Holy's Garden (Part 1)

haha shes knows for her skinny legs those flowers are perfect looking. just use the flood and drain lmao. and fill the damn tray i hate seen all that space :smiley:


No doubt, that tray will be full come the next run :wink:


Joy of inbred lines, I didn’t see anything like these in the lemon cheese haze and nothing in the Northstar either.

C5SensiStar #5 F4s

Variegation and something going on. From old pics of the male, he barely had anything and I never remember seeing anything on the girl but it’s prominent here. Also this one

I thought it looked weird earlier and figured it might go trifoliate but it decided to go quad. See what happens ^^


all that radiation in your city :stuck_out_tongue: always fun to see anomalies grown out!


Dude… Between you and syzygy, I’m like,”Shit… I hope it’s not the way the planets are aligned right now or something…” haha. Because all I really care about is my own grow haha!, couldn’t care less about y’all’s.

I’m kidding, obviously. That is kinda weird, though. Those plants don’t look too “bad” from here, but I’m not there haha.

Any idea what might be going on? Just general weirdness?


ha yeah, right? but the other two lines, starshine and triforce, don’t seem to have any weird mutants going on so I’m pretty sure it’s just something with this line being inbred.

I’m only assuming I’m at F4 since I know the line was made (F1) and then reproduced outdoors twice before I got my hands on the last batch and then made more, but there could’ve been some fuckery going on in between there. The looks of some of these make me think colchicine treatment was done on the line in the past. Same deal with DJ’s lines. Pretty sure he did it to his lines as he was touting it back in the day and it would explain the mutants in his stuff.

Normally I’d wanna toss anything not ‘normal’ looking but, maybe there’s a chance one of them is standout… Maybe one of the ones in the bottom left thats more normal but still with the weird leaf texture… and that quadrafoliate :thinking:


And for smoking on today, I’ve got some ‘Rainbows and Cherries’ I picked up from the dispensary, and some chem #4 I grew.

The RaC/Cherry Rainbow is apparently a smellboat seeds strain. Cherry Thai x (Triangle Kush x (Chocolate Cherry Thai x OGKB)). It’s decent. Can tell there’s triangle in there. The thai’s apparently came from The Rev. There is some effect of that in here too, kind of a euphoric/dreamy state. The dispo girl said itd keep me up but this stuff gets me kinda tired/lazy honestly. I blame the “thai”. The Swiss Thai Nevil 2 x NH21/MM F2 had the same kinda deal. Here’s another shot of the RaC

Honestly tho, the chem4 is stronger, and more UP, but not much more.


you could easily make the OCTO pups with readily available stuff at Home Depot or Lowe’s net pots are easy to source as are the soft bags.


Hm. Okay. Then that must be what it is.

What’s that? Is that like a colloidal silver-type thing? For “selfing” plants or whatever? I googled “colchicine” just now, says it’s used for gout haha!

Yeah, dude, don’t trash them. For some reason, the plant in that second pic is speaking to me… haha.


Colchicine was touted in the 70s/80s as a way to improve the plant. It’s some dangerous stuff. Most seeds won’t survive being treated. The ones that do can come out triploid and mutated for generations, but it’s also been known to increase potency 10 fold. Just have to do the work to get em lookin normal again, assuming you have enough to do so.

It’s not really recommended to do all this tho. You absolutely cannot smoke nor ingest anything treated with colchicine, ever! So it’s a breeding project. One that at least few lines took part in. Variegation is one key sign or symptom of colchicine treatment, along with weird mutations in general.

Ah that second pic I was for sure thinking of tossing :joy: we’ll see what it does tho ^^


Uh, yeah, fuck all that. That sounds insane. If I can’t ingest it, I certainly don’t want it on my plants, since, you know, I’m gonna ingest them haha.

Maybe I’m just a sucker for freaks. I understand why you wanna toss it, for sure, doesn’t look promising, but I kinda wanna see how it turns out haha…


it might grow out of it, for sure. And it could be interesting regardless! Really reminds me of that Olive pheno from the Frankenstein S1’s GrouchyOldMan did :thinking:


Looks like the extra N from the added gram of Jacks 10-30-20 is kickin in

Veg growth lookin really good now :wink:

Most of the plants have a few inches of roots sticking out the bottom. Could stand to be uppotted but gonna try and wait for gender reveals first. Thin out that way. A few more are starting to stand out to me but gotta keep waitin and seein first :yum:


Still loving that hash hammer? Definitely put it on my radar, I’ve been eyeing them since. Love the versatility. Hope all is well bro :facepunch:t2:


Already broke the damn thing :joy::cry: Had it like two weeks :man_facepalming: I basically launched mine ~3ft onto some concrete accidently and it didn’t even get a scratch on it, but the inner bowl piece you drop the hash into broke off inside it from the rim of the hammer, so not really a good way to use it anymore. But yes, it’s fckn glorious and I’m lookin to pick up another one. Expecting some deals or a bigger selection come 420 this year. I know they’re gearing up for it big over at Tako Glass, and Kop has been puttin out videos and whatnot too. It kinda works out as I wanted another one anyways with a slightly higher hole placement, and this was the cheapest one available to dip my toe in. Whatever. Next time I’ll splurge for the higher end one. They’re worth every penny, just don’t drop it :sweat_smile:


Reminder for Holy. Only use the new hammer over a carpeted area!! :rofl::rofl:


Definitely carpeted area only :joy:


I took colchicine for gout prevention. Pronounced coltrazine. It made me piss blood for 3 months. I needed 3 transfusions.


Wtf, sounds like some nasty stuff. So H.A. is it wise to assume the increase in thc potency from 1980-today was likely a direct result of colchicine?


I think any OG would bring some potency.