Holy's Garden (Part 1)

coming along…


Nice! Looks like it’s all coming together nicely.

Pz :v:t2:

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You have to sign and version your binary so it’ll stop being flagged as a virus.

Yeah coming along


I’m aware, still in development over here though ^^


Yah for sure, but if you do that step in compilation time it’ll put the info into the binary every time you whip up an exe and stop that virus warning. I remember it had to have a version number and a corporate entry for the virus warning. hmmm the compiler I was using it just needed an xml file I think. Been a short min since I was a programmer.


Yeah, you add it to the .sln file in VS, but I have faint memory that they did it a bit more complicated when window 10 came out. Was so long ago I coded C# or C++.

Pz :v:t2:


lol, yah I was compiling python into windows binaries.

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Should just need to compile for Release instead of Debug :thinking: Haven’t gotten there yet.

This is a whole new app build on .net Maui instead of .net8, all built in visual studio. fun times :face_vomiting: :joy:

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Written in c sharp?

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kind of? Technically yes, they’re C# files, but… I’m pretty sure it’s actually written in .net and then VS is just converting it on the fly :thinking:

The majority of my programming experience is building android kernels and rom’s.
Not app development :sweat_smile:

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.net is actually an API that you can use in several different programming languages. Yarr! My godamned computer is set up as a development environment. Visual studio, vscode profiling, and debugging. sigh
I actually used to do that for a living. TOTAL NERD!

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Yeah, that. All of that. I only know enough of .net to be really really dangerous :grin:

Made a few .net apps for work, and I manage an old vb/asp.net webapp for work a buddy made almost two decades ago, but that’s about it for my knowledge of .net stuff.

Android work is mostly C, thankfully, save for rom stuff that is Java :face_vomiting: and now the Kotlin bs. Sometimes I long for the days of straight HTML/CSS :joy:

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Slowly getting there

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mmmm web shits. I got my postgres database with php frontend. hah hah sorry, haven’t talked computer bullshit in a while.

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Yeah, I’m working on a Android Automotive application for one of the biggest car manufacturers in the world. There is almost zero documentation and a plothera of restrictions in different car modes. Everything in kotlin, and I have to say that it’s not a very fun development experience. :sweat_smile:

Pz :v:t2:


Oh boo. That doesn’t sound like fun at all!
Staring at kotlin code legit gives me a headache :joy:

Maybe chatgpt can help? :joy:

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Yeah, I use phind.com a lot. There is so many wierd quirks with kotlin I always need to look up. It’s like they tried too much to make it easy, so it became confusing to read and maintain instead.

I’m personally a sucker for react function components. It’s so easy to maintain and fast to prototype. Adding a layer of next on top of that if you do web stuff and you can build very large systems in no time.

Really good progress you are doing, can’t wait to try the phone app out :metal:t2:

Pz :v:t2:


Oh neat! I hadn’t seen that site yet.
Definitely agree on the kotlin. Feels borderline like a sick joke :joy:

I haven’t messed with react yet at all but that sounds nice!

Base app is done. Now I’m working on adding in the usermixes stuff. Selection for premade mixes, save your own, import others, etc. if I can manage that today I’ll upload it today for testing ^^