Holy's Garden (Part 1)

Is this the twilight zone :joy: @Cormoran


I was waiting/hoping someone would comment on that :rofl:
It’s almost not mids. It’s okay. Has a quick onset but doesn’t last. Quick to build a tolerance. Is a bit relaxing though. Not physically really, just makes me lazy :joy:.

I grabbed it to hopefully be some nighttime herb as I don’t have anything right now to do so. Cookies was the only option. Like 40 choices, all cookies. It’s sad. Supposed to be thin mint x grape pie. Maybe one of the better cookies things I’ve had. Better than Gelato anything for sure, but meh. Same cookies bs really.

That or the StarShine F2s. They’re a bit more medicinal than straight potent smoking plants imo. Like id rather smoke tk or 91 than any of the ssdd stuff, but because of the effects in the ssdd, I NEED it. And it’s still really good. Better than the cookies et al. Better than the Matt Berger Bubba Kush too.


Ha ha you almost had me excited, I was hoping you had found this one available…


Oh that might be a better version for sure. No way there’s chem in this.


Picked up a Kop Glass Hash Hammer from Tako Glass that just got delivered today.

Its a bit smaller than I expected but the size is actually perfect! This thing is a beast! Big difference going from smokin hash in a bowl or on top of some bud vs using this thing. Way more flavor, and you’re getting basically 100% of the smoke. No lighter fumes. I was hoping for one from Marin(sp?) but she’s been busy with RL stuff so this seemed like the next best option. I was sold after the first hit, was worth every penny.


Cool, you heat the wand and use that as fire …very cool. Looks well made, can you send me one please :sunglasses:



And I wish I could, they run $90+ depending on the style you want


Going through a bunch of hash now image It’s barely noon and I am wrecked on swiss thai nevil 2 and ssdd f2 bubble hash

They’re both 73u but the Swiss Thai Nevil 2 stuff refused to congeal. The SSDD is sticky AF and is the dark gooey looking stuff. Need to not mix containers next time.

That hammer even works great for rosin and whatnot too. I don’t even remember what this is :eyes:

Still tastes pretty good tho. Hardest part is getting everything to the bottom before heating the wand. Sometimes just been sticking it to the side and using the wand to push it down after heating. Unsure on technique yet :thinking:


Sunday funday! What ya got on deck for munchies?


Was thinking French toast or something :thinking:
Brunch for sure!


Is there a video on using them around? Do you put a screen in there or does it have a good spot to place oils? I can’t find a good view of inside the bowl or it in action. But they look really nice…the glass and the hash, of course.


Today is my dad’s 80th birthday! I just got back from brunch. I had their tasty smoked chicken empanadas with pepper jack. Several folks had fried chicken on a cheddar biscuit. Now we’re in a food coma…

I’ve not used one personally, but from what I’ve seen you do not use a screen. You place your hash/concentrate in the bottom of the bowl, then press down with the heated wand. The smoke/vapor rises, but the bowl has a few holes near the top of the rim to pull the smoke down to the mouthpiece. Not sure if Holy’s is the same style…


This one, and seemingly all of Kop_glass hash hammers, have a single big hole instead of the 3 small ones but same idea.

Drop the hash/rosin into the bottom, heat up the flat end of the wand with a torch, and use it to press the hash at the bottom of the pipe. I find twisting/turning the wand while doing so makes it :ok_hand: works perfect.


I actually just found an old jar of dry sift I made like 6+ months ago from some field trip trim. So I’ve been smoking some of that today. It actually still tastes pretty good. Nice little surprise since I’m getting pretty low on weed I want to smoke at the moment… lol

It was just a quick batch I made with a piece of 90u screen I attached to a picture frame. I put trim on top, then shake it back & forth over a piece of glass. I normally just make bubble hash from the trim but this screen works well for making some quick kief when I’m not in the mood to do a bubble run.


If you heat the scoop a bit it’ll slide off and drip into the bowl. Some people use that proxy dab tool that heats itself when you press a button.


That’s a very, very good idea I will be stealing, thank you! Haha


You’re welcome! Glad you found it useful!

I actually originally made a stack of them. I used to have a 120u, 90u and 73u set I made. You could actually make some high quality kief if you took the time. But I mostly just use the 90u now and bubble bags for bigger batches. Oh, and my rosin press.

My only tips would be : Make sure you attach the mesh fabric tight to the frame. Mine has no slack in it.

And use a small/mid sized frame. The first one I made I used a much big picture frame but the fabric started to get just slightly stretched and loose after some use, which made it not work as well.

The smaller sized frame is better (9x12) IMO.

I just lightly break up a bit of trim and shake it back & forth over a piece of glass. Or sometimes I’ll use a plastic card to gently pull the pile of trim back & forth across the screen. You get the cleanest kief by just shaking it.


Did you freeze your trim before you screened it? Or just normal dry?


You freeze the material in small portions, take the portion out one by one from the freezer, shake and dump on the screen, bounce it on the screen for 15-30 secs and then into the freezer again. It’s the easiest way to get sift and it’s very nice to use for high quality rosin extraction if you feels that the bubble bags are too much hassle for you.

I’ve been able to use material for around five times before I notice that the plant matter is depleted of trichomes.

Pz :v:t2:


What a beautiful hash pipe for some beautiful hash! It’s been over a decade since I used one with those wands. Remember the skillets days, curved bell on top haha.