Holy's Garden (Part 1)

Hell yeah! I’d assume so too! That was one I should’ve grabbed but didn’t. Got the mpk x de instead an ended up trading it out for either the pure lt or the tklt, can’t remember :thinking:

Yeah! I’m hoping so! Even if it’s a male tho I think id be happy to use him. Plant looks like a beast. Really thick main stem and great branching characteristics. Just gotta check stability, as always.

I find the super lemon haze to be pretty Lemon Skunk leaning and not my jam. I find the high kind of foggy and down, instead of clear and up.

My c5ss #1 male cleared that up quite a bit in the Lemon Cheese Haze, but the Cheese phenos still have it from all the skunk combining. Confused/forgetful/foggy high. I love lemon, but definitely prefer the clear functional or euphoric stuff over foggy/confused any day :blush: still good shit tho :yum: but the haze phenos are where it’s at.


Yeah, exactly! I also get a restless feeling, but I’m too stupified to be creative or do anything. It can ruin a night of coding for sure, instead of increasing the productivity and creativity like a lot of other cultivars do.

Pz :v:t2:


Oh nice! Yeah I’d be interested for sure! Someone gifted me a small pack of his Asian Neville I haven’t gotten to yet but that’s all I have from him. I hit him up on ICMAG after he was shadowbanned here and we talked for a minute but then he just stopped. I didn’t wanna pressure him for beans or anything and I still have plenty. Just hard to turn down some more when they might be up my alley :joy: His acid beauty/chocolate funk/grandfunk/mindblower definitely interest me.


These are what I picked up as well, along with the Tropical Boogie. My grow plan got shuffled around a bit, but I’d like to get to at least one of them in Fall 2024.


Hell yeah! Definitely tag me please whenever you get to them if you can remember. I’m sure I’ll forget by then :joy:


Really interesting here is the opposite the Case.
No one has good hash it realy Rae and even bad commercial grade is not often to get.

This new hcc is is also here as far I know… Since I’m out off the city I’m also out of circles where people use shit like that.

Never relly understand it it hcc an research chemical like the jwh- stuff or real cannabiod?


All the youngsters here in Sweden use hhc or thcp or other synthetic Cannabinoids. I think it’s a good thing because it normalises the use of this type of chemical. Sweden usually follows USA and a lot of politicians have said that they are watching “the American experiment” closely which I think is just idiotic. The genie is already out of the bottle and the majority of people is already understands that it’s not an dangerous drug.

EU is also a blocker for the whole European region, but the cog have also started to turn there and countries like Italy and Greece are pushing hard because they want to be Europe’s biggest producers of outdoor/greenhouse flower production.

Pz :v:t2:


So here’s part of the next round. Trying to get them used to the light and get thoroughly rooted before flip.

The chem D/4/91 in the center/right are the mostly cleaned up mom’s I’ve been sitting on.
The left tray was in veg. Everything is a bit rough from super rootbound-ness and soap spray.
They’ve been freshly up-potted to those 1/4 gallon black fabric bags.

The black trays are just a hold over from veg and will go away soon or once I flip to flower.

Over in veg I was able to get some better shots of some of them.
First up is the Chocolate Trip x Lemon Thai

Definitely really like this one!

And the Mendo Sunshine

I could see the frosty stem from a foot and a half away :eyes:
Doesn’t really have much smell tho. Bit kushy…

And the Tree of Life

Couple decent shots of the structure anyways…

And I think it might be a girl :face_with_monocle:


I just popped some Tropical Boogie. My first go at salts and coco and autopots coming from organics so we will see how I will do…

Not much to see yet… but it will probably include my small room build in here.


Little Chem 4 I’ve been smokin on today

Can see it slowly turning brown. It sure is tasty tho!


Alright, might’ve spoken to soon on the Tree of Life @minitiger - Day 48 of Veg

Lookin male on the top here.
But the node below still looks female :thinking:

:man_shrugging: See what happens in some more days.

