Holy's Garden (Part 1)

Just learning about these sorts of designs. Your mention of full flavor without the added flavor from lighter fluid has me intrigued. Curious how these perform and taste compared to ignition with an herb iron or similarly performing ceramic heating element, does anyone have experience with both? Many blessings and much love


I’ve done it both ways. They both work fine.

If you are going for the highest quality possible, I’d probably freeze it first. But the main thing I’ve found is just to be gentle if you want higher quality. The rougher you are, the more debris (obviously…lol).

Most of the time I just do it without freezing, then if I want higher quality I put it in 25u bags and press it on my rosin press. I find it’s pretty good quality just sifting it though if you’re gentle (good enough for me anyway).


Coming along… Been two weeks since sprout so a little slow going but that’s my fault.
All good for now on 1.25g gypsum and 5.5g maxibloom :muscle:


Like the look of that last picture. I remember the last Triforce plants you were posting here looked really promising… Hope you find some of that same fire this time around.


Looking good!

Will you be flowering out every female from this seed batch or will you cull some off (either before flower or before sexing)?


Yeah me too! I want another like the TF#4 or better. Could use a TS#1 too, that one was basically a slightly worse copy of the TK herself. Like 95% the same as her.

I will more than likely be culling quite a bit here. I have some idea’s on where things are leaning right now, but really need that next node to come in to be any kind of sure about it. Also, stem rubs. Can’t get those yet either but between the leaf/stem morphology and stem rubs I can usually nail down what I’m looking for before I ever get to flower.

Harder part is figuring out what I’m looking at here. The F4’s and F2’s are both lookin like F1’s or BX lines or something, i.e. Pretty damn uniform. I only see like 2, maybe 3, phenos in each of those. For the TriForce, I’ve only ever flowered out the TK leaners, not the straight kryptonite leaners, so I may do that this round. Things kinda up in the air at the moment on what all will get flowered. Nothing is really sticking out to me yet but I’m sure I’ll open this tent in a couple weeks and be able to pick the winners right off.

Also looking for some good males from each of these lines. Would love a new hazy C5SS male to work with again. Need a good TK leaning TriForce male to make the BX1 with. And maybe a StarShine male to make a new SSDD F2 E-BX1 line, idk yet :sunglasses:


Sounds like you know what you’re looking for! Looking forward to following along.


Yeah we’ll see :sweat_smile: I haven’t looked at these f4s nor these f2s before but I know the parents well. I do know what I’m looking for in the TriForce at least. Now that I’ve been thinking about, I DID run one of every pheno the first time I ran them out. Not just the TK leaners, so I should be good there. Just need to refer to my notes.

I’ve only seen/heard a handful of grow reports on the C5SS #5 F4s, and none on the SS F2s yet. Most of the #5 F4 reports said Grinspoon/pearl phenos, but they didn’t know what to look for and only popped a couple beans each. I’m hoping for something much better yielding than that and that pheno being the mom should make it fairly easy :crossed_fingers:

The f2s tho, I’m wanting a plant like the grandma to these seeds, the SSDD F2 #1 girl, and idk if that’s gonna happen or not. Being f2’s, Id expect to see a range of phenos from mostly Starlite all the way to mostly SSDD, but these are all looking much more similar than I expected. Much more like Starlite hybrids. Which I mean I guess they are :sweat_smile: but not quite what I was expecting.

See how they look in another week or two.


Glad y’all have been speaking a bit of hash……a tumbler is one of the things I have been checking out, I’m always strapped for time so thinking a tumbler is the way I want to go.

What is Tri-Force @HolyAngel? I think I remember you speaking highly of it in Jet’s thread


TriForce is a cross I made of Triangle Kush x Kryptonite #2. Kryptonite was a cross Rocket made between D’s R2(NL2) and AKBB’s Black Domina BX(NL1HP). So TK x NL2 x NL1HP, and all 3 phenos are present in this initial cross.


Man, they grow up so fast!

Nice to have some normal looking plants again :sweat_smile:

Expected to have some weird ones in the inbred F4’s and sure enough

The first one there almost looks like it wants to go fasciated or trifoliate or something :thinking:

This one also reminds me of a trait I’ve seen, I think in Olive from @GrouchyOldMan :thinking:

Bit hard to tell but the leaf is all crinkly looking. Like this Olive:
But doesn’t have the leaf edges folding like Olive does, everything else about the leaf is the same tho :thinking:


hey holy in your experiance how long does it take a transplant from a solo cup to fill a 2 gal with enough roots to put into flower. trying to see how fast i can push it ;D

Man that’s a good question! Probably for someone else tho :joy: I haven’t ran anything larger than a 1 gallon pot in a few years now.

I’d think a good month or so tho :thinking:


haha thought id ask lol. ill give them 2 weeks and check prob should have got them in sooner lol


It depends on the cultivar; some’ll grow roots faster than others, as I’m sure you know. I always flip two weeks after transplanting from, like, either one-liter pots or they might be half-gallons, I’m not sure. And that’s transplanting into seven-gallon pots. Seems fine to me.


perfect timing i want to flip in 2 weeks from solos to 2 gals im trying to get alot of dry back to get the roots really searching for water. under watering a little until i feel they can really be soaked but also not trying to put them in deficiency thanks for your input gives me confidence


Yeah, you’ll be alright.


Triangle Kush - Day 42

Just upped the last feed to 1.25g gypsum and 8g maxibloom per gallon. I’ve been alternating adding 1ml/liter of Diamond Nectar every other day or so to the feed for the last couple weeks. I don’t let it sit in the bucket, I add it to the 1L pitcher of water I use to top off the trays. It’s mainly just Humic Acids. I figure it should help with rootbound/uptake in these 1/4 gallon fabric bags. Lil extra P/K in there too. I should’ve kept up the jacks 10-30-20 for the first 30 days or so of flower as that would’ve stayed off the yellow leaf nomming. Oh well though. Maybe next time if I can get a clean cut of her back. In the meantime… Some closeups!


skinny legs model looking bitch


Yeah not the best run lol
Flowers look good tho

Wondering if I can find or make some lids for these trays, convert some tupperware or something, and make my own octopups :thinking: Or ya know, just actually use the flood and drain :sweat_smile: