pen in a bit and they’re always getting hella food. I know the big plants were root bound and possible salt buildup. Gonna go calibrate the pen and flush all the pots and see…


well hopefully your clean of any virus and things turn around. but like u said only thing wasted was time… and we got alot of that left … or do we … insert scared face. i didnt know bugs could spread it also so i learned that now. hoping for good news


The second time I grew the bandaid haze church cut I had to harvest early at day 60, it had a more energetic high. When I took it to 75 days it put me to sleep too


Ugh, damn man, got me wanting to check my mom’s.

Anyone know how expensive lab testing runs / is it avail to home scale?


Looks like around $50/test

Anything I sent out months ago is for sure good. I definitely haven’t been keeping up on ph here even if my meter is fairly accurate. Could be that too causing what I’m seeing. I’m suspecting I’ve been randomly feeding around ph 6.4+ for the last month or two. Going to work on staying on top of that for the foreseeable and see if everything clears up after a nice flush and adjustment.


There’s a few cheaper options - Tumi is popular at 25/test, and 3riversbiotech at 15 a test. Bummer on your garden - I’d be surprised if they all look bad because of it… I had a few cuts with it awhile ago and I would have never known without testing. They looked healthy as can be… seriously vigorous and healthy plants that tested positive. Luckily I got it contained before it spread to any other cuts and such.


I’ve got a ton of potentially herm seeds I can send ya to get yourself set back up on the right track :joy::joy::joy::joy:


Looks like 3rivers has a 5 test minimum purchase so you’re spending $75 to get 5 tests. Might just do them to be sure.


Ordered. See what happens.


Yeah its not a bad idea just to confirm your suspicions. It spreads pretty easily thru roots so shared water for sure, but sounds like youre doing all the right things for cuts with bleach n gloves.


Totally agree with you. It can also spread by touch, like if you have broken off fan leafs and got some residue from the stem on your fingers. Then go to another tent and break of fan leafs there aswell. That’s the problem with viroids, they are so hard to destroy!

Pz :v:t2:


Yeah, they tend to share water in veg tho, and for sure flower. If I get one positive test back I’ll probably trash everything, save for what’s going in flower…

Unsure if I wanna test my c5ss/ssdd/tk or trash them and just get those cuts back from my father in law, keep them in their own bleached out tent, and test them instead :thinking: will test the chem91, and weasel sour diesel too.


This. Just do that. PLEASE. Haha. I’m begging you, quit taking in random-ass cuts and plants some motherfucking SEEDS. It’s not like you can’t find great stuff.


Yeah, I’m pretty much done with elite cuts after the next run or so, assuming things are clean. I have a few diesels to check out and the mother’s milk #31 cut for the wife. Needed to try the chems myself. Only the 91 is worth keeping imo, and i think I’d rather just have the triangle kush instead. I’m not letting go of her if I can help it. But that’s literally it on cuts unless someone comes around with Pez or Electric Boogaloo or something :joy: some thing’s are hard to resist. gotta do some tests first though. If I get one positive back im tossing it all and starting over immediately.

I was going through the bean fridge a few minutes ago and found two vials of the lemon cheese haze. Want to start the smaller one. Along with the daydream kush(ssdd f2 #1 x kryptonite #2) since I only got maybe a packs worth of those. Same male that made the triforce with the tk. and then the only 3 beans of emerald river(triforce #4 x black river og #2) that I got before sadly tossing that plant(rip :cry:).


if u can get them back and use the tests on other stuff prob best route. unless there already big and you wanna save a cpl months work

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