Holy's Garden (Part 1)

Yeah that’s the android version, only works on android.
New PC build coming later tonight or tomorrow :+1:


Geeze cant you just tell an AI to finish it or something. The suspense is killing me.


Just kiddin bud. Take your time :slight_smile:

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Well looks i fat fingered the calcium nitrate entry and it’s adding in some magnesium to the mix :joy:
New build incoming soon, along with the updated windows version.


Maybe you can have a json file on g drive with the settings, so you won’t need to update the app with minor changes.

Or save it in a github branch.

Pz :v:t2:

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Took a bit longer than I thought but this should match the android version’s featureset, sans the ‘share’ option as we don’t need it on PC. I’ve also made it just a plain zip file instead of a self-extracting 7zip exe, so maybe that’ll calm down all the virus stuff.

Oh and the fixed Android Build:


Oh, I forgot the flower update yesterday!

So, little hard to tell but, this is what happens when you forget to apply any LST to the Triangle Kush in the back of the tent at day 17

I can’t raise the light any higher and already two branches above it :sweat_smile:

Down to just the one C5 BX2 girl at day 6 of flower, she’s looking promising

And the two Weasel Original Diesel’s, also day 6


I’m not sure how long the Weasel is supposed to go, but she’s not nearly ready yet at 70 days.


wanna say 12 weeks


Look like a big fat ball to you guys?

Also seeing this

Like 4 hairs coming from one calyx. Usually indicative of herm.
Those are all the Original Diesel.


Could just be a calyx that’s forming really weirdly, it’s hard to know. I’ve seen it before (not like in your pics, but just weirdness) and been like,”WTF is that?!?”, let it ride and it turned out fine. I’d keep a close eye on that Original Diesel, though. Obviously haha.

I forgot you were growing that one. Where’d it come from again?


That one came from Schmarmpit. I’m sure he didn’t have any issues with it. I’m letting it ride for now but definitely keeping a close eye on it and the lone C5 BX2. If I need to cull them all and just run the 3 triangle’s to finish, that’s totally fine with me.

I think I’m pretty much done with clones after this. I want a tested clean TK back at some point, but outside of that, if it’s not hands down better than the TK in every way, I probably won’t ever be interested :sweat_smile: Just gonna start working through my own beans. Do some line work. See what pops out.


Sorry if it was covered elsewhere, but I thought you culled everything when you discovered the presence of HLVD?

Plants look :fire:, :laughing: ! I actually like the growth characteristics of TK.


I kept what I was flowering but culled everything else. Technically everything i have in flower tested negative too but I’ve not been taking any risks :yum:


It’s a shoot


I could just be paranoid for sure :sweat_smile:


Haha. I haven’t seen any intersex on this Weasel, and she certainly isn’t having the best go of it.


Let’s see how this phone app does instead of using Lightroom.

What I’m smoking on today :yum:




You’re still preferring the 91 over the 4?

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Yeah definitely. The 4 has its place, it’s more straight functional daytime bud, kinda like the TK, whereas the 91 can get you pretty blazed. For work I’d smoke a chillum or two of the 91 and then a final one of the chem 4, but overall, it’s just not as good as the 91 is imo. Definitely turns brown. Not as tasty. Not as smooth. Not as strong or long lasting. Feel like the 4 used a run-of-the-mill nl5haze plant as the outcross. No way it’s the 91’s sister.

I think the Triangle Kush is better than the Chem 91, 4, and D.


Triangle Kush is absolutely better than the chems I’ve run

You know I have TK here she has been tested she is negative for HLVD I have a bunch of other cuts to

I know you wouldn’t but you are to run my cut of the wedding cake and the ice cream cake might change your mind about cookies