@santero Here’s the Chocolate Trip x Lemon Thai - Day 43 of Veg

I’m going with, its a girl, but idk for sure yet :joy:
She looks to be keeping the quad-nodal structure so that’s exciting ^^

And then the Meridian Haze’s - Day 43 of Veg
Going from left to right:

I think #3 is the Haze leaner. Or C5 leaner rather, of the 3 I got. Longest internode spaces, and serrations look closest to my C5SensiStar girl :thinking:
Next up #2

The biggest one, matching the Tree of Life. I think it’s a Jack leaner.
And the #1

Unsure on that one. Looks nice tho!
No gender reveals yet on any of them.


Mm. Yeah. That first pic definitely looks male-ish. You never know, though. There’ve been a few things I grew where the pre-flowers just looked… weird haha. Kinda male, but I wasn’t totally positive, so I just flowered them anyway and they turned out female.

That first pic does look like male pre-flowers, though haha.


Alright, got all the seedlings there up-potted into 1/4 gallon fabric bags while I wait for gender reveals and some more side branching. Will take clones for sure.

The Choco Trip x Lemon Thai is 100% getting saved and used regardless, unless herm.

The Tree of Life smells interesting, but the #3 C5 BX2 is smelling much more like what I’m after in a C5 cross. Spicy. #3 mostly resembles my C5SS’ from seeds too. Tho the #1 also interests me :thinking: The big #2, not so much. Feel like its jack leaning like the TOL. TOL has the better branching though that’s for sure and still smells good and fairly strong. See what happens.

The Mendo Sunshine stem rub is starting to smell pretty dank! Kinda got me excited, not gonna lie. See if it turns out male or female…

Anyways, here’s the pics.
3x - C5 BX2 - #1 | #2 | #3

Any white specs are soap residue. I’ve gone over every leaf a few times already.

ChocoTrip/Lemon Thai | Mendo Sunshine | Tree of Life

Same deal here
And the whole flower tent at the moment.

I know it looks a bit rough but will be flipping tomorrow morning. I can tell things are actually growing again and they should pick right up. Got the reservoir cleaned out and half the water I need already made. Just gotta clean out the pumps :crossed_fingers:


Definitely wondering if everything is infected with HPLVD :thinking:
Including the seedlings :thinking: :confused:

In the meantime, looks like a bunch of males:
Choco Trip x Lemon Thai

The big C5 BX2

And the Tree of Life


Well that’s no fucking good man.
What makes you think that?


ugh. out of like at the moment.

That “OG Kush” cut I ran over the summer was for sure infected. I suspected it the whole time but only got confirmation after I harvested it. Thankfully I had kept it all separated and didn’t keep any clones of it. Just grew what I had in their own tent and then stuck em in flower. Because of that positive test though, I tossed the thousands of beans worth of black river og #2 crosses I made with the black river og #3/bubba kush/skunk tangerine/ssdd f2 #1/“og kush” that run as they all were infected after sharing the water with 3 of those infected “og kush” plants.

Despite keeping things separated, bleaching everything, gloves, sterilized tools… I’m just now seeing some zigzag’ing shit and fucked up leaves going on with the latest round of clones and these seedlings. Could just be the environment or nutrients. I also haven’t calibrated the ph pen in a bit… but the overall looks and past experience kinda make me wanna just chop all the veg plants and seedlings and start over again for the second time. Source my C5SS/SSDD/TK back from my father in law or someone else i’ve given them to.


Damn, hope not bro :crossed_fingers:t3:


Yeah we’ll see… I think those silverleaf whitefly’s are what did me in. Despite any quarantine, they can carry/transmit it. I’ll get some more pics tonight and double check with some others that are familiar with it, but I think there’s a real good chance of a choppening. Will keep flower going regardless as I need it :sweat_smile: And just move veg to a different area and room completely when I get the new clones. Bleach the whole original room.

Least means I could pop more beans afterwards!


Yeah same here. Although it is nice in the evening as well or if you smoke a lot of it it won’t keep you up or anything…


Cup half full…. I like it