Holy's Garden (Part 1)

No they’re all tiny af and will need a few weeks before I can get enough roots to test so wouldn’t be a bad idea there at all. Doing it that way, tossing my C5SS/SSDD/TK and getting those back from before anything happened, I could instead test the Brog3, the weasel sour diesel, the chem91, the nh21/mm f2 male, and one of these seedlings to be sure they’re all clean or not. Could potentially save a bunch of shit that way :thinking:


To me it doesn’t seem like HLVd, but something like bad PH or feed. HLVd is more elusive at the beginning, sometimes effecting just a branch or two of an entire plant. Sometimes not even showing anything until it’s well established for several grows. I just can’t believe you would have gotten it from something recently and it turned all your plants to look like than within just one cycle. I’m certainly no expert, but I’ve had some friends with infected gardens, and this is not how it’s typically gone for them.

Good luck in whatever you choose to do!


Yeah I think this is what it actually seems to be. I’ve been staying on top of the PH the last couple days here and they’re all drinking quickly again and starting to look much better. Normal again. I was slacking on keeping the PH right in the feed buckets, and my meter was .1 off for who knows how long.

I usually mix up one 5 gallon bucket and that lasts me 2-3 days of topping off trays in veg twice a day. The new buckets of mix didn’t even need ph’d after running with a pump for a day, so me adding 8ml of ph up at the start before, and then not keeping on it. Really makes sense why I’m seeing lockout symptoms on most of them :sweat_smile:


Yeah but knowing that OG Kush cut was positive certainly makes you worry. You’d hate to be back at this same place in another few months. Still might be worth doing some testing and cleaning up. I guess I’m just playing Devil’s Advocate to both sides of this convo lol.


Oh I’m definitely still gonna run these 5 tests. already waiting to hear back from my FIL on getting a clean c5ss/ssdd/tk back in the next month or two. Will test the others in the meantime and make a decision. If positive i’ll trash and bleach it all and start over with my 3 keepers there. Otherwise can continue business as usual now and actually stay up on my shit. Taking breaks and power outages and whatnot last year really threw me off my game and I got too lazy.


Sounds like you got a solid plan! Happy to hear, was worried about you. :pray:t2:

Pz :v:t2:


Looks like we have some males for sure
1x C5 BX2
1x Chocolate Trip x Lemon Thai
1x Tree of Life

and females
2x C5 BX2

Still waiting on a gender reveal for the Mendo Sunshine. And then some HLVD tests :confused:


Speaking of, looks like I should get the tests on Tuesday. Will test all the trays and get them sent off, hopefully Wednesday, and hopefully get results back by that following Monday or so. ~Feb 19th.


Thanks for this. What brand of perlite do you get?


I don’t really have a brand preference yet, just want the ‘fine’ perlite and not the medium or larger chunks.


Ugh… Just wanna burn down the whole room right now :see_no_evil:
Think I’ll be surprised if all the tests come back negative :eyes:
Tests should be here tomorrow by the looks of it. Will snip some roots and send em off ASAP.
Sooner I get results, the sooner I can decide what to do.

In the meantime, I’m still in the process of trying to reveg the NH21/MM F2 male.
I flowered him out for 84 days and then switched the lights back to 18on/6off.
That was 22 Days ago

Been through draught stress, lockout, rootbound, algae, 12 weeks of flower, and then reveg. He put out one singular pistil about a week ago and haven’t seen anything else before or since. I’d say he’s pretty damn stable! Sad part is, there is not one single iota of resin on this male at all :confused:


I have a completely untested method of eradicating hops viroid. You need some zerotol to soak the clones in. If you think that’s a crazy idea… welcome to the bus :wink:


Yeah I’ve seen Zerotol mentioned quite a bit over the last couple years, but from what I’ve seen it’s not 100% effective. There was some saying you’d also want some Chitosan, like HyShield or something, and one or two other things to have a decent shot at it. Again tho, not 100% effective at eradicating the viroid. Technically Tissue Culture isn’t 100% effective either :sweat_smile:


True story, but like the sulfur thing. Once you whip up the right protocol, even with something that is 80% effective, you can crush it. I do understand that it’s far easier and faster just to toss the shit and not have to “fuck around and find out”. Cheaper too :wink:


I agree. Just trash everything and start over, sans random clones haha.


Definitely mostly the plan here. Need to be sure my 3 keepers are good tho. The c5ss f3 #5, the ssdd f2 #1, and the TK. And at least have some idea on if I possibly shipped out infected cuts to people :see_no_evil: hopefully not as I’m fairly aware of what to look for. See what happens.

Im drooling over my bean list though if I’m restarting from scratch. Probably run the LCH and/or the c5ss f4 #5 beans, the ssdd x kryptonite and/or ssdd x ogers, and either the tf4 x brog2 or tk x nh21/mm f2 :thinking:


You don’t mostly plan; you totally plan haha.

Just kidding. I don’t think you’d have any trouble getting that TK cut back, though, if you decided to trash it. Probably wouldn’t have a hard time getting that SSDD cut back, either.

What’s that? The Lemon Cheese/Haze thing I’m growing now? You should absolutely plant some of those, unless you wanna wait and see how mine end up smoking haha.


Lol you know me so well ^^

Yeah, the LCH is the Lemon Cheese Haze. Really the name they should’ve got on the package instead of ‘flc bx1’. If anything, it’s an extended c5bx, but yeah :yum:


Bout time to snip some roots


Oh, and here’s some chem4 I’m smokin on today

It really does cure up to a brownish color :thinking